Chapter 37 The policewoman is here

Several people in Wang Donglai's office looked at each other.

They looked at each other sternly, and couldn't help but ask questions in their hearts.

Is this what the director of their provincial police department said?

Those who didn’t know better thought it was the gangster who wanted to bribe the police.

This tone....

Absolutely amazing.

Wang Donglai couldn't resist the harshness, so he could only nod in agreement, and then sighed.


"Okay, then I'll call my people and tell them not to stare."

He nodded sternly, then crossed his shoulders and frowned, looking at Han Tang in the video and began to think deeply.

It's not that he didn't consider Wang Donglai's problem.

It's just that time is tight now and I don't have time to think about it that much.

What they want is a deal done.

The other informants were more or less of a bad taste.

Only in Han Tang did he see the shadow of an underground boss.

After all, there is the matter of being an underground boss.

It's not just a matter of saying a few dirty words.

Those are little gangsters, not big bosses from underground forces outside the country!

The real overseas boss has a temperament that ordinary people cannot imitate.

Like his informant, he has been undercover in the underworld for many years, no matter in his words, thoughts or actions.

They are almost the same as those gangsters.

But he just doesn't have the temperament to be the boss.

Although these are not troubled times, there are still heroes in the world outside the country.

You must have the temperament of a hero in order to be able to control the crowd below.

As for how Han Tang chooses, he trusts his own judgment.

Or they just don't help, that's fine.

But if you help, you will never do anything to ask for trouble.

It wouldn't do him any good after all.

Because the police were the first to know his details.



at the same time.

On the other side, Han Tang is playing sandbags at home.

When I was sweating all over my body, suddenly there was a knock on the door.




Han Tang took off his boxing gloves, laid out the sandbags, put on some clothes and walked over.


You didn’t order takeout yourself?

When he opened the door, he saw a graceful figure.

The person standing at the door was none other than Shen Nianyun.

Just fifteen minutes ago, Shen Nianyun suddenly received a call from Wang Donglai.

I thought he wanted her to report on the surveillance situation, but unexpectedly Wang Donglai said that he wanted to ask Han Tang for help with something.

Shen Nianyun asked curiously, and then he realized that he was asking Han Tang to help him act in a play.

And his task is to negotiate with Han Tang.

At this time, Shen Nianyun was standing at the door of Han Tang, feeling a little scared. When he saw Han Tang, he forgot the first thing he wanted to say.

Han Tang looked at Shen Nianyun up and down and felt that he looked familiar.


"Why does it feel so familiar?"

This sentence left Shen Nianyun speechless.

I confessed my love to him yesterday, but today I completely forgot who I am.

You don’t have such a spendthrift, right?

Shen Nianyun was just thinking about what he wanted to say first, but now he lost interest at all. He glanced at Han Tang briefly and said.

"Police officer Shen Nianyun from Baiqiao District Police Station."

When Han Tang heard Shen Nianyun announcing her home, she immediately remembered, wasn't she the policewoman she saw at the police station yesterday?

"Why is it you?"

Han Tang swept the clothes held up by Shen Nianyun and continued.

"I almost didn't recognize you when you took off your clothes."

Shen Nianyun couldn't just keep an eye on him while wearing a police uniform, right?

So I dressed myself up a little more fashionably.

The upper body is wearing a tight suspender belt, the lower body is a pair of blue hot pants, and high heels make the whole figure look very tall.

When I heard Han Tang's teasing, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Han Tang, and then said angrily.

"Can you be more serious?"

Han Tang nodded slightly and said nothing more, but still stood at the door with no intention of inviting her in.

"Okay, be serious."

"Then let me ask a serious question."

"Why did you come to me?"

"You don't really like me, do you?"

"..." Shen Nianyun took a deep breath, puffed up his proud chest, and tried hard to suppress his emotions.

I have to say that Han Tang now is not as arrogant as he was in the interrogation room yesterday, nor is he as scary as he was in the interrogation room.

But now Han Tang seems to be even more irritating.

But...the villain's temperament doesn't look like a good guy, but it hasn't changed at all.

"I did not mean."

"I came here this time to ask you for a favor."

"It's not me looking for your help, it's Donghai City Police Chief Wang Donglai who wants to look for you."

Han Tang frowned in confusion, and immediately thought of the police officer who interrogated him yesterday.

Do you want to ask yourself to ask questions again?

Or are you saying that the more you think about it, the more angry you become, and you are looking for an opportunity to take revenge on me?

No way?

I apologized yesterday.

Such a big official shouldn't be so stingy, right?

So he looked at Shen Nianyun and asked immediately.

"What's up?"

"Let's just say it first. Honey traps don't work for me. Even if you dress like this, I won't betray myself."

Shen Nianyun felt as if his head was being bombed in a bombing zone.

What a beauty trap?

This is why I dress like this to keep an eye on you.

You can't just walk around in front of your house wearing a police uniform, right?

Shen Nianyun forced herself to appear calmer and secretly cursed in her heart.

This guy.

Not only does it have a scary side.

Has an arrogant side.

Has a dissolute side.

Now there’s one more side!

The shameless side!

"Stop being so sentimental!"

"Our director wants to ask you to act in a play."

"Just like you were in the interrogation room yesterday."


Han Tang blinked and wondered, is their director okay?

Could it be that you didn’t see the flaw yesterday and want to do it again?

Don't they have video?

Isn't it enough to just watch the video? Do you want him to simulate the situation?

No, this is the chief of the city police department after all.

It shouldn't be such a joke.

There must be something big going on.

The words just fell.

The voice of the system came again in Han Tang's mind.

[Ding, a new villain choice is generated: Because of a mission, the police are in urgent need of help, and the host now has three choices. 】

[1 refused Shen Nianyun’s request and acted as a arrogant villain, with a favorability score of -1, but the score was directly rated as S level! 】

[2 Agree to Shen Nianyun’s request, play the role of the Infernal Affairs villain, successfully help the police complete transactions and arrests with arms dealers, and finally receive rewards based on scores! 】

[3 Agree to Shen Nianyun's request, play the role of a gangster villain, personally arrange the entire transaction, set up a trap for the arms dealer, and finally receive rewards based on the score! 】

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