Chapter 40: Come to the police station again and have a harsh interview

"How do you know I'm following you?"

In the white Buick car, Shen Nianyun, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help but glance at Han Tang and asked.

Han Tang didn't answer, just smiled.

In Shen Nianyun's eyes, he had only gone out once in the past two days.

But actually Han Tang has come out many times.

It's just that Shen Nianyun didn't notice it.

The first time he went out, Shen Nianyun discovered Han Tang.

That time Han Tang bought a lot of things.

Gloves, punching bags, wigs, all types of clothing as well as decorations and cosmetics.

Because Han Tang believes that god-level acting skills are more than that, he always feels that he has not fully developed this skill.

So I had a bold idea.

That is to disguise yourself as much as possible, and then use god-level acting skills to play this role.

In the past two days, Han Tang has played the role of a delivery boy, a street sweeper, a toll-free aunt, and a waiter in a coffee shop.

It was the coffee shop where Shen Nianyun rested when he was following Han Tang.

Shen Nianyun didn't see all this.

However, Han Tang did not do anything too presumptuous.

After all, I try my best to disguise myself, but mostly I rely on my acting skills to imitate various characters.

In terms of disguise, it's very rough.

Shen Nianyun focused most of his attention on his home. If he really looked at the people around him, he would definitely notice that Han Tang was beside him.

If Han Tang could master disguise, even if he were sitting opposite Shen Nianyun, Shen Nianyun wouldn't notice any flaws.

Seeing that Han Tang didn't say anything, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but think to himself.

Could it be that time that Han Tang had already discovered him?

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but feel the horror of Han Tang again.

Half an hour later.

The white Buick was parked downstairs of the city police station.

After Han Tang got out of the car, he went directly to Wang Donglai's office under the leadership of Shen Nianyun.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Tang found that in this room, besides Shen Nianyun and Wang Donglai, whom he knew.

Of course there are two more people.

As soon as he entered, the eyes of these two people gathered on him.

These two people....

Han Tang frowned, and then he saw a man with a scar above his left eye walking towards him.

"Han Tang?"

See Han Tang walk in?

Lei Jaw looked up and down, and after circling Han Tang, he frowned, returned to Yan's side and whispered softly.

"It's not as murderous as in the video, but I can feel that he is deliberately restraining himself."

The feeling of watching Han Tang gave Thunderjaw an image in his mind.

It was as if he was watching a cheetah waiting to ambush in secret.

It's watching, waiting for its moment.

So it won't release its murderous intent at this time.

Only when the prey has a flaw and can be killed with one blow, will it reveal its majestic killing intent.

This made Lei Jaw instantly understand why Wang Donglai was unwilling to let them find Han Tang as an informant.

This person really feels too strange.

He can listen to you and follow your orders to eat, drink, and sit down.

But there is a feeling in your heart.

That is, you can never tame him. As long as you show a flaw, he will rush up and kill you.

This feeling is even more frightening than facing the black boss.

The black boss just wants to make money, make big money, make quick money. He knows how to kill people, but he will think carefully before killing.

But the man in front of me never seems to be able to see his purpose.

in other words.

The black boss will have weaknesses.

But the person in front of me may have it, but most people can't see it.

At least he doesn't see it now.

Yan Yan nodded slightly and couldn't help but glance at Han Tang one more time.

Han Tang's aura was felt by him from the moment he entered the room.

Yan Yan has dealt with many foreign bigwigs in his life.

But Han Tang gave him the feeling at this time that he was no weaker than any overseas big shot.

Yan Yan now understood Wang Donglai's worries.

Wolves are more powerful than dogs, but hunters always only take tame dogs to hunt.

Rather than a more powerful wolf.

Because wolves cannot be tamed.

Their deal with Black Boss this time was undoubtedly for hunting.

And Han Tang is the wolf that cannot be tamed.

"Yan Ting, this is the Han Tang in the video." Wang Donglai came up and introduced.

After speaking, he looked at Han Tang and introduced it emphatically.

"This is the director of the Provincial Police Department, Yan Yan."

"This is Lei Jaw, the leader of the Provincial Police Department's Serious Crime Team."

Because Han Tang and Shen Nianyun were here, Wang Donglai didn't talk about master again. After all, the fewer people who knew about this relationship, the better.

After Han Tang glanced at everyone, he walked directly to the sofa and sat down.

"Our police officers should have told you. Since you are willing to come here now, you must have agreed, right?" Thunder Jaw looked at Han Tang and said.

"Wang Ju, I have already told him everything." Shen Nianyun walked to Wang Donglai's side and said with some embarrassment, "But he said that the extra money would be doubled."

"Double it?" Thunderjaw couldn't help but be surprised after hearing this, "Is the price going up on the ground?"

At this time, Thunder Jaw was thinking that he had already guessed that things would not be so easy.

But they didn't expect that Han Tang would give them such a big problem.

They say that as long as money can solve a problem, it is not a problem.

But for their police department, this is really a problem.

After all, the police station is not a bank.

Three hundred thousand was already too much.

Let alone 900,000.

Han Tang smiled. After hearing Wang Donglai's introduction, Han Tang did not show any unnecessary emotions. He nodded slightly as if he saw two passers-by on the road.

"Provincial Police Department?"

"Presumably these two are the directors."

"I don't know anything about your plans."

"But I guessed what you were going to do."

"If you want me to work hard, wouldn't 300,000 be a little too little?"

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