Chapter 41 I am darker than HSH

After saying that, Han Tang looked at him severely. He was the only one in the room who had the most comfortable boss chair, so it was obvious that he was the boss in the room.

"But thank you. Even if there is no cooperation, I think my news will be worth a lot of money."

"But don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"I believe you will give me hush money."

Hush money?

Lei Jaw was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Han Tang meant by the hush money.

Does he still want to sell this news to the black boss?

Generally speaking, you can't find a black boss about this kind of thing, but there are people underground who specialize in collecting such gossip.

Therefore, once Han Tang is leaked, their police station's mission will fail.

Leaking information is a serious crime, and Han Tang knows this.

So Han Tang didn't want to threaten them, just a reminder.

Remind them that the business is gone and don’t forget to compensate them.

What Han Tang didn't know at this time was that Han Tang's behavior directly made Wang Donglai believe that there was no case against him.

But it really doesn’t make sense.

However, this style of behavior, especially the behavior of Yan Guo plucking his hair, is almost the same as that of the black boss.

Just when Wang Donglai wanted to persuade Yan Yan to give up this person, Yan Yan suddenly laughed loudly.


Yan Yan stood up, walked to the sofa and sat next to Han Tang.

Then he said.



"It's so similar!"

After saying that, Yan Yan turned around and found Wang Donglai, Lei Jia and Shen Nianyun looking at him in confusion, so he explained with a smile.

"Haven't you noticed?"

"Is he the most suitable person to trade for us?"

"Ordinary people will seem a little reserved and nervous when they see people in our position."

"But this person doesn't have it. He has a really strong psychological quality."

"With this style..."

"It's almost like I just walked out of HSH."

Yan Yan nodded with satisfaction.

They were thinking that the person they were looking for must be someone like Han Tang, a very arrogant and fierce person.

And what he just said has another meaning.

For HSH, some punks and scoundrels.

When you meet him, you will definitely not be able to catch his gaze.

You will feel a little guilty and timid to some extent.

Only a tycoon of the level of an underground boss would sit down and drink tea calmly with him.

With him trading with arms dealers, no one will be suspicious, right?

Thunderjaw then had a second thought.

I'm afraid this Han Tang is the first person in history to raise prices with the police, right?

If you think about it this way, he is indeed more of a villain than all the informants they are looking for.

It seems that apart from Shen Nianyun who is still confused, the most unhappy person here is probably Wang Dong's arrival.

At this time, Wang Donglai couldn't help but take two steps forward, looked at Yan Yan and couldn't help but say.


"Or are you thinking about it?"

"It's not that I have any other thoughts about Han Tang, it's just..."

"Ask someone who has never been trained before. He...may not be able to complete this task, right?"

Wang Donglai thought that Han Tang had not received training.

And even if he agrees, it still feels like a time bomb.

It's like using Han Tang, this time bomb may explode at any time.

Who will bear the consequences then?

The most important thing is, can they afford the consequences?

According to Yan Yan, this is a case they have been following for three years.

Finally, we have a little clue. If something went wrong with Han Tang in this case, wouldn't their three years of hard work be in vain?

However, Yan Yan believed in his feelings more at this time.

After hearing Wang Donglai's persuasion, he just waved his hand and ignored it, then looked at Han Tang and continued to ask.

"Han Tang?"

"Well, that's right. I think you are the most suitable."

"But I still have a doubt."

He touched his chin sternly, looked at Han Tang again, and couldn't help but think to himself.

A video is a video after all, and too little is known about the video.

He now wants to know whether Han Tang has the insatiable ambition of Boss Hei.


"I'm more interested in how you raise the price while sitting on the ground."

"I'll give you another chance, and I'll tell you clearly that this mission is very dangerous!"

"Quite dangerous."

"In this case, how much do you want?"

Looking at Han Tang sternly next to him, he felt more and more that his vision was correct.

Use him to trade with arms dealers.

There were absolutely no problems this time.

As for the trust issue that came to mind before.

He believes that money can solve everything.

Fortunately, this question was raised directly by Han Tang.

Otherwise, he is afraid that the money given does not meet the requirements, causing the final action to fail.

As long as the informant's needs are met, the transaction will be successful and the big case they have been eyeing for several years will be solved.

At that time, if the arms dealer seizes any supplies, he can just apply to the superiors and give him whatever he takes as a reward.

So money doesn't matter.

The important thing is whether you can help them work with peace of mind.

Han Tang frowned.

I always feel like something is wrong.

"A very dangerous mission?"

So he stretched out his finger and tried.

"one million?"

Shen Nianyun's eyes widened when he heard it, and he thought to himself that when I was at your house just now, you said it was 900,000.

Why did it rise to one million in such a short time?

HSH is not as bad as you, right?

Although the risks of this mission are high.

But you can’t ask for excessive prices, right?

Shen Nianyun couldn't help but say.

"Mr. Han, how could you do this?"

"You just said it only cost 900,000!"

"Why did it become one million in less than an hour?"


"How can you regret it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his thigh sternly and said directly.


"Just one million!"

"My little brother is a cheerful person. Let's talk about it every time."

"I promised you, so naturally you have to promise me."

"is that OK?"

Han Tang stared blankly at Shun, then gritted his teeth and regretted.

Damn it!

Want less!

This old guy is so cunning.

be cheated!

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