Chapter 50 Departure from Cloud City

Han Tang thought for a moment, then bit back and said.

"It's a trade-off."

"I suspect you are messing with me!"

"Knowing that we need this batch of goods urgently, could it be that the policeman came to set up a trap for me?"

At this time, the K-head brother on the other side of the phone felt like he was holding back his breath.

Having been on this road for so long, I have seen both the living and the dead.

I have seen countless arrogant ones.

But I have never seen anyone as arrogant as Han Tang.

If this deal hadn't been handed over to him personally by the Nine-Faced Buddha, he would have hung up the phone by now.

And they said they were looking for a tip?

Wasn't he doing this because he was afraid that the police would come to his door?

It would be safer to change the location a few times. How come this person can't get in?

At this time, K took a deep breath, holding the mobile phone to his ear with one hand, and the veins bulging out when pinched with the other hand.

But after a few seconds, he breathed out a turbid breath, and the K-head brother changed his tone and said in a relaxed tone.

"Don't be anxious, Brother Dao!"

"I know something about your temper."

"But this kind of thing always needs more safeguards."

"This time, our boss is personally watching, so he asked me to come all the way from Dai country to trade with you."

"Don't worry, this is guaranteed to be the last time!"

"I guarantee that when you come to Yuncheng, you can get the goods you want."


Han Tang hung up the phone directly, threw the phone back to Lei Jaw casually, clapped his hands and said.

"Okay, done!"

At this time, Lei Jaw, Yan Yan, Wang Donglai and Shen Nianyun were all stunned.

"This will work!" Wang Donglai looked at Han Tang in disbelief.

He knew that Han Tang had the style of an underground boss.

What's more, when he was in the interrogation room, he was frightened by the behavior of Han Tang, an underground boss.

Later Wang Donglai was still reflecting on this matter.

I wondered if the fraudster was too timid and feared Han Tang, so he believed that Han Tang was the gangster.

Although I have dealt with underground bosses, after all, I am not an underground boss, let alone a person on the road. Therefore, I am a bit lacking in identifying who is the underground boss.

Before Yan Yan called him, Wang Donglai even thought that Han Tang would pretend to be an underground boss and reverse defraud the fraudsters. The main reason was because the fraudsters were ignorant.

But if Han Tang really talks to the underground boss, he may be found out within a few seconds.

The fact now is that Han Tang takes his time even when talking to underground bosses.

And he also frightened this K-headed brother into a daze.

When I first heard the K-head brother’s voice, I thought he was a powerful master after all.

What he didn't expect was that in terms of aura, especially arrogance, it had to be Han Tang!


What unknown past events does Han Tang have that could lead to his current behavior?

Lei Jaw saw Han Tang hang up the phone directly, and then recalled in his mind that the K-head brother just said that he would definitely be able to trade this time, so he breathed a sigh of relief, slumped down on the sofa, and couldn't help but complain.

"Watching other people make phone calls makes me more nervous than making phone calls myself!"

"If this deal is voided, you might as well void me too."

Shaking his head slightly, Thunderjaw couldn't help but glance at Han Tang again, thinking to himself.

From the moment Han Tang entered the house, he could feel that Han Tang was special.

Especially when I made the phone call just now, I could feel that he had a strong aura about him.

No wonder the K-head brother on the other side of the phone softened his tone.

When you are on the phone and you don't know who is on the other side, just the sound of your voice can be such a strong deterrent.

It is true that it is not something that ordinary people can do.

Wang Donglai's worries are not without reason.

For such a person, it is hard for you to believe that he has no criminal record, or that he has not experienced any past events!




Yan Yan clapped his hands and nodded slightly.

"Yes, I saw the right person."

"When I saw that video, I knew that you were the perfect person."

"It turns out that's true."

"Not only can you play the role of the 'underground boss' we want, you can even scare these arms dealers."

"It shows that my vision is correct."

Yan Yan knew very well what Lei Jaw and Wang Donglai were thinking.

But things have priorities, and he can still distinguish between them.

Now they need Han Tang.

What's more, Han Tang is needed to help them complete the transaction.

As for Han Tang’s unknown identity, as for what happens next, let’s wait until this matter is over.

After taking a look at Han Tang and Shen Nianyun, he spoke harshly again.

"Okay, now the arms dealers have calmed down."

"Let's leave as soon as possible."

"In order not to arouse suspicion."

"Shen Nianyun, Han Tang, you two are going together, try to take the train so that we can contact you all the time."

Shen Nianyun was stunned for a moment, looked at Yan Yan and Thunder Jaw, and couldn't help but ask.

"Yan Ting, aren't you with us?"

Lei Jaw smiled at this time, thinking that Shen Nianyun was inexperienced after all.

Which big shot have you ever seen go up first in a fight?

Isn’t it always the younger brother in front and the older brother in the back?

The emperor's strategy of guarding the country no longer works.

Of course, the most important thing is that they are too eye-catching.

Being with Han Tang and the others is really easy to arouse suspicion.

Then he looked at Shen Nianyun and smiled.

"No, you guys are all the way, we will go directly as a military helicopter."

"Those guys who dare to come to China to sell arms know us too well."

"If I go with you, it will easily arouse suspicion."

"We will find a way to contact you when we get there!"

"By the way, this is a miniature camera. You should carry it with you. If something happens, we can detect it in time."

After speaking, Thunderjaw took a lighter and handed it to Han Tang's hand.

The inflation hole at the bottom of the lighter hides a camera lens, which is very discreet.

If you happen to be taking a train, you can bring this kind of thing with you, which is very convenient.

After Han Tang took the lighter, he nodded slightly and put it in his pocket.

"Without further ado, let's set off right away." He looked at Han Tang and Shen Nianyun and said, then turned to Shen Nianyun.

"You should spend more time with Han Tang on the way."

"We won't see each other after arriving in Yuncheng."

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