Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 51 The Sisters Who Sent Me The Video Said They Were Fine. Director, Why Are You Still Worrie

Chapter 51: The sisters who sent me the video said they were fine. Director, why are you still worried?

Han Tang said "yes", changed Lei Jaw's mobile phone card to his own mobile phone, and then walked out of Wang Donglai's office.

After Shen Nianyun behind him glanced at Yan Yan and Thunder Jaw, he saw Yan Yan waving his hand, gesturing for her to follow Han Tang.

So Shen Nianyun said nothing more and walked out the door to catch up with Han Tang.

At this time, Shen Nianyun walked to Han Tang and asked.


“Are we really going to take the train?”

"It seems like you don't have enough time?"

Han Tang smiled.

He knew there wasn't enough time.

But with this kind of miniature camera, it is difficult to get a signal when flying.

At least during this time in the sky, there should be no signal.

Will they be relieved if they are strict?

So we can only do trains.

As for the arms dealers, there is no need to worry.

Anyway, they changed the location, so it doesn't matter if it's two days late.

"Let's go by train. I haven't been on a train for a long time."

"Remember it."

Shen Nianyun was worried that arriving late would make the arms dealers suspicious, and he couldn't help but feel worried in his eyes.

But since Han Tang had already decided, she said nothing more.

After the two walked outside the police station, Han Tang stood on the side of the road and hailed a taxi with a wave of his hand.

Just after entering the car door, the driver asked habitually.

"Where are you two going?"

Han Tang said calmly: "Donghai South Station."

After hearing this, the driver stepped on the accelerator and started heading towards Donghai South Station, while chatting away.

"Are you two going to pick someone up?"

Shen Nianyun frowned, glanced at Han Tang and asked.

"Why do you ask?"

The driver smiled slightly.

"Looking at you, you don't look like you are traveling. You don't even have a wallet."

"What else could it be if it wasn't to pick someone up?"

Only then did Shen Nianyun realize that they seemed a bit unlike people who were going to travel far away.

Just when Shen Nianyun wanted to ask Han Tang if he wanted to prepare anything.

Suddenly there was a text message reminder on my phone.

[Brother Dao, for the sake of safety, please take the K3699 train to Nancheng first, and then transfer to the K1088 train from Nancheng to Yuncheng. 】

Han Tang glanced at the text message and knew it was from Brother K-head, so he narrowed his eyes and said.

“There’s not that much time to prepare.”

"Remember, it starts as soon as you get in the car."

Shen Nianyun looked at Han Tang in confusion and asked, "It started after getting in the car?"

"why is that?"

Han Tang simply threw the phone to Shen Nianyun and said softly.

"Specified which car we are going to take."

"There's no telling if there's something fishy in the car."

"Maybe as soon as we get in the car, we'll be right under their noses."

"These arms dealers are very careful."

"So if you have any questions now, feel free to ask. Once you get in the car, be careful what you say."

Shen Nianyun nodded slightly and then asked.

"What is my name?"

"Between us..."

"Do you want to leave some code?"

At this time, the taxi driver glanced at the rearview mirror suspiciously, and after sizing up the two of them, he cautiously said nothing.

He just tightened his grip on the steering wheel and began to tremble, secretly cursing in his heart.

What is the origin of these two people?

Could it be two fugitives?

Damn it!

Even though he usually pulls in countless people with his car, there might be some bad guys riding in his car during this period.

But he didn't know after all.

But today is a little different.

I just heard two people talking...about arms dealers?

Damn it?

Could these two people be wanted criminals?

At this time, the driver couldn't help but hold the steering wheel with one hand, secretly put one hand aside, turned on the phone, then opened the web page, and simply searched for a few words.

[Wanted fugitive at large]

Han Tang glanced at the driver, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly, but said nothing.


Passwords should be kept secret.



at the same time.

On the other side, the Donghai City Rule of Law column program team started filming an hour ago.

At this time, the director looked at the material that Qiao Anan had prepared, his eyebrows were squeezed together in confusion, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Is this information you collected good?"

"It looks quite exciting, but did the police department really agree to give you this video as material?"

"No matter how you look at this video, it doesn't look like it could be released."

"Qiao An'an, tell the truth, did you use any tricks in this video?"

At this time, Qiao Anan curled her lips and said.

"Oh, director, what are you talking about?"

"I spent a lot of effort and hard work to get the video from my sister."

"How could you say that about me?"

The director glanced at Qiao An'an and couldn't stand Qiao An'an's coquettish behavior, so he shook his head slightly and explained.

"You don't understand, Xiao Qiao."

"The material in this police station is the most difficult to deal with."

"On weekdays, even if we find material in the police station, it's usually something innocuous, and not many people will see it when it's released."

"You suddenly gave me such explosive information, it's hard not to doubt his authenticity!"

"This video is really good. It is the most explosive video I have seen in the past few years."

"But you have to know that the information in this police station has a confidentiality agreement. Tell me the truth, this video..."

"Bring it here and play it for us. Is it really no problem?"

As Shen Nianyun's sister, Qiao An'an still doesn't know what confidentiality agreement there is in their police station?

But precisely because of this, he concluded that the video had nothing to do with it.

If this video is really important.

Will Shen Nianyun show it to him?

Since it can be seen, it means it is not very important.

So Qiao Anan nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, director!"

"Broadcast this video to make sure everything is fine!"

"If anything happens, I'll just take care of it."


"The sisters who gave me the video all said it was fine. Director, why are you still worried?"

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