It's OK not to mention Li Mingyang. When I mentioned it, Lu Yuan's Bento jumped up.

He said angrily, "ancient wind, do you mean to mention my master? As far as I know, my master took you well, but you deliberately entrapped him. Five or six days have passed. My master has no news. We don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse... "

"Yes, what do you think you're comfortable with? Gaoleshan and Xingchen pavilion are unfathomable. You just let our lord go to wander. Are you sincere in trying to harm our Lord? "

Many ordinary disciples also yelled and hated the ancient customs to their bones.

Li Mingyang is the spiritual pillar of the whole sect. Once Li Mingyang has an accident, wuliangzong, a towering tree, will collapse in an instant.

In the face of so many accusations and questions, the ancient style just kept sneering.

He ignored the crowd and sat down cross legged at the gate of the palace.

Then he said, "go away, don't bother me to heal... Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The eight wastelands are about to be born. What you have to do is to find a way to help the patriarch, not yell at me here."

"Ancient style... You are shameless!"

What Gu Feng did once again aroused the anger of some radical groups on the spot. One by one, they wanted to come forward and give Gu Feng a slap.

However, at this time, an old sage sighed helplessly: "Hey, you all go down. The ancient wind is right. Everyone has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the world. The more powerful monks are, the heavier the responsibility on this shoulder... We only hate that our two elders have dry blood and little longevity, otherwise we will go with the patriarch to prevent this disaster."

"Lao Zu..."

Many people roared again and were very unwilling.

"Let's all go down. The ancient wind won't run away. We just need to wait for the return of the Lord, and everything will be decided by the Lord. "

After that, the two old saints came to the ancient wind from left to right and sat up.

"Let's go back. There are two ancestors guarding the ancient customs. There will be no mistakes." Lu Yuan also shouted.


A sigh sounded, and people left one after another with unwilling hearts.

It can be seen that it is impossible to explain the ancient customs today. Once you start, there will be a river of blood.

Everyone left, including Lu Yuan.

The ancient wind and the two old saints sat with their eyes closed, like a sculpture motionless.

The small fire can't sit still. In his hand, he still holds a headless body with the color of bitter melon on his face.

That's long Junjie's body. The ancient wind asked him to eat it within half a column of incense, but it's been three days, and I didn't see him eat a few bites.

When Xiaohuo secretly wiped his tears, the voice of the ancient wind finally rang: "if you can't eat, don't eat. Stay here at ease."


Finally, Xiaohuo breathed a long sigh of relief. It was more painful for him to eat people than to kill him.


The night finally passed, and there was peace at the gate of the ethereal palace.

Gu Feng and the two old saints still sat still, motionless, and Xiaohuo was very unruly, lying flat and supine in front of the three, sleeping soundly.

A crack was opened in the Palace door, and the woman inside peeked at the situation outside. When he saw the corpses and the ancient customs, he was so frightened that his neck shrank and closed the door tightly.

It was daybreak and Lu Yuan came again. He didn't disturb the ancient wind and the two old saints, but ordered some disciples to thoroughly clean up the whole gate of the palace.

During this period, the ancient wind did not open his eyes, and the two old saints did not open their eyes, just like an old monk in peace, motionless.

At the turn of the night, another day passed in the twinkling of an eye. Except that there was no small fire at the door of the ethereal palace, everything remained the same, and the closed Palace door had never been opened.

Night came again. Outside the palace, the situation remained the same, but the people inside couldn't sit still.

Nie Qian has a big belly. She seems to be in no mood on the surface, but if you look carefully, you can find that there is a touch of deep sadness in her eyebrows.

At this time, a maid finally couldn't help but say, "madam, he has been waiting outside for eight days. It's enough to see his sincerity. Why don't you call him in? Anyway, he is the father of your child. You should give him a chance. "

"Shut up!"

Nie Qian's eyebrows were a little angry in her tone.

At this time, another maid also opened her mouth and said, "madam, in fact, we all know that you have forgiven him. Why don't you have trouble with yourself? Although he is a mixture of love and hate for you, with your stomach increasing day by day, the hatred has long been weak, isn't it? Since he came to you so sincerely, why should you torture yourself like this? "

Nie Qian stopped talking, but her cold face eased slowly.

In fact, when Gu Feng saved her one night three days ago, the hatred in her heart had completely melted at that moment. The two maidservants are right. After all, Gu Feng is the father of her child. What can she do?

A woman's greatest happiness is to have her husband and children around her.

Since the ancient wind has come here, she doesn't need to be angry anymore.

"Wait two more days. If he can keep guarding the palace gate for two days, I'll let him in. "

Finally, Nie Qian let go. After a word, she went straight back to her room.

"Hehe, I have persisted in two days and eight days. These two days are not very easy?"

The two maidservants looked at each other, and their faces showed a knowing smile.

One of the maidservants said, "in fact, if I say, our wife is actually very happy. You know, her husband is a famous demon star and the first genius of the eighth famine. I don't know how many people can't marry if they want to!"

"No, you see, zixiahan, the daughter of Zifu, is said to be the first beauty in the eight wastelands. Gu fengleng despises it. Our wife should be satisfied... Gu Feng is a great hero. Although he has just been promoted to the kingdom of God, he can kill hundreds of Old God kings with his own strength. How many people in the world can do this?"

The two maidservants spoke to you and me, and their eyes were full of envious little stars.

These words passed into Nie Qian's ears without missing a word.

Her steps stopped, her face dignified, and she said to herself, "although he is a great hero, can I get it alone?"

When the ninth night came, the three of Gu Feng still sat around.

If there is no accident, he just needs to sit quietly until dark tomorrow, and Nie Qian will open the door for him and completely dispel the past grievances.

The night sank like water and did not hear the sound of insects. The originally very quiet gate of the palace suddenly changed.

I saw an old sage on the left of the ancient wind suddenly lit up with a very gorgeous colorful glow, spotted and extremely beautiful.

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