The colorful, floating out like thousands of fireflies, is extremely beautiful.

At the same time, the old sage's eyes were open with a quiet and peaceful smile.

In this way, a large amount of heaven and earth essence and Qi escaped from his body and woke up the ancient custom of meditation on the spot.

Suddenly turned to look, the ancient wind was frightened and took a breath.

The old sage on his left is actually changing the Tao!!!

"Elder, are you... Your life is over? Are you sitting? "

"What joy is there in life, and what fear is there in death? Although I die, I have to do my last bit of modest power. The blessing is boundless. "

While talking, the old sage's body began to fade.

He will turn the essence of his body into the aura of heaven and earth, and bless the whole immeasurable sect.

If someone is practicing at this time, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, the ancient wind feels comfortable when it comes into contact with those essence Qi.

This Tao is a selective Tao.

When you reach the realm of saints, you can choose to transform the Tao at the end of your life without leaving bones. The advantage of this is that it can benefit one side and turn the original barren land into a blessed land.

"Ah! This day has finally come! "

At this time, the old sage on the right of the ancient wind also opened his eyes and looked at the old sage of Zhenghua Dao.

"Old man, Li Mingyang is very kind to us. Today, at the end of his life, he changed his way, which can be regarded as a reward for him! We've tried our best. We can't take care of his house anymore. "

While talking, his body suddenly began to glow slowly. Gorgeous colorful lines floated out like fireflies, and the magnificent beauty was to the extreme.

"These... Two elders, are you really going like this? You are going to die. I can't tell you clearly. The whole people of wuliangzong will think that I killed you! "

Gu Feng never thought that the two people chose Huadao at the same time, which made Gu Feng pale.

"Hehe, you don't have to panic. I believe there will be people with bright eyes in wuliangzong. As long as they use their brains a little, they will know that you can't kill us."

"That said, you go like this. It's inevitable that you'll be in trouble at that time!" The old style still frowns and looks ugly.

Two old guys choose to turn their way here at the same time. Isn't this harming themselves? Even if he's covered in a mouth, he can't say it clearly.

Wuliangzong, together with Li Mingyang, originally had four saints. Now one defected and the other two changed their ways. Isn't the next wuliangzong going to decline?

"Hey, we can't help ourselves. We don't want to deliberately harm you. I hope you can understand!"

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as the patriarch comes back, he should have a public opinion. In fact, we should have gone long ago. It was because the patriarch was reluctant to give us up that he settled us up. There was a big situation here a few days ago. We had to come out of the closed place... But once we came out, it would be difficult for us to maintain our lives! "

The two old saints have a peaceful smile on their faces. It can be seen that they have seen it.

There is no eternal existence in the world. Even the way of heaven has a time of death, not to mention friars?

People will die one day.

"You... You mean I hurt you after all? If I don't ask you to come out, you will still be in the closed place today, and you won't change the way? "

"Hahaha, it's not your fault. Everything is God's will. We were already dead. It was the patriarch who forced us to stay. "

The old sage on the left laughed wildly. He was speeding up the Tao, and the essence of heaven and earth that escaped from his body became more violent.

"How happy is life? Why fear death? Just sigh "a mediocre life!"

"If there is an afterlife, I will be a real man like you... If you give me a choice, I will live a wonderful life. Even if I die in battle, I will be magnificent!"

With helplessness and unwillingness, the old sage on the right is also accelerating the transformation of Tao.

Their bodies are rapidly becoming transparent and will completely disappear between heaven and earth.

"How happy is life? Why fear death? Just sigh "a mediocre life!" Gu Feng murmured, and he was touched by this sentence.

In an instant, he remembered something, and immediately a fruit like ginseng fruit appeared in his hand.

He immediately handed it to the old sage on the left and said loudly, "senior, eat it quickly. This may change everything!"

Then, as like as two peas, the old wind took out a fruit that was exactly the same, and handed it to the old Saint on the right.

"What is this? monorchid herminium herb? I heard you had this thing for a long time, but didn't you say that you ate the little tree together to survive the robbery last time? Why? "

The eyes of the two saints widened, with a look of horror on their faces.

"This... Yes, this is ginseng fruit. Take it quickly. Maybe it will help you, so you don't have to die!"

I don't want to explain more. In fact, this is not ginseng fruit, but the fruit of the world tree.

These two fruits are the crystallization of the eight ghost saints in the underworld after their death.

Before, when Gu Feng was not promoted to God King, he only refined a ghost saint, and that fruit was given to Xiaohuo.

In these three months, he was idle and bored, and refined two more. Unexpectedly, they are of great use today.

If nothing happens, after eating the fruit, the two old saints can not only save their lives, but also make progress and directly achieve the great holy fruit position.

"Ginseng fruit... Ginseng fruit..."

The two old saints looked at each other, trembling with excitement.

In fact, who wants to die when he can live? Don't you hear that mole ants still live?

Without any more ink, the two old saints swallowed the fruit directly.

In an instant, they felt the incomparable essence flowing out of the fruit and washing their whole body in an instant.

"Divine medicine, this is divine medicine. We... Don't have to die!"

After determining the effect of the fruit, the two old saints were more excited and almost incoherent.

"Two elders, don't be distracted. The fruit is not trivial. You must take it seriously."

This is the crystallization of the great sage after his death. Of course, ancient customs pay special attention to it.

To say a bad word, two fruits can make two saints. If the situation was not critical, he would not give them to eat.

Giving them this fruit is not good for the ancient style. Because these two old saints can't recognize the ancient style as their master.

At the same time, they are the people invited back by Li Mingyang. Gu Feng will forcibly accept them, and Li Mingyang will be embarrassed.

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