

In an instant, the face of the ancient wind solidified, and then showed the color of ecstasy.

After waiting anxiously for so long, I finally heard the cry of the baby.

The voice was so loud that it directly spread all over the ethereal palace, making everyone excited.

Similarly, several maidservants who guarded the door of the delivery room showed ecstasy after a while.

"Ha ha, I have a son again!"

Laughing wildly, the ancient wind couldn't care about anything else. He pushed the door and rushed in.

The oncoming man was a middle-aged woman with a child in her hand, a smile and a flattering look on her face.

"Congratulations, young master. Your wife gave birth to a little young master!"

The woman handed the baby directly to Gufeng.

"Son, son, son... Ha ha!"

Unable to help himself, the ancient wind was shaking with the baby's hands.

On the spot, he raised the baby's calf and looked at the crotch. After determining that it was his son, the smile on his face was even worse.

"Ha ha, it's really a son. It's really a son. I'm old-fashioned again!"

There are several great happenings in life, such as wedding candles, the title of the golden list, and the moment of being a father

At this time, the ancient wind encountered such a great event, which can be said to be refreshing. Those anxieties and worries just now were swept away.

The baby is indeed much older than a normal baby. It is worth half a year old. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a newborn child.

The child has a small face, plump, a pair of bright big eyes, very divine, and a pair of small fists tightly pinched together, very powerful.

The child saw that the ancient wind was looking at himself, but the corners of his mouth were cracked, and he was laughing

On the spot, the ancient wind was sprouted by this scene, and a heart could not help shaking.

"Ha ha, my son, my son, he's laughing..."

At this time, the ancient wind's heart, let alone more excited. He felt a particularly strong kinship from the child. It's a feeling of heart to heart. It's very wonderful and unspeakable

"How's the lady?"

After ecstasy, Gu Feng finally remembered Nie Qian. Nie Qian, who gave birth to children for his old family, is the most meritorious man. Naturally, she can't forget.

"Madam, I worked so hard that I almost collapsed. But it's better now. It's gone to sleep. " The woman replied.

"All your hard work!"

With that, Gu Feng would bypass the woman and directly visit Nie Qian.

However, the woman stopped him. Her face was still smiling, but she didn't speak. She just held the ancient wind and didn't let him in.

"Why did you stop me? I understand that I was not allowed to see them during childbirth, but they have successfully given birth to children. What else do you stop me from doing? "

Gu Feng was puzzled and even had a slight anger in his heart.

Four months ago, when he was arrested, he clearly saw the deep affection in Nie Qian's eyes. After four months of life and death, the ancient wind is like an arrow in return. I just want to see Nie Qian. At this time, Nie Qian was in this room, but she was stopped

"Well... Congratulations, madam gave birth to a little childe for you..." the woman said with a smile.

"I know, I know this is a son?"

Gu Feng felt inexplicable. Subconsciously, he raised the baby's calf and took a look. After repeatedly determining that it was xiaodingding, he was even more puzzled.

The woman still stopped the old wind, smiled and said, "childe, madam gave birth to a son for you..."

"You... I said, I know!"

On the spot, Gu Feng's face jumped down. This time, he was really a little angry.


Just then, behind the ancient wind, suddenly came the laughter of several maidservants.

Looking back, I was stunned by the ancient style on the spot.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't this a son? "

With that, the ancient wind wants to study the "little Dingding".

"Hehe, childe, you are so stupid. You don't understand this worldly wisdom. It's wenpo trying to please you... People have been busy here for three days and nights and delivered a son for you. Shouldn't you give a reward?"

"Reward?" On the spot, the ancient wind was stunned. Then he slapped himself on the forehead and said regretfully, "Oh, why am I so confused? Reward, reward, everyone has a reward! "

Laughing wildly, the ancient wind took out a lot of good things. He gave each of these handmaids a sacred medicine, so that the handmaids laughed and blossomed.

Nie Qian produced, and wenpo was invited five people in total. At this time, she saw a reward, but all ran over with a smile. However, the old wind can see at a glance that they are all mortals. I wanted to reward some natural materials and earth treasures, but on second thought, I'd better forget it. Giving these things to ordinary people is undoubtedly killing them.

It's true that he can't reward the natural materials and earth treasures used by friars, but there are really no ancient customs for things used by mortals, such as coins and so on

Now, the ancient style is in a dilemma. After thinking for a long time, he took out some jade amulets. After waving and erasing the Dharma array and divine power inside, they safely handed it over to these stable women.

"You've worked hard, these are regarded as rewards!"

"Sir... Childe, you... Are too generous. We can't afford it..."

The five steady women, holding the heavy jade talisman in their hands, were excited, and their hands were trembling.

"You deserve all this!" The ancient wind also smiled.

He knew that these jade amulets were priceless in the eyes of ordinary people. The jade talisman given to them by the ancient wind today may be offered as an heirloom after taking it back.

An invisible divine power escaped and quietly rushed into the bodies of the five stable women, quietly improving their physique and dredging their meridians.

If nothing happens, these stable women will live to be 100 years old!

"Take it down and find a way to get some money for them later, so that they can have food and clothing all their life!" The ancient wind spoke to several maidservants.

There is no ordinary people's money on the ancient customs, and these maidservants also don't have it. But the most real reward to these mortals is the mortal money. Therefore, the ancient wind has to say that it has to find a way to "get".

"Thank you, young master. You are a good man. You will live a long life!"

Several stable women were so excited that they were a little incoherent that they even used "long life" on the ancient style.

To tell the truth, a powerful monk like an ancient wind is undoubtedly cursed if he wants to congratulate him on his long life. Now, even if his cultivation doesn't stop in the future, he can live at least seven or eight thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years... Do you wish others to live a hundred years???

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