Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was stunned on the spot, and the joy on his face was frozen in an instant.

Fortunately, the old style is not that kind of person with a small stomach and chicken intestines. He knows that this steady woman is also kind-hearted.

Everyone went out. Gu Feng took the child and came to Nie Qian's bed.

Nie Qian was indeed asleep. Her face was pale and her vitality was greatly damaged. Her hair was messy, stained with sweat and looked haggard.

That divine fruit, still floating quietly in the air of Nie Qian's body, sprinkled incomparably pure aura and moistened Nie Qian's body.

"Nie Qian, it's hard for you!"

Gu Feng reached out and gently touched Nie Qian's cheek, revealing his true feelings.

He and Nie Qian had twists and turns and entangled in love and hate. It was really hard to get along with each other calmly.

The first time I saw Nie Qian was in a lake on the edge of a desert. At that time, the ancient wind thought very simply that it was just to give Le Xing a green hat. It never occurred to me that so many twists and turns were involved behind it.

The process is painful, at least the ending is perfect. Nie Qian not only gave birth to a fat son, but also forgave him from the bottom of her heart.

After three days of dystocia, Nie Qian was really tired. She slept soundly and never woke up until it was very dark.

During this period, the ancient wind has been silently guarding the bedside and holding the child in person.

"Ancient wind, you're finally back!"

Nie Qian woke up. Although her face was still a little pale, the corners of her mouth had a gentle and happy smile.

Nie Qian looked at the ancient style and smiled. She didn't say much.

At this time, she doesn't need to say much anymore. Everything is silent.

One look, one smile and one greeting are enough.

"Yes, I'm back. It's my fault to worry you!"

The ancient wind gently pulled up the messy hair next to Nie Qian's ears, and there was a strong love in her eyes.

In this life, he owes a lot of women. Nie Qian is the top priority.

"Child... My child!"

Nie Qian turned her eyes to the sleeping baby, and Gu Feng quickly handed it up.

Struggling to get up, Nie Qian took the child. After watching it for a while, a kind smile appeared on her face again.

"This little ancestor can toss too much. He almost didn't torture me to death!"

"Ha ha, my antique son is destined to be extraordinary. It's normal to toss around at birth."

At this time, the ancient style is lofty and energetic. Don't mention how happy you are in your heart.

What kind of person is he? Tangtang demon star, king of Kyushu, the first genius of the eight wastelands... Can his son not be extraordinary?

"So loud, are you going to die? You're disturbing my son. "

On the spot, Nie Qian pulled down her face and glared at the ancient wind, slowly blaming.

"Oh, it's my fault, it's my fault!"


The ancient wind was a burst of sweat. After being stared at by Nie Qian, he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

If you have ability, you have to be arrogant outside. You must not be arrogant with your wife and children at home. This is a real hero.

"Ancient wind, you say, what's the name for the child?"

After the great joy, substantive questions came.

In fact, Nie Qian thought about this problem more than a hundred times. Although she already had several alternative names in her mind, she still wanted to let the old style rise.

"Name? Well, let me think about it! "

On the spot, the ancient style was also in trouble. If he wanted to say a name, he already had many in his mind, such as breaking the sky, defeating the sky, falling the sky, killing the sky

But he didn't dare to speak or mention it to Nie Qian. Because according to his observation, all women will dislike such a name, which naturally includes Nie Qian.

"What do you want? Don't you have a preselected name in your heart? Haven't you thought about the name since I was pregnant? "

Nie Qian's face changed. She thought it was a big event. From this point alone, she could see whether there were their mother and son in the heart of the ancient wind.

Seeing that Nie Qian misunderstood herself, Gu Feng immediately shook his head: "no, no, I've thought about this problem for a long time, but I'm afraid you're not satisfied, so I don't dare to say!"

"Then you have to say what names are in your mind for reference?"

"That..." Gu Feng was a little embarrassed to open his mouth. He didn't want to say it, but when he came into contact with Nie Qian's explosive eyes, he had to open his mouth: "Nie Qian, what do you think of Baitian and Shatian?"

After thinking about it, the ancient wind only dared to take these two names.

Like "killing heaven" and "chopping heaven", let's forget it. He's afraid that Nie Qian will tear herself alive after he says it.

Surprisingly, Nie Qian was not unhappy after listening, but asked calmly, "it is said that you have two children. What are their names?"

"The eldest son screams Xiaotian. I haven't seen the second child. I don't even know whether it's male or female."

At this point, the ancient wind is a little lost. Seeing the pain of having a baby with his own eyes, he thought of LAN binger again.

He was just pregnant when he separated from LAN binger. He guessed that Lan binger would like to be with her when she gave birth to a child.

At the same time, he also misses Zhong Yun very much. Among his women, Zhong Yun received the least love, but he was the first to give birth to a child for him.

"I said you were a man without conscience. I really didn't say you wrong."

Nie Qian mercilessly gave an old-fashioned look. She experienced the mood of expecting her husband from pregnancy to childbirth.

"Hey, don't mention it. Everything is helpless."

Gu Feng sighed. He didn't want to tangle more on this issue.

In fact, it is not that he is fickle and unjust. On the contrary, he is sincere to every woman and treats those women wholeheartedly.

But because of the environment, Kyushu is facing a catastrophe of life and death. He really can't control it.

When he separated from Zhong Yun, LAN bing'er and others, he was captured by the Kui head demon.

When he was free again, he was left alone in the vast Kyushu world.

"Although the two names of Shatian and Baitian are domineering, they mean too much. I'm afraid the growth path of children will be too bumpy in the future... Think of a moderate one. We don't ask our children how promising they can be, just for peace. " After thinking for a long time, Nie Qian finally denied the proposal of ancient style.

The child is her only one. The names that the ancient wind thinks of contain a murderous spirit, which is really not what she likes. She only hopes that her children will be safe, and she doesn't expect them to do much. As long as they can be with her for a long time.

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