"Then why don't you name it? I'm really not good at this!"

I can't help it. It's really embarrassing for Gu Feng to think of his name.

If you have to let him think of his name according to Nie Qian's wishes, you can guarantee that it is "Ah Fu" and "ah an". It is estimated that Nie Qian will have to eat him as soon as he exports.

Nie Qian gave an old-fashioned look, and her eyes were full of bitterness.

Then he said, "if it's not called longevity? Although the name is a little straightforward, it is catchy and can indicate that the child will be safe in the future. "

"Longevity? Gu Changsheng? "

The ancient wind murmured, and finally nodded slowly after repeating it several times.

"Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng, our son will be called Gu Chang Sheng in the future."

Although the old wind shouted good, in fact, he was still a little lost. There was no other reason, just because the child failed to name himself according to his wishes.

However, this is Nie Qian's name. He didn't dare to veto it.

I thought to myself, "call this name now. When the child is old, I'll change his name. It's better for my broken sky."


The matter of naming was over. The next ancient wind didn't go anywhere. He stayed with his wife and children every day until the full moon.

Xiao Changsheng is very pleasant. He doesn't cry like other children. In addition to sleeping, his face was basically full of cute smiles, which directly warmed to the heart of the ancient wind. With a son as a link, the relationship between Gu Feng and Nie Qian has also heated up sharply. The previous unhappiness has long been thrown out of the sky.

Although it is only a full moon, the child can not only sit upright steadily, but also crawl slowly in bed. Its growth rate is much faster than that of ordinary children.

Every day, the child had to hold the ancient wind and the divine fruit and couldn't put it down. The little pink mouth has no teeth, but it also likes to bite and suck.

Even, the ancient wind has found several times that xiaochangsheng's body can take the initiative to absorb the original essence in the divine fruit.

"Originally, I was hesitating who should take this fruit, but seeing that Xiao Changsheng likes it so much, I guess it is destined to be this fruit. I'll leave it to him!"

Leave the fruit to xiaochangsheng. The ancient wind doesn't want Changsheng to eat it directly, but wants the holy King fruit and those essence contained in the fruit to slowly nourish the child.

Gu Feng believes that as long as this fruit is always with the child, it will be of great use and benefit in the future.

"It must be a good thing to leave it to longevity, but you're not afraid that the child can't help eating it directly one day? Or after being known by outsiders, it will arouse the covetous heart of others? "

Nie Qian looked far away. This divine fruit is priceless. If it is spread, let alone the eight wastelands, even the whole divine world will fight for it.

Once someone knows that a child has such an adverse thing in his hand, it goes without saying that he knows what will happen.

"It doesn't matter. Just wait for me to use some means!"

After saying this, Gu Feng took the fruit from his son and shut up.

Three days later, the ancient wind returned, and the divine fruit disappeared. In his hand, there was an additional jade card like Maitreya Buddha, with a red rope hanging on it.

"Nie Qian, what do you think now? The fruit is sealed in the jade pendant by my great magic power. As long as our children wear it every day, it will naturally have endless benefits. Even if it is really eaten by this boy, it will not be digested, let alone worry that he will directly achieve the throne of the holy king. "

Gu Feng smiled. He took great pains to seal this divine fruit.

"Remember, this jade pendant must be worn by him every day. There is my brand sealed in it. It can show itself in times of crisis..."

It's a brand. In fact, it's an ancient style that has made great efforts to seal its own part.

He can't stay with his son all the time, and xiaochangsheng can't never go out. In case of danger, this jade pendant will work.

"You have a conscience!"

Nie Qian chuckled and was very satisfied with the ancient style.

According to the ancient custom, the other two sons did not enjoy his blessing at all. Only xiaochangsheng is the happiest.

He stayed with his wife and children in the ethereal palace for a few days. The ancient wind was called to the Wuhua hall by the two great saints.

After arriving at the Wuhua hall, the two great saints were full of spring and kept congratulating the ancient style.

"Ha ha, your boy has lived an immortal life recently. We really envy him!" Kun is overbearing.

"Hehe, elder made fun of me. I have to do my duty as a husband and father, don't I?"

After sipping the fragrant tea, the ancient wind asked, "I don't know why the two elders called me here?"

Wu Xutian put down his teacup, put away his smile, and asked positively, "ancient wind, we called you, and we didn't mean anything else. We just wanted to ask you what you're going to do next?"

"I don't have any plans for the time being. I just want to accompany my wife and children every day and live in peace for a few days."

The ancient wind replied simply.

This month was the most comfortable day for him after he came to the upper world.

Although he spent three months with Lvping in the new Chaisang tribe, he was also comfortable and newly married. But at that time, he was in caoying and his heart was in Han. His mind was not in Chaisang tribe at all. Therefore, he was not very happy in those three months.

Only for more than a month, holding my son and teasing my son every day is the happiest day.

"Listen to you, are you going to stay here for a long time?"

Surprisingly, kunba Mahatma even said such words, which stunned the ancient wind and didn't know why.

Kunba said again, "no, no, you can't stay here. People say you are a demon star, but in my opinion, you are more like a disaster star, a broom star... "


On the spot, Gu Feng was stunned again, which was completely confused.

"Why did I become a disaster star and a broom star?" Gu Feng's face was very black and grew so big. It was the first time he heard such an evaluation.

"We have studied you carefully and found an amazing fact. Wherever you go, you will be robbed and suffered... You were born in Dali City, but Dali city was almost destroyed; Then the wuliangzong who entered the Dragon kingdom was almost destroyed because of you; Later, you went to the Longshan Empire, which led to the collapse of Qingzhou; After you went to China, Kyushu was destroyed; When they first entered the divine world, Chaisang tribe was robbed; When you go to the Forbidden City, the purple house will be disgraced; Go to the star Pavilion and the chickens fly and the dogs jump; Go to Gaole mountain and the whole will be destroyed; When I came to wuliangzong, I was almost killed... "

Kunba Da Sheng said a lot in one breath and told the life experience of the ancient style for eight or nine times. He only listened to the ancient style and was completely stupid.

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