The immortal's hand retracted and came and went without trace, as if it had never appeared.

Although it was a small effort, it solved the danger of life for Xiaohuo.

The sky fire kept rolling and completely wrapped the knife that day. With the passage of time, the sky fire dissipated gradually, and the knife disappeared completely that day.

Although Tiandao is extremely powerful, it can't resist the burning of Tianhuo after all.

The audience was dead silent. When all the sky fires were gone and the God of small fire returned to the gossip board, the crowd gave a series of cheers.

"Successfully, this little devil against the sky not only successfully took off and became a rosefinch, but also safely passed the danger of Tiandao..."

"Demon, it's worthy of being a demon. I've been stabbed twenty times..."

"The key is the last three knives. It's his Yuanshen who is fighting hard!"

After a burst of cheers, people's hearts hanging at that moment were finally put down, and most of their faces were smiling.

"Huoxingtian, you are good!"

"Huoxingtian, we support you!"

"Fire is flying in the sky. You will be the king of the world in the future..."

All kinds of roaring, one after another, and Xiaohuo himself was completely depressed.

Although he successfully blocked Tiandao and successfully transformed into a rosefinch, Xiaohuo was seriously injured in the final analysis. Originally, he was a great saint, but now... He may have fallen to the peak of the God King.

"This son must be taken back to take good care of, or he will still be abandoned!" The six holy kings looked at each other, held a small fire and returned to the fairy garden.

At the last moment, Nangong threw a meaningful look at the ancient wind, as if there were words, but he didn't speak after all.

"Elder, take care of him for me!"

Gu Feng shouted. He knew what Nangong wanted to say. Nangong wanted to make himself better. If possible, try not to walk outside.

The little fire is over. The people at the scene, however, set their eyes on the ancient style.

Curious, puzzled, puzzled, surprised... There are all kinds of eyes.

People want to find out who the ancient wind is and why Xiaohuo, an evil spirit against the sky, will follow him wholeheartedly. Why did the people of the fairy house give him a golden talisman when they met for the first time.

In the face of these puzzled and confused eyes, the ancient wind just smiled. Then he pulled up Wang Shihai and rushed up and disappeared at the gate of the immortal yard.

"It's amazing. Chengxian road is about to open, and geifang demons are emerging one after another. This young man called ancient style must not be mediocre in the future?"

"Five days later, on the Bank of Xunyang lake, the wooden King's appointment. Look forward to it. I don't know if this ancient style will go?"

"Come on, although this ancient style is mysterious and favored by the immortal academy, he is not qualified to be compared with the ten kings!"

"Eh, I remember. Today's ancient style seems to call itself a king? Qing Tianwang? He claims to be the king of the blue sky? "

"Yes, I heard it too. He didn't say it, but the people next to him said it. They said he was the ancient style of the king of the blue sky!"

"I'll go. What a big breath. How dare I be called the king of the green sky. Who sealed it?"

At the scene, even if there was no excitement to watch, people still talked about the ancient style and the appointment of the wooden king five days later.

After a heated discussion, the name of the ancient style was also closely linked with the Green King. Whether people admit it or not, at least the name of qingtianwang spread like wildfire.

As a topic, Wang Shihai's ancient style has completely left WanMu city with Wang Shihai. They came to Qinglong city in the East.

"I said, master, what shall we do now? The Wu family will not give up! " Wang Shihai asked with a frown.

The main reason why they came all the way from WanMu city to Qinglong city was to take refuge.

"It's not so easy for the Wu family to move me. As long as the saints don't come out, few people can kill me."

"Don't be too optimistic, leader. Even if Wu Ming doesn't do it himself, there are still many young people in the Wu family who can kill you. Don't forget, this is a holy land, not a dragon land. There are countless demons here. It seems impossible for you to suppress those high states with low states. "

Wang Shihai didn't talk nonsense. The Wu family has a great cause and is deeply rooted, and there are countless demons and geniuses. Although Wu Ming is the strongest person in contemporary times, there are still many talented children in the Wu family who are slightly inferior to Wu Ming. Once the ancient wind meets these people, it is just as dangerous.

Gu Feng thought for a while and directly replied, "it's useless to be afraid. Can we really hide like a turtle? This is not my style. We can't afford to lose this man. "

"He must be a good-looking Wu family. If he wants to deal with me, he must disdain to use some dirty means. So we don't have to worry too much. You should first tell me about the ten kings of the world. I want to see what kind of cruel characters these people are. "

Seeing that the ancient style didn't care, Wang Shihai had no choice but to sigh. Then he said, "the ten kings in the world include Wang Yushang, who is recognized as the first person, Wu Ming, the only domineering female Wood King of the Wu family, aocang king of aocang family, Ningze CHUANNING king, death killing king, jumping out king, purple electricity king, Golden Lion King and peacock king. These ten people, except the domineering female wooden king, whose origin is unknown, are almost all from the top forces in the holy land. "

"What ghost is death killing the king? How could there be such a title? Is this a murderous man? "

To say that the title of these people can most attract the attention of the ancient wind, it is the God of death who killed the king. This title is really arrogant enough. If it's not murderous, I don't dare to rise to this title.

Facing the doubts of the ancient style, Wang Shihai just smiled and shook his head and said, "you understand wrong. The God of death killing the king is not a demon who kills innocent people, but the means are a little too cruel. According to statistics, since his debut, anyone who has fought with him has died. Therefore, he has the title of God of death. "

"It's the prestige of killing. It seems that he has a lot of gold!" The ancient wind sighed.

"Of course, before the wooden King appeared, the reputation of the God of death killing the king was only behind King Xiang Yushang. Even, many people have expected a duel between the two to see who is the first king in the world. Unfortunately, the battle between these kings can not happen so easily. "

"But now the opportunity comes. The appointment of the wooden king in a few days must be very wonderful. Will the leader go then?"

"Go, why not? Although we can't fight those kings, we should at least see their means. The so-called knowing ourselves and the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles! "

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