The appointment of the wooden king a few days later is a grand event for the king of the world. Of course, the ancient wind will go.

The new wooden king wants to make a decision among the ten kings in the world to see who is the king among the kings. The wooden King means that there can only be one king, the defeated, and the title of King will be removed from now on.

Next, they began to inquire about the specific location of Xunyang lake. They are bound to go to such a grand event. According to the ancient custom, these ten kings will be his future opponents. We must find out the specific strength of those people.

After some inquiry, they learned that the location of Xunyang lake was in the White Tiger City in the West. This result made them want to vomit blood on the spot, because their current position is Qinglong city in the East

From the green dragon city in the east to the White Tiger City in the west, it needs to cross the whole holy dragon city!

"Shit, Wang Shihai, didn't you say we have an intelligence system? With the intelligence system, are you still taking me to Qinglong city? " The ancient wind's face was completely black, because the distance between the two cities was too far away. At least tens of millions of miles away.

Shenglong city is really big, equivalent to the sum of two or three eight wastelands. Some little friars, poor for their whole life, can't cross the whole holy dragon city.

After being scolded by the ancient wind, Wang Shihai looked very unconvinced and stared on the spot: "please, my leader, you took me to Qinglong city. OK, now you blame me? Don't you have a space treasure ship? Even if it needs to cross the whole holy Dragon City, it doesn't take much time? "

"If you told me early in the morning that Xunyang lake was in Baihu City, would I still run to Qinglong city?"


The two people quarreled, complemented each other, and then they looked at each other and laughed wildly.

This is a big oolong. There is no way, because the holy dragon city is too big. Even if Wang Shihai has an intelligence system, he may not know everything.

Just as they were going to take out the space treasure boat and cross Xunyang lake directly, there was a sudden explosion in the sky.

A resounding arrow rushed from the West and burst into pieces in the nine days. Then a big and bloody word "war" flew into the air and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"I'll go. What's that? Is it a challenge? "

Gu Feng and the two also looked up at the bright red word "war", but they felt very novel.

"It seems to be a challenge book, but I don't know who is challenging with whom. It's really high-profile."

The ancient wind skimmed his mouth, just looked at it briefly and took back his eyes.

However, Wang Shihai suddenly screamed, "my God, isn't that challenging you?"

"Challenge me?"

Suddenly, Gu Feng was surprised, quickly looked up again and looked at the western sky.

I saw that a big blood red "war" word, suddenly changed. Although the word "war" is still there, there are many small words below: a mere child, how dare you be called the king of the green sky? At noon tomorrow, tianjuetai, WanMu City, dare to fight?

Signature: Xing Tian.

"Who the fuck is this? What is Xingtian? Inexplicably sent me a challenge. Is there something wrong with your brain? "

After reading the challenge book, Gu Feng scolded on the spot, feeling depressed and vomiting blood.

When Wang Shihai saw it, he couldn't help laughing, patted on the shoulder afraid of ancient customs and said, "religious leader, it seems that not everyone dares to be king in this world. You call yourself king of the blue sky. Naturally, some people are unconvinced and come to challenge you. In my opinion, this person probably just wants to take advantage of your heat. Don't pay attention. "

"Don't you like me? While I'm hot? " The old wind whispered, then shook his head and said, "what heat can I take advantage of? In my opinion, it's not so simple. Maybe this guy named Xing Tian can't have anything to do with the Wu family. Have you forgotten what Wu Laosan said yesterday? "

Yesterday, the third ancestor of the Wu family made it very clear that although the ancient wind is a fairy Miao and no one dares to assassinate, there can be friction between peers.

Hearing the speech, Wang Shihai put away his smile and became a lot more serious. He said, "it's really possible. Let me check what the bird man is."

The bright red challenge book is still suspended high in the sky, and its style is extremely high-profile. Gu Feng has just come to Shenglong city. Naturally, few people know his name. Even though he was in the limelight at the gate of the immortal courtyard yesterday, his reputation is far from being known all over the world.

But as soon as the challenge book came out, people immediately talked about it, and wondered which immortal the so-called green sky king was.

Not long ago, the scene at the gate of the fairy house was turned out yesterday. The name of the ancient style was officially known: the green heavenly king, named the ancient style. Although the origin is unknown, the first evil spirit in the world followed him wholeheartedly, and was favored by the fairy house as a Fairy Miao

Although there is not much information, it is enough. The old custom of trying to keep a low profile has been pushed to the cusp of the storm this time.

Two or three hours later, news came back from Wang Shihai's intelligence system, and the general situation of Xingtian was also known by the ancient wind:

It turned out that this man named Xing Tian was definitely a leader in one side. Although he could not be ranked among the ten kings, he also made a great reputation. More than two years ago, he was defeated by the wooden king. It was after that war that Muwang completely rose and was known by the world.

"Sect leader, I'm in trouble now. According to some information, although Xing Tian can't be ranked among the ten kings, he has the strength to fight with those kings. If you compete with him, you have little chance of winning. " Wang Shihai frowned.

Gu Feng's eyebrows also frowned. Although he was not afraid, he was very angry. He clenched his fist and said angrily, "the Wu family is really wicked. It is clear that they have a grudge against me, but they send outsiders to deal with me. Do you want to kill with a knife and wipe your ass?"

"You are regarded as a fairy seedling by the immortal Academy. If the Wu family wants to touch you, they naturally have to wipe their ass first. It's bright for them to challenge you with such a heaven of punishment. I'm afraid they will send some killers secretly, which will be even more difficult to prevent. "

The bright red challenge book has been in the air for two or three hours. Seeing that the ancient wind has not replied for a long time, it is finally dark.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, another resounding arrow rushed up from the West and blew up again. Upper letter: ancient wind child, dare to fight? If you don't dare to stand, you will be granted the title of the king of green heaven. It will belong to me from now on. Get out of the holy land.

The signature is still Xing Tian. On the top of that line of small characters, there is also a bloody word "war", which is extremely arrogant.

"Sleeping trough, damn it, it's too much to deceive!"

Gu Feng was so angry that he scolded on the spot. He was furious. This is no longer a question of challenge or no challenge. It has risen to the height of personal insult.

"What the hell is that resounding arrow? How? "

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