When Gu Feng wholeheartedly protected the Dharma for them, the whole Haize continent was in turmoil.

At this moment, countless people are in action. They are all trying their best to search for the whereabouts of the old God King Chagan.

Especially those disciples of the immortal's Academy, everyone immediately panicked when they heard that the relationship was whether they could leave here.

Even, many people directly gave up isolation and began to search for the whereabouts of the old God King Chagan.

One message after another came to the ancient wind. From those messages, the ancient wind determined an important message - although Chagan Zun was still not found, he must still be alive.

Because many people have seen him, but the old bastard is good at changing his appearance and is the cultivation of the divine king. As long as he is not bumped into by multiple divine kings, he can escape in an instant.

"Hum, you old man is really toasting without penalty. If you hand over the treasure map well, I won't embarrass you. But now, if you treat so many of us as monkeys, you think your life is too long! "

The ancient wind whispered coldly to himself. At this time, he had almost moved his heart. After he calmed down, he secretly blamed himself for being a little too fussy. According to his current strength and reputation, if he forcibly asked for it at the beginning, who dares not to give it? If he had been a little tough at first, there would never have been such an embarrassing situation.

It is difficult to open the door of saints. The ancient customs experienced by yourself are the most experienced.

Although Mu Qingqing and his men have tried to bombard the holy gate for several hours, the holy gate is still closed and there is no sign of loosening.

On the contrary, it was the strong force rebounded from the holy door that hurt their original gods.

With the passage of time, the old wind was worried, and even he wanted to help. According to his current strength, the closed holy door can be completely opened with only one punch.

However, he did not dare to do so. If he could not do it well, he would be involved in thunder robbery. After seeing the powerful ancient customs with your own eyes, how dare you take risks with your own body?

Fortunately, after another half hour, Mu Qingqing finally took the lead in opening the holy gate with his own strength. I saw the holy and peaceful light falling down and irradiating the whole, making Mu Qingqing look like a fairy and look incomparably holy.

However, it didn't last long. Muqingqing didn't enjoy the baptism of the holy light for long, and then there was a thunder robbery belonging to her.

Her thunder robbery is very fierce. The first sky thunder is the five thunders experienced by the ancient wind. Even though Mu Qingqing is known as the world's first female overlord, she was almost blown to death by thunder that day.

Fortunately, Mu Qingqing was trained by the great devil Tian. Her inside information is very deep. Whenever there is a crisis, she has a way to resolve it.

This natural disaster lasted for a long time, experienced five thunders and indiscriminate bombing, and looked at countless people's hair.

Fortunately, Mu Qingqing survived in the end. She survived many natural disasters and successfully promoted to become a saint.

When she had just finished here, qingtianpeng on the other side also welcomed his thunder robbery.

Similarly, the thunder robbery of qingtianpeng is also very terrible. Although it has not experienced the final indiscriminate bombing, it still makes people tremble.

Finally, both of them were successfully promoted. From beginning to end, no one dared to stand up and sneak attack.

Their successful promotion is the birth of two kings for the world.

For a moment, the world shook again. All the famous people in the world came to congratulate them. Even Wu Xie and other five people who took the lead in promotion had to put down the matter of looking for people and come to congratulate.

Qingtianpeng and muqingqing, who have just been promoted, stand right and left beside the ancient wind, like the right and left arms of the ancient wind. In front of the three, I don't know how many people stand in the void.

Even many disciples of the immortal Academy who were already in seclusion had already left the Customs at this time and came to pay tribute.

Originally, Mu Qingqing was powerful enough as the world's first female overlord, but now many people already know that she is actually an antique wife, so her influence is even greater.

Although countless people came to congratulate her, muqingqing didn't smile at all. Her face was as cold as ice.

She stared at all the disciples of the immortal's Academy for a long time before she said coldly: "when my husband was attacking the realm, he didn't expect that some of our disciples of the immortal's Academy came to attack, which made me very angry. Although my husband is kind and doesn't want to kill, my king doesn't want to give up like this. "

With that, Mu Qingqing looked at the disciples of the three families and burst out with killing opportunities. Even at a distance of nearly a thousand feet, those people can still feel the cold meaning. At this time, the children of the three families were not surprised or afraid. Many people didn't even dare to look up.

Even Wu Xie, who has become a saint, dared not even lift his head. His eyes dodged for fear that he would be liquidated.

At this time, many people have felt a clear signal, that is, the ancient wind has completely risen. The ancient wind is no longer the ancient wind when he first came to the holy land. Not only does he stand proudly in the top of his generation, but also the people around him begin to rise one by one.

Just as Mu Qingqing's voice fell behind, qingtianpeng, standing on the right of the ancient wind, also looked at the people of the three families. Then he said coldly, "your family has already formed a dead enemy with us. Not long ago, three saints jointly attacked the ancient customs. It is reasonable that we should kill you completely, but our leader King Qingtian really doesn't want to see such a situation happen. Therefore, you are lucky today. Please follow the king of the blue sky honestly in the future. Anyone who dares to have a different heart will be completely bloody! "

For a long time, qingtianpeng has always attached great importance to the ancient style. This time, the ancient style was attacked secretly, which made him very angry. If according to his temper, it really needs to be completely killed.

Qingtianpeng and muqingqing sing in harmony, which frightens the people of the three families. In fact, the main purpose of what they say is to show the absolute leadership of the ancient style.

Gu Feng believed that after today, no one would dare to oppose them, even if all the disciples became saints.

The deterrent effect has been achieved, and I am very satisfied with the ancient style.

So he said to everyone, "let's break up. Now our first task is to find out the Chagan venerable. I hope you can do your best and don't slack off."

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