As the days passed, half a month passed in the twinkling of an eye. In the past half a month, a large number of people were attacking the holy land almost every day. The terrible thunder robbery almost covers the whole Haize continent.

It is not as easy as expected to impact the sage realm. Although many people are trying, only two or three hundred people have successfully qualified in the end. They resisted the baptism of the natural disaster and successfully set foot in the realm of saints. They are lucky, but more immortal disciples are sad. They died in the thunder, leaving a permanent cry.

Although two or three hundred people have successfully set foot in the sage realm, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the ancient style. His leadership is still unbreakable.

On the other hand, the ancient wind never stopped searching for the Chagan venerable. Although the whole world is looking for the whereabouts of the old guy, the stubborn Chagan venerable still has no news. It seems that the old guy who doesn't appreciate it has completely disappeared from the world.

Although the treasure map is incomplete and no suitable means of transportation has been found, we have to find a way to leave in the end. Out of desperation, Gu Feng had to summon people to come and study that incomplete treasure map again.

Those who can understand the above words, in addition to the ancient style, are only emptiness, Lingxiao, Mu Qingqing, Qing Tianpeng and little fox.

After some research, people came to a very consistent conclusion that the missing treasure map is very important. Because a key text message is recorded on that treasure map. The content of the text message is the way to shuttle through the black hole.

At the same time, the lack of treasure map directly leads to the fact that people can't find the starting point to the black hole. We only know that there is such a black hole, but we don't know how to go.

Although a large number of people have studied it carefully for so long, they are still unable to determine the specific location of the black hole.

At this time, the emptiness came up with an idea: "let me say that we should translate the names of the stars on the map, and then call those old friends in the world to discuss together. As long as someone can determine the names of several stars, we can take our seats according to the number and finally find the location of the black hole. "

It can be said that this is not a way. Although it is a little clumsy, it is the most practical and good way.

The reason why those precious pictures have not been discovered in the hands of those families for tens of thousands of years is that they do not know the words on the precious pictures. Once they knew the names of the stars marked on the treasure map, they would have found the black hole long ago.

Hearing the speech, everyone thought about it, and finally felt that it was reasonable.

So Gu Feng nodded and said, "now we can't find the last treasure map, so we can only use this stupid method. But... The treasure map is missing. We can't understand the way to pass through the black hole safely. Even if we find the location of the black hole, how can we pass? "

This is a difficult problem. I believe everyone knows the horror of black holes. According to the records of some terrible powers, cosmic black holes can not only devour everything, but also tear everything apart. Even if they all set foot in the field of saints, no one dared to take that risk.

"What the ancient wind said is very reasonable, but anyway, our primary goal is to find the location of the black hole." Xiang Wangdao.

He also successfully promoted three days ago. At the same time, there are several current ten kings. Among the ten kings in the world, now only the new king Hu Guang and the snow queen Bai Bing have not been promoted.

Relatively speaking, their inside information is weaker, so they can't advance in these days.

The basic plan has been drawn up. Not long after the ancient wind's will was issued, the old venerable who received the notice rushed over in the shortest time.

Now, this group of local old gods did not come empty handed. They each carried a large number of ancient books.

After a day and night of comparison and discussion, we finally determined the specific location of several stars.

The proud sword master pointed to a red dot on the treasure map and said, "look, ancient wind saint, by comparing the star map on you, we can be sure that this is the Haize star in your mouth, that is, the star we live in. Then, let's go east and cross the void. At this position, it should be the Pluto star marked on the treasure map. Then cross the void again... Here is the so-called black hole. "

This inference has been recognized by many people, and even ancient customs can't help nodding their approval.

However, his eyebrows were still frowned high. Although it was easy for aojian to say, in fact, the distance between planets was unimaginable. According to the marks on the treasure map, they can reach the location of the black hole at least by crossing the distance between five or six planets.

How far is the distance between these five or six planets? Don't you smell the dead horse running in Wangshan? If we want them to walk on foot without any means of transportation, the devil knows how long it will take to reach that black hole?

Perhaps those who have been promoted can reach the location of that black hole, but others are hard to say. Besides, they don't have the right way to cross the black hole. Even if they reach the black hole, what can they do? How many people dare to break in?

It's even more heavy to think of these ancient customs. At this time, he was so eager to get the last treasure map. Unfortunately, it has been more than half a month, and the disappeared Chagan Old God King still has no trace.

Finally, he clenched his fist, smashed it to the table and said, "no matter how much it costs, it's necessary to find out the old bastard."


Many people promised, so they planned to leave and continue to look for the old God King Chagan.

However, the old wind suddenly frowned again and asked, "eh? Why don't you see Wu Xie? It seems that I haven't seen him for days! "

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