"Canglang continent? Ha ha ha, it's really the Canglang continent. We've finally come to a new world! "

After seeing the picture of the starry sky, everyone was ecstatic, and some people even jumped up with excitement.

They were trapped in Haize mainland for more than a year. For more than a year, they had had enough. They didn't get any chance except that they impacted the holy land by their own accumulation.

According to the training in the fairy house, we have learned that Canglang mainland is a real big world, and its scale is even no less than the five regions of xuanhuang they are familiar with.

"We just went through a black hole for two hours and crossed such an infinite distance?"

Everyone looked back at the black hole and was shocked again. They couldn't believe it was true.

If they fly by themselves, they may not be able to reach the second station for a century or a millennium. However, walking through the black hole, they actually crossed several sites in only two hours. This is incredible.

At this time, muqingqing said, "I have been taught by the dean for two or three years. I occasionally heard him mention black holes. He said that black holes are wonderful, which is equivalent to overlapping many parallel potential planes together and then penetrating them... It is a shortcut from one end of the black hole to another, and the distance is infinitely shortened. But if these parallel planes are spread out, it will be an unimaginable distance... "

"Of course, I can't say all the mysteries of the black hole. The Dean used to speak very deeply, and I can't understand all of them! When I asked how the black hole was formed, the Dean was secretive and refused to mention a word at all. But he told me that it's better to take a detour about black holes in the future. "

At this point, Mu Qingqing sighed again. She knew that there might be many unknown secrets hidden in the black hole. People at the dean's level may know some inside information, but the director of the hospital is unwilling to mention it at all.

Mu Qingqing's words left people another strong cry. Of course, we also want to know how black holes are formed, and why the president warned Mu Qingqing to stay away from black holes.

After some shock, he saw that the ancient wind took out another picture and looked at it carefully.

This is the one left by Lei Di, but it is not the original. It has been rubbed down by the ancient style.

After studying for a long time, Gu Feng looked up at a yellowish brown star in front and said, "according to the treasure map left by Lei Di, our next destination should be that star. Above the dead star, there is a colorful altar. If you want to reach the Canglang continent, you need to send it several times with the help of the five-color altar. "

Hearing the speech, everyone looked at the yellowish brown stars in front of them, showing an excited color.

Then everyone went on their way. They followed the ancient wind and went straight to the star.

It is still a dead horse running on the mountain. Although the star looks very big and close, there is still an infinite distance. Fortunately, everyone has set foot in the realm of saints, otherwise they will have to run away.

It took us three days to fully land on that star.

This is indeed a dead star. On the whole star, there are craters everywhere, a decadent image. But what makes people bleed is that the star is still fucking big. They searched for more than ten days before they finally found the five-color altar.

Finally, they came to the five color altar, and everyone frowned again, because they found that the altar was not only used, but even a little dilapidated.

"How could this be? Who used this altar? Is it Wu Xie and others? "

The people looked at each other and were startled.

At this time, a man slowly shook his head and said, "it should not be them. Judging from the traces of use, this altar should have been used for more than ten years. How long did Wu Xie and them go?"

"Ten years?"

At the smell of the speech, the old style frowned at once, and immediately had a bad premonition. Then he said to himself, "it's not impossible to say that they used it. Don't forget that there are strong deviations in time. Who knows the difference between the time of this end of the black hole and that end of the black hole? Maybe for the people of Haize, we have been away for many years. "

According to the ancient wind, people reacted. Yes, after stepping through the boundless universe and crossing the bottomless black hole, is time still the time they know?

Everyone felt a burst of emotion. For a moment, they didn't adapt to this change.

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed. Exclaimed: "it's a big deal. If the time gap is so big, haven't Wu Xie and his family arrived in Canglang mainland for at least ten years? So... Have their accomplishments far surpassed ours? In other words, although we were 30 years old when we left the xuanhuang five regions, aren't they at least ten years older than us? "

"This... In theory, it seems so!"

"That's bad. We also vowed to uproot the whole Wu family. If their cultivation is above the great saint, who killed who?"

This is the key. The reason why Mu Qingqing screamed was that he thought of it. Probably, they can't kill anyone in the Wu family. Maybe we'll meet and be chased by them.

Similarly, the complexion of ancient style is not very good-looking. Mu Qingqing's hypothesis is indeed reasonable. Once all the disciples of the Wu family really reach the level above the great holy land, it's really hard to kill.

Those people are the best among the people, the elite among the elite, and even more than 20 are ancient kings. With those people's arrogant talents, giving them so much time to practice is really likely to impact all of them above the great holy land. Even the holy king is possible.

The five color altar was a little damaged, so we had to take out some natural and earth treasures we carried and repair them slowly. It took another five days before the five-color altar could be used normally.

Set off again. After some transmission, the party arrived at the next dead star very smoothly.

Similarly, the altar has been used, but it has not been damaged.

About five or six times, they finally set foot on the last five-color altar.

According to the above record of Leidi treasure map, as long as they step out of this channel, they will completely set foot on the Canglang continent.

It was a very fast transmission. When people were filled with excitement and thought that they would soon set foot in the new world, the mutation took place.

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