It was a very fast transmission. When people were filled with excitement and thought that they would soon set foot in the new world, the mutation took place.

Suddenly, from the space channel, a bright purple lightning split down, unbiased, and directly hit several people's heads. Just for a moment, those people turned into robbery ashes and completely disappeared in front of everyone. Even they didn't have time to utter a scream.

This scene was so abrupt that it frightened everyone on the spot and caused a scream. So far, this is the first time that they have encountered a change on the altar. This change makes their scalp numb and makes them feel helpless.

Before everyone could figure out what was going on, the second lightning chopped down again and took more than a dozen people's lives again!

However, this is only the beginning... With the split of the second lightning, followed by the third and fourth

A series of purple light and lightning chopped down and took away more than 100 lives. Similarly, those immortal disciples who were taken away by lightning had no time to scream in the end, so they disappeared in front of everyone. House leaks happen to rain at night, and misfortunes never come singly. In addition to those terrible lightning, the whole transmission channel also shook strongly at this time, and its stability dropped to a freezing point, as if it would collapse at any time.

The turbulence came, threatening everyone's lives all the time.

"What's going on? How did this happen? If we go on like this, we may all die in nothingness! "

People are completely frightened. They have used this five-color altar more than ten times, and there has never been any accident. At the same time, in the face of such an accident, we have no way at all.

"Damn it, isn't the altar at the other end destroyed?"

"It must be so, it must be so. Only when the altar is destroyed, the space channel will be so unstable."

"Who would that be? Who destroyed the altar? This is to let us all die! "

Everyone turned pale with fear. Just while talking, more than a dozen people died one after another. According to this development, all of them may really die in the channel.

"It must be Wu Xie, it must be the Wu family. Only they know the location of the altar, only they have used the altar. They must have deliberately destroyed the altar in order to prevent us from catching up! "

"Ah... Damn Wu Xie, damn Wu family. As long as I don't die today, I will let you go to hell! "

Many people roared. Logically speaking, it was Wu Xie who was the most suspected. Because they are too afraid of the ancient customs, they will cut off everyone's way forward for fear that all the disciples of the immortal academy will catch up.

Boom! Bang!

There was another violent vibration in the space passage, and then endless turbulence hit us head-on. On the spot, hundreds of people were killed!!!

With this wave of turbulence and endless lightning, it took away the lives of seven or eight hundred people. Even the ancient wind was dangerous and dangerous. He avoided these disasters. He was scared to sweat and his face was blue.

Suddenly, Gu Feng seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted at Lan Xin: "for today's plan, we can only rely on you. Quickly take out your hairpin and take everyone in! "


Smell speech, everyone is happy, this just thought that there is such a fairy treasure in Lanxin's hand.

Lanxin also suddenly realized that she immediately took out her hairpin. After reciting the formula silently, a large number of people were admitted at once.

The hairpin glowed again and again, and people were taken in one after another, including ancient customs. Even if Lanxin had taken action, more than a dozen people still didn't have time to enter the hairpin and completely disappeared into the channel.

In the internal space of the hairpin, everyone turned pale. At the thought of the terrible space turbulence and lightning, people were palpitating.

After counting the number of people, there were more than 2900 people, but after this disaster, only 1400 people are still alive. This sudden catastrophe took away about 1500 people. The most distressing thing about the ancient customs is that all of the ten kings in the world, Hu Guang, ice and snow, Yan Yu and two demon kings, were also killed.

These people have a life-long friendship with the ancient style and have stood out for the ancient style many times. We experienced ups and downs together. Unexpectedly, we died unjustly in the transmission channel.

So many people died miserably in the passage, which is a heavy blow to everyone.

No one spoke in the internal space of the hairpin. Everyone's face was either iron green or pale. The atmosphere at the scene was terrible. It was not until half a ring later that someone roared wildly: "ah... Damn Wu Xie, damn Wu family, don't let me meet you again!"

This is a kind of catharsis after being suppressed to the extreme. The roar is shocking, which directly touches everyone's heart and cries out everyone's voice.

"Even if we passed through the black hole, we didn't encounter any danger. We didn't expect to encounter such a tragedy when we were near the Canglang continent!"

"Ha ha, ha ha... Chengxian road? This is Chengxian road? Let me say, where is Chengxian road? It's a dead end! "

Some people are completely crazy. When they think of the cruelty of Chengxian Road, they can't help crying.

Tens of millions of people took part in the big competition. I don't know how many people died on the platform before they were finally promoted to 40000 or 50000. After some experience, forty or fifty thousand people lost tens of thousands again, and only more than 10000 people were really on the road.

When more than 10000 people attacked the sage territory, they lost another two-thirds and set off again, but only 14500 people remained... How many people will survive the next disaster? Finally, how many people can see the gate of Xianyu?

This is Chengxian road? It is no exaggeration to call it a dead end.

Just when those people were about to go crazy, Lanxin's voice rang: "well, we landed safely. If my guess is right, we should have arrived at Canglang mainland! "

"Here we are? We got through the space passage safely? "

Everyone showed an unbelievable look, and then there was a burst of ecstasy for the rest of life.

Lanxin didn't answer these nonsense. As before, she opened the channel and took the lead in stepping out.

Then Gu Feng took Mu Qingqing's hand and went out. Then the people really believed that they had landed. Lan Xin didn't lie.

When a group of people stepped out of the passage, they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them

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