At this time, the ancient style was almost in a state of disengagement. He had never felt so hard. Maybe the next second, he will choose to give up, because he has made every effort.

Even so, the ancient wind is still gritting his teeth, because he knows that the violent time of the black hole will not be too long. Maybe the next second will be light, and it will be all right. He is waiting for a miracle.

Last time, Gu Feng, Mu Qingqing, Qing Tianpeng and King Xiang went after Wu Xie, they met this situation. Everyone thought they would die, and even asked the ancient wind to let go, but that time it was his persistence that didn't give up until the miracle appeared, so that the four people survived. But this time, the ancient wind seems to have miscalculated. The miracle he waited for did not appear, but ushered in an unavoidable disaster

In the distance, the asteroid that had been dragged by the black hole for a long time was completely pulled into the swallowing range of the black hole. It was hitting the ancient wind at extreme speed!!

After seeing this scene, all the people standing in the safe area thousands of miles away turned pale and cried out:

"Oh, my God, the meteorite hit the past. It... Hit the sect leader. Well... What should I do? "

"Be careful, leader, get out of the way!!!"

"This... How can the leader hide from such a big meteorite?"

Everyone was scared silly. Some people knew that the ancient wind could not be avoided, but they still shouted to let the ancient wind avoid. What's more, I'm going to roll up my sleeves and take risks myself. How can an asteroid of that size avoid the ancient wind that is about to collapse? Isn't that worse?

Yes, this asteroid that struck at a high speed is even worse for the ancient wind. There is no way for the ancient wind to face this asteroid. He turned his holy power to the extreme, but he couldn't get rid of the shackles of the black hole and move his body horizontally. He can only watch the asteroid gradually enlarge, enlarge and enlarge in his own eyes

Thousands of feet, hundreds of feet, fifty feet... Finally, the ancient wind simply closed his eyes, and he finally chose to give up. He has tried his best, but he can't move his body out. Now waiting for him is the asteroid impact and death.

When the asteroid was thirty or forty feet away from the ancient wind, he suddenly opened his eyes and roared in the distance: "Wu Han, take them to Canglang continent immediately. One day, I will return!" Although Gu Feng can't feel the hope of living, he can't leave Qingtian God cult and those disciples behind. This is the ancient style. Even on the edge of life and death, you still think of others.

As soon as the roar was over, Gu Feng gave up his resistance directly and even took the initiative to rush into the deep vortex... After a few breaths, his body completely disappeared into the black hole and he was swallowed.

There is no way. If the ancient wind does not take the initiative to rush to the black hole, it is the impact of an asteroid waiting for him. Being hit head-on by such a huge object is very uncomfortable without trying, so the ancient wind doesn't want to try at all.

At the same time, it is not only as simple as impact. For a while, the asteroid will disintegrate and explode before entering the black hole... Presumably, that taste will be more fucking. Therefore, taking the initiative to rush to the black hole is the wisest move.

At the moment when Gu Feng's body disappeared into the black hole, a very frightening scene appeared

First of all, his eyes were completely dark and could not see anything. The asteroid had reached the mouth of the black hole and blocked all the light sources.

Then, in just a few blinks, a deafening explosion came into the ears of the ancient wind.

The asteroid finally disintegrated and exploded in front of the ancient wind. The violent big bang made the whole black hole tremble, which was very shocking.

When the explosion started, suddenly, I saw a strong flame companion, rippling away with the strong explosion power, sweeping everything on the spot. Rolling fire smoke, with countless gravel filled the whole black hole space, it was a moment of beauty, an eternal classic

Although this is a rare spectacle, it is a pity that the ancient style can only see a few pictures.

From the moment he entered the black hole, he felt his body being pulled and torn... The second after the asteroid exploded, his consciousness was completely blurred.


Outside the black hole, everyone is stupid, and the ancient wind is impacted and swallowed up, which is an unacceptable fact for everyone.

Although the black hole has stopped exploding wildly, everyone still maintains the final rescue posture and stands in place.

After a while, the snow-white leiba genius took back his palm and murmured, "how could this happen? How did this happen? How could the leader be swallowed up? "

At this time, there are too many people like Lei batian. Nearly 300000 people, none of them can accept the fact that Gu Feng died.

If the ancient wind is really dead, what about these 300000 people? What should Qingtian shenting do? Who will fulfill his vows and aspirations? Who will stick to his faith?

"No, no, our leader has great powers. He could have incarnated into a black hole. How could he die in a black hole?"

"Yes, the leader will definitely be fine. He will rush out!"

Everyone came back. Everyone was noisy. Almost no one believed that the ancient wind would die in the black hole.

At this time, Wu Han, who was also pale, suddenly raised his head, flashed in his eyes, and shouted, "I know, I know, the leader is really not dead. Who is he? How could he die? You see, I'm still alive. "


Everyone was stunned. Everyone was completely confused by Wu Han's words.

But the next second, the old patriarch Lei batian realized it clearly, then his face showed ecstasy and laughed:

"Hahaha, Wu Han is right. Who is our leader? He is a rare genius in 100000 or millions of years. How could he die so easily? Wu Han has already signed a master servant contract with the leader. Once the leader is killed, Wu Han will die instantly. Now, Wu Han is standing in front of us, which is enough to show that the leader is okay! "

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