After saying this, everyone was enlightened, and then everyone's face showed an excited color again.

But soon, a new problem appeared. Since the leader was not dead, how should he escape from life?

If they are trapped in a black hole forever, how can they rescue them?

"You can't step into a black hole and the leader can't get out. What shall we do now?"

This is a very realistic and unsolvable problem. Even if they know that the ancient wind is not dead, they have no way to rescue it.

Finally, Wu Han said seriously, "we can't step into the black hole. We won't have any rescue methods. We have to rely on the leader himself. For today's plan, we can only go to Canglang mainland first according to the leader's intention. The other side of the black hole is the other side of the universe. If the leader is okay, he is likely to appear at the other end of the black hole. "

"Even if he steps into the black hole and rushes here again, it may be years later. Therefore, it is the wisest choice for us to go to Canglang mainland now. "

In fact, the closer to the black hole, the more distorted the surrounding space-time is. The distortion and disorder of time and space will directly cause the difference in time. Wu Han is right. Even if the ancient wind enters from the other end of the black hole and comes out from this end, it may be a few years.

Wu Han's words made everyone meditate.

Finally, the old patriarch Lei batian said to everyone, "Wu Han is right. Since the leader is not dead, he will come back to us sooner or later. Now, what we need to do is to set up camp in Canglang mainland and let our Qingtian shenting stand up completely. At the same time, we should also strive to improve our cultivation. When the sect leader returns, it will be the day when our Qingtian divine court will shine! "

"Elder Lei is also right. Now we must first ensure that we don't mess. When the leader is away, we must strictly abide by discipline. We just want to make no mistakes, not meritorious." Tianlingzi also nodded and agreed. Although he was a little wrong with the old patriarch Lei batian, he was very measured in such a big event.

After a little meditation, the elder tianlingzi proposed: "as the saying goes, the snake doesn't go without a head. Since the leader is not here, we have to elect an acting leader to coordinate the overall situation for the time being. I personally think elder Lei is the elder martial brother of the leader. He is loyal and responsible to the whole divine court. It is appropriate for him to act as the leader in the absence of the leader. "

With that, tianlingzi turned his eyes to other elders. This is a major event. Although he is only an acting leader, he has a great responsibility. Today's Qingtian shenting is full of waste, and there is not even a place to stay. It can be imagined how much responsibility this agency will take on.

At the same time, the 180000 preparatory disciples still need to continue to be assessed, and the 100000 people who follow them also need to settle down... All this is troublesome and will make people anxious. So this acting leader is definitely not a good job.

These elders of Qingtian divine court are all human spirits. It can be said that even their eyebrows are hollow after living a lot of years. Such a thing, just a little sum up, can weigh the pros and cons. So soon, elder tianlingzi's proposal was approved by all the elders. Elder Lei batian passed by unanimous vote and became the acting leader of Qingtian divine court.

Of course, Lei batian himself is an old monster who has lived for a long time. He can naturally distinguish the pros and cons of such a thing. But as tianlingzi said, he is the elder martial brother of ancient style, and he is duty bound. Even if he didn't want to, he had to pick up the burden.

The muscles of Lei Changlao's face twitched fiercely. He glared at elder tianlingzi fiercely, then showed an ugly smile and said to everyone: "ha ha, it's rare for everyone to trust me so much, then I won't postpone it any more. Now, I officially announce that I will act as the leader of the ancient wind sect in the absence of the leader. During this period, I hope everyone can abide by the rules of the sect and be strict with themselves. I hope the leader will be satisfied with you when he returns. "

Taking over the post of acting leader is taking over the heavy burden. At this time, elder Lei's mentality is like what tianlingzi said. He doesn't want to be meritorious, but to have no mistakes. He only hopes that when the ancient style returns, he can hand over a complete Qingtian divine court to the ancient style.

Next, under the leadership of Wu Han, everyone found the five color altar. After several consecutive transmissions, they finally landed in Canglang continent. They set foot in the nameless Canyon where a large number of holy King bees had been bred


When the ancient wind returns to consciousness again, I don't know how many days later. At this time, he found that he was not in the vast universe, nor in any star world, nor continued to shuttle through black holes.

He found himself lying in a strange space. There is no scenery around. It is full of rosy clouds shining on people. It is so comfortable.

He couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the ancient wind almost screamed, because he found that the scattered glow was a substance he had never touched, which seemed to be the power of immortals.

Yes, this is "Xianli". The ancient style is very certain. Because he has felt this kind of material in the dean of the immortal academy, dashian, which is definitely the immortal power he has never been in contact with.

"Where the hell is this? Didn't the black hole kill me? "

Gu Feng murmured, and then checked his body, but miraculously found that he didn't even have a hair.

"How could this happen? I clearly remember that the black hole tore my body apart! "

After a few more punches, Gu Feng really found himself safe and could not help but wonder more.

"Where the hell is this? Am I still in the black hole? "

Now life is saved. For ancient customs, the first task is to find out the current situation, and then go back to everyone.

Gu Feng got up. He locked a direction and walked forward slowly. He wants to find out where he is.

Around, there are bits and pieces of immortal power everywhere. There is no sun here, let alone any buildings, animals and plants. It seems that everything is isolated here.

I don't know how long I had been exploring. When the ancient wind was a little impatient, a tall statue appeared in his sight. Under the statue, there was a figure kneeling there piously!

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