
On the spot, Gu Feng was stunned. He was completely surrounded by his sister Gu Xinya's words. What does that mean? Are the two brothers in love with the same woman?

Gu Feng looked back at his son Xiaotian, but found that Xiaotian was lowering his head and couldn't lift his head with shame on his face!

"What the hell is going on? Tell me clearly, why does Aotian regard you as a mortal enemy? What irreconcilable contradiction has happened between you? "

The archaic frown was so high that he felt uneasy in his heart.

In the face of his father's inquiry, Xiaotian hesitated, which is still difficult to say clearly. Gu Xinya sighed, took over the topic and said, "in my opinion, it's no wonder that Xiaotian should blame the woman's fickleness..."

Next, Gu Xinya patiently talked about the emotional entanglement between the two people:

It turned out that Aotian, who was angry with his family, lived outside for a long time. During this period, he fell in love with a woman, so he took the initiative to pursue. Who ever thought that the woman was at odds with him every time and never really promised him.

It's OK for the woman to refuse Aotian directly, but she wants to give Aotian hope again. She always makes Aotian confused every time.

Finally, for some time, Aotian couldn't find the trace of the woman. He was so anxious that he turned around. It happened that at this time, he received a summons from his mother, saying that he was asked to go back to his brother's wedding.

As a result, when Aotian returned home, he unexpectedly found that the "sister-in-law" was a woman he had been pursuing and didn't get!

The two brothers had a quarrel before, but now they encounter this kind of thing again. Is that okay?

So, the hot tempered Ao Tian made a big wedding on the spot, and directly moved with his brother. A good wedding immediately became a big competition arena between brothers.

When Xiaotian learned that he robbed his brother's woman, he was very ashamed and angry. After careful consideration, he realized that the woman must be deliberately alienating their brothers. So Xiao Tian was even more straightforward. He directly killed his bride in front of his brother in front of the full house of guests... A good wedding turned into a funeral!

Although the bride who stirred up the storm died, the contradiction between the two brothers did not subside. Since then, Ao Tian has completely hated his brother, and often makes sneak attacks and even kills him.

In Aotian's opinion, my brother not only robbed his own things since childhood, but also robbed and personally killed his favorite woman... Old hatred and new hatred are no longer difficult to adjust.

Brother, he doesn't recognize it. You can kill it!

This is the contradiction between brothers. After listening to the ancient wind, the whole face turned black.

At this time, Gu Xinya sighed again and continued: "I have watched and grown up that little rabbit of Aotian since childhood, and I know his temper best. He hates your father as well as his brother. "

"Huh? Why does he hate me? "

The ancient wind was stunned again and felt a little inexplicable.

Xinya continued, "he hates you for not holding him and caring for him since you were a child. He hated you so many women that he ignored his mother... From childhood, he had no idea about your father. If anyone mentioned you in front of him, he would even get angry... Now you know why Aotian boy is so rebellious? In his opinion, everything is unfair, so he has resentment. I finally fell in love with a woman, but I became my sister-in-law again. You can imagine what kind of mood he was in? "

"I see!" The old wind nodded clearly, and his heart couldn't tell what it was like.

Ao Tian hates himself. What can ancient customs do? It's not that Gu Feng has no pride in heaven, but that the current situation is so. What can he do? When the proud genius was just pregnant, Kyushu ushered in the great disaster of the world. At that time, all the thoughts of the ancient style were on Kyushu. Where could we take care of the family? In order to chase and kill the eight demons, he broke into the underworld. When he came out of the underworld, the whole world was boundless, and he was left alone in the whole Kyushu!

Then he was sent to baduang by Ming Xiaoyang. When he heard about his family again, it was many years later

The ancient wind was bitter in his heart. He looked at the sky again, and his heart gradually bred a torrent of hatred. He knows that all this is an ancient arrangement of God, and maybe Aotian's troubles will continue.

Last time I was in Aolong mountain, my father and son had already met, but Gu Feng beat Ao Tian up again. Isn't this adding new hatred to Aotian's heart?


After settling down the family, Gu Feng played another important role - dealing with Wu Xie.

Wu Xie and the twelve holy kings of their family were captured by Lei batian in Aolong mountain that day. It is reasonable to say that the ancient wind should have interrogated Wu Xie long ago, but later everyone was busy healing in isolation, so it has been delayed until now.

Now, Gu Feng is finally free. It's time to have a good quarrel with Wu Xie Li.

In the Qingtian hall, the ancient style sits on the Kowloon chair, with full dignity and self prestige without anger.

Beside him stood three true immortals, but hundreds of half immortals stood on both sides of the hall. The whole Qingtian hall was full of a sense of solemnity, which made people tremble.

In the middle of the hall, Wu Xie and the twelve holy kings of their family knelt.

Yes, they are on their knees. The reason why they are kneeling is that their divine power is sealed and can only be manipulated by others.

"Wu Xie, I don't think you will ever think that one day we will meet in this way?"

With a cold face, the ancient wind swept indifferently towards the thirteen people in the hall, and even provoked a trace of ironic ridicule at the corners of his mouth.

In those years, Wu Xie took the lead in setting foot on the Canglang mainland. He lived here for more than ten years than all the disciples of the immortal Academy. When everyone arrived here, he was already a holy king, established his own power, and married Han Mingzhu... How energetic he was at that time? At that time, he could easily crush the ancient wind with one finger!

But now, he became a prisoner and crawled at the foot of the ancient wind again.

"I have nothing to say about becoming a king and defeating an enemy. If you want to kill or scrape, please hurry up!"

Wu Xie had a calm face and a rather bad tone. He knew that he would come to no good end if he fell into the hands of the ancient wind, so he just wanted to die quickly.

He wants to die quickly. May the old wind make him do it?

The answer is No. if the ancient wind only wants his life, he won't bring a living one back.

"Don't worry, let's sort out our gratitude and resentment first, and then say whether we die or not!" Gu Feng chuckled again and then asked, "I was still alone when I met ten years ago. Now, I have such a big sect and such a huge force in my hands. Are you surprised?"

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