At the same time, the three real immortals behind the ancient wind and the hundreds of half immortals standing on both sides of the hall released their authority towards Wu Xie and others.

It's terrible that so many people release pressure at the same time. Just for a moment, the Wu family all quarreled and bled, and their faces changed wildly. The powerful immortal's pressure almost burst their bodies.

Under great pressure, Wu Xie took a strong breath and roared, "enough of the ancient style. I have become a prisoner. Do you still need to show off your force like this? Your growth really surprised me, but so what? I have fallen into your hands. I am no longer qualified to be your opponent. How deep your strength is has nothing to do with me! "

It was an insult to Wu Xie that so many people released their coercion against themselves. As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed and not humiliated. He is already a person waiting to die. Is it necessary for the ancient custom to humiliate himself in this way?

Wu Xie was really surprised at the power of ancient customs, and even couldn't figure it out for several days and nights. He wondered why ancient customs could establish such a huge sect in such a short time. He even wondered why so many strong people would willingly follow the ancient style. You know, the cultivation of anyone in the hall is higher than the ancient style. It's very difficult to make a strong person condescend under a weak person. It's even more incredible to be such a large group.

The roar of Wu Xie stunned the ancient wind. After a careful review of this, I really think it makes sense.

Wu Xie is really like what he said. He is no longer qualified to be the opponent of the ancient wind, so the ancient wind doesn't need to show off in front of him.

With a big hand, Gu Feng asked people to remove their coercion on the spot, then smiled at Wu Xie and said, "you're right. Now you're really not qualified to be my opponent. You're still an understanding person. Since you are a sensible man, be frank and tell me everything I am interested in knowing, so that you can die happily. "

"What do you want to know?" Wu Xie also asked simply.

"What do you want to know?" Gu Feng murmured. He found that he wanted to know too many things. For a moment, he didn't know how to start from and ask.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Feng said, "let's talk about how you got into a relationship with Wang Shihai. What are your plans next?"

"How to get in touch with him is no longer important. I think you should be more concerned about how these demons came and why they were with us, shouldn't you? "

"Yes!" Smelling the speech, the ancient wind clearly nodded and said, "it really doesn't matter how you hook up with Wang Shihai. Then tell me about the demons. Where do these demons come from? How many demons have invaded the world? What are your plans for the future? "

"The heavenly demons naturally come from the heavenly demon world, but I don't know how they came here, because the heavenly demons have always been in contact with Wang Shihai, and he didn't let me know too many things..." at this point, Wu Xie paused and continued: "as far as I know, there seem to be two real immortal level heavenly demons who crossed the world. They were in Aolong mountain last time, Only one person appears, and the other person has been lurking. He won't go out unless he has to. "

"And another one?"

Hearing the speech, the old-fashioned eyebrows wrinkled on the spot, secretly saying happiness. Last time, if the hidden true immortal demon also came out, the two true immortals he brought would be dangerous.

"Well, why did the devil invade the world? Is there any ulterior purpose? "

This is not only the most concerned problem of ancient customs, but also the most important problem. Gu Feng remembers clearly that the last time the devil invaded Kyushu, he went for himself. What about this time? Isn't it for yourself?

When you think about it carefully, the ancient style denies this conjecture. After all, the layout of Aolong mountain was launched before the ancient wind returned here. In other words, when the demons invaded here, the ancient wind was still in the Silver Red continent, so it should not go for him.

Sure enough, Wu Xie shook her head and said, "I don't know what the specific purpose is, but it seems that the plan is very big, because these demons are just an advance team, and more and more powerful demons will step into the world in succession. In my estimation, even if the whole Canglang continent is not destroyed, it will be almost the same. "

"Will be destroyed? Really... Really so serious? "

Gu Feng was stunned. His eyes widened. He had seen the terrible demons with his own eyes and would not doubt the authenticity of this statement at all.

Ten thousand steps back, even if there are no demons invading again, only those demons in Aolong mountain, if they are not completely eliminated, they will soon radiate towards the surrounding areas, and then form a prairie fire, which will be out of control... It won't be too far away from extinction at that time!

"It's really so serious. I'm a dying man. There's no need to deceive you. If you want to live, the best way is to leave the world quickly! " Wu Yidao.

"Leave? Hum, thank you for your concern, but I'll arrange my own affairs. I don't need your concern! " Gu Feng sneered, and his face changed.

Leaving is really a good way, simple and easy. But can leaving really solve the problem? It's easy for them to leave, but what about the others?

Canglang mainland 8000 States, how many creatures do you have? Gu Feng doesn't want to see the tragedy of Kyushu repeat.

Suddenly, Gu Feng thought of the most critical question and asked, "why did the demons cross the boundary and find Wang Shihai as a collaborator? What's the connection? "

"I don't know. I was curious about this question, but Wang Shihai didn't answer me at all. According to my guess, it should have something to do with his identity as a demon star. After all, both are advanced by swallowing... "

The ancient style was not very satisfied with this answer. It can be said that Wu Xie's answer was nonsense. But what can ancient customs do? He knew that Wu Xie was just a humble shrimp in the eyes of the devil, so neither the devil nor Wang Shihai would let Wu Xie know too much.

After being silent for a long time, Gu Feng slowly shook his head at Wu Xie and said, "although everything you said today is still valuable, it's all nonsense in the final analysis. You really let me down... The last question is, you had been here for 15 years when our troops reached Canglang mainland. Why didn't you choose to continue to set foot on Chengxian road instead of camping, Made a long-term plan? "

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