The man named Mohan was the supreme commander in charge of the war in Bozhou. In general, his identity is also extremely high, because he is the only son of supreme marshal morvin in the whole Canglang battlefield.

The Moore family is also a famous top family in the world of heavenly demons, and its status is equivalent to that of Bo family in Cang family. And Mohan's status is equivalent to that of little Duke Bohong, the son of Boku... At this time, Mohan rushed to the nine days regardless of the overall situation and went to fight the fierce Boku himself. How can it not be worrying?

Once he had an accident, would his father morvin give up? It's possible to pierce the sky at that time!

"No, leader Mohan is not that guy's opponent at all. If you fight again, you may worry about your life!"

Some of Mohan's subordinates were frightened and quickly mobilized great demons of Zhenxian level to rescue quickly. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, they quickly summoned to Hongzhou, where the base camp is located, in order to expect morhan's father morwen to come in person!

Let's say that Mohan, he was a grumpy man. How could he sit still when he saw hundreds of puppet demons die in an instant?

Although those puppet big demons are worthless and can be created continuously, it also takes time and cost to evolve a real immortal level big demons. Hundreds of them were shot dead at once. Who can not be distressed?

However, anger is useless. In the face of absolute strength, a grumpy temper will only accelerate his death.

Mohan didn't know the depth and went to fight Boku in person. As a result, he fell into absolute passivity and danger after a few rounds of fighting. Had it not been for a steady stream of assistance, I'm afraid he would have been slapped to death by the fierce Boku.

Still, in the face of absolute strength, everything seems pale and powerless.

Even if a steady stream of puppet demons kill Gao Tian, it is still difficult to understand the danger of Mohan's life. No matter how many demons rush up, the Boku has only one action - one punch, just fierce!

Undoubtedly, Boku's ferocity has become the focus of the whole battlefield. So far, there are more than two thousand real immortal demons who have died in his hands. This is really a fierce man, a cruel man!

Boku's record can be said to have stunned the Terrans in the Bozhou theater.

Countless people looked up at the sky, and countless people clenched their fists and shouted, "fast!"!

It can be said that for the Terran, today is a rare victory. The Terran has not won such a big victory since the invasion of the demons. Therefore, at this moment, their hearts surged. It can be said that their blood was boiling. They just wanted to be the Boku who killed the four sides.

No way, the Terrans in the past were really suppressed too hard. Every time they were forced to evacuate, they lost hundreds of big states in more than ten years. If the collapse continues at such a rate, how many years will the Canglang 8000 state hold out? If eight thousand states are lost, where should they settle down?

At the bottom, the Cang army saw that its marshal was so fierce, and immediately it was like beating chicken blood, and its momentum soared again. Everyone roared and howled, and the whole combat power doubled again; On the contrary, the heavenly demon army is completely disorganized. At this time, they have lost the highest commander. How much combat power can they have left?

In addition, those great demons at the level of real immortals were constantly transferred away, and the backbone combat power continued to pass seriously, which accelerated the destruction of the great army of demons!

The battlefield collapsed and a one-sided situation emerged. The original fierce and unstoppable army of demons appeared in flight!

The army is defeated like a mountain. Once any army runs away, it will be completely hopeless. Even the Tianmo army is the same. They have been driven out by millions of Cang Army

This scene made the Terrans look silly. After reacting, Gu Xiaotian, the supreme commander of the Qingtian divine court, issued an order to hang on the spot. Immediately, the major forces stationed in Bozhou followed suit. They all went out, turned passivity into initiative, and launched a crazy strangulation against those fleeing demons!

This is the first large-scale counterattack since the invasion of demons. The Terrans used to defend passively. When they couldn't defend, they had to retreat

"Qingtian children, let me see that our main goal is the primary devil. As long as all the original demons are killed and the evil spirit dissipates, the whole war can be ended! "

In a small highland, a young commander of the blue sky god court held a sword and roared. His name is su'an. Although he has just set foot in the realm of true immortals, he has become one of the core backbones of Qingtian shenting.

In the battle of aolongshan eighteen years ago, su'an showed leadership beyond ordinary people. Since then, he has been promoted by the ancient style. Who would have thought that today, eighteen years later, he has become Xiaotian's right hand!

Under the leadership of su'an, the attack and kill array gave full play to its power, and killed five or six primary demons in just a few quarters of an hour!

Seeing this, people from other forces also followed suit. They also led the attack and kill array and launched a special campaign against those original pickups!

The reason why they aim at the original demons is that the original demons will release evil Qi, which will corrode any living creature and assimilate everything. Only when they are wiped out can we survive this great disaster.

Today is a dark day for demons, which is the first disastrous defeat they have suffered since invading Canglang continent. Not only countless puppet demons were hanged, but even the original demons suffered heavy losses!

They wanted to escape, but they were blocked up and down, left and right. Where could they escape? Some primitive demons, just rushed to the high sky, were locked by the Terran attack and kill array, and were blasted into slag at one fell swoop!

When the war evolved to this point, nalanjing, sitting in the command center, naturally could no longer be safe. The command tent she hid was smashed by the counterattack Terrans for the first time. In order not to be exposed, she had to change her appearance, hide in the army of demons and wait for the opportunity to slip away!

To tell the truth, the war has evolved to this point, which she never expected. This result is really surprising. But what can be done? All because that Boku is too cruel!

Nalanjing can be sure that even though she has set foot on the peak of true immortality, if she makes contact with Boku, she can only last ten rounds at most, and even be killed instantly!

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