Nalanjing wanted to sneak away and stay away from this place of right and wrong. However, she just saw the escape direction, and she found herself locked by the Terran combination array.

The next second, a strong and powerful training came face-to-face, which made her avoid. Forced hard next, almost killed her on the spot!

Looking back, she almost vomited blood because she found that Gu Xiaotian was the one who attacked her. He was personally running a big array to attack herself!

"Big... Aunt?"

Gu Xiaotian was stunned, because nalanjing showed her original appearance after being hit.

Their goal was originally the original devil. Once they saw nalanjing, how could they be merciful? It happened that nalanjing changed her appearance and breath in order not to expose her identity. Now she was wronged.

"Your boy... Very good!"

Nalanjing was so angry that her teeth itched. She just rushed up and slapped the sky. However, this is impossible because the environment does not allow it at all.

With a sudden wave of her hand, she changed her appearance and breath again, and then went straight to the depths of the demon army.

At this time, the voice of Xiao Tian came from behind: "aunt, where is my father?"

"He's crazy..."


The fog at the head of Gu Xiaotian, but nanlanjing has disappeared!

Nalanjing got rid of the threat of the Terran, but the greater threat came from the sky... A golden liquid turned into streamer, came at a high speed, and went straight to nalanjing's eyebrows.

Although the golden streamer is still a long way away, nalanjing has already felt uncomfortable because of its arrogant evil spirit. Looking up, her eyebrows twisted into a line, because she knew it was the so-called heaven bully blood!

At this time, someone is attacking himself with heaven bully blood!

There was no time to find the man who attacked him. Nalanjing rolled on the spot and avoided the blow. Looking up at the sky again, she found a young man in Taoist robes looking at herself with a smile. What made nalanjing frown was that the mark on the center of the young man's eyebrows, like Boku, was blue. This shows that this person's high status and strength are no less than Boku!

"Hehe, I have a soul searching ruler in hand. Can you escape?"

The young man in Taoist robe smiled. He was Master Lu invited by Boku from the Lu family.

Although the battlefield was a mess, Master Lu had been silently watching nalanjing's movements. Seeing nalanjing wanted to leave the war zone, he couldn't help it any longer and shot himself!

"You... Who are you?"

"I am the one who receives you!"

While talking, Master Lu went down to the ground and confronted nalanjing.

Quietly, the environment around them has changed. It seems that they have arrived in another world. The cry of killing disappeared, the devil disappeared, and the army of the Cang family disappeared, as if they were the only two people left in the whole world.

"You... You brought me into your little world?"

On the spot, Nalan Jing's face turned pale, and she only felt that she was going to suffer this time.

Monks, the most taboo is to enter other people's small world, because they will be subject to restrictions everywhere in other people's small world. The master of the small world is the way of heaven and the master. Whoever dies must die!

"No, this is a mirage? This is not your little world? "

Nalan Jing shook her head violently. At this time, she couldn't understand whether this was Master Lu's small world. This is because Gu Xiaotian attacked him just now. That blow almost killed her, so she was hurt. For a moment, she couldn't understand whether she was trapped in someone else's small world.

"Hehe, don't you want to know why I brought you here?"

Master Lu didn't explain whether this was a small world. He held the soul searching ruler in one hand and his chin in the other. He kept turning around Nalan. The evil meaning in his eyes was not covered up at all.

Suddenly, nalanjing understood everything. It turned out that the young Taoist had a lust for himself.

Sure enough, Master Lu continued to say, "in fact, I have noticed you for a long time. Although you are a female demon, you are not with those demons outside, right? It's only funny that those fools of bo have always regarded you as the leader of the devil, ha ha ha ha! "

Suddenly stopped laughing wildly, and the evil intention immediately hung on Master Lu's face. He said, "to tell you the truth, there are many women who have been played by the master. There are all kinds of women, but there is no one from the Tianmo family. Throughout the whole battlefield, although there are many female demons, who can't go to you? Hehe, so... Anyway, you can't escape the hand of the Cang family. Why don't you make a full respect first? I promise to make you feel good and unforgettable... Hahaha! "

Hearing the speech, nalanjing can be said to be trembling with anger. However, she could not bear it, because she noticed the soul searching ruler in Master Lu's hand.

"I just heard what you said. Is the soul searching ruler in your hand? I wonder if you can explain the wonderful use of this thing? "

"Oh? Are you interested in my soul searching ruler? " Master Lu looked a little surprised and then said with a slight smile: "well, you can't escape my palm anyway. I'll just let you be an understanding ghost. My soul searching ruler, as its name suggests, is a sharp weapon for tracking the soul of God. No matter how you change your form and breath, I can find you, because your spirit can't change. "

With that, Master Lu took out another bottle of black liquid and continued to smile: "are you a little familiar with this thing? Yes, it's your blood. If I want to find someone, I just need to drop a drop of each other's blood. No matter where he is, he can't escape tracking! "

"This baby is so powerful?" Nalanjing pretended to be surprised, then smiled and said, "I also have an unparalleled treasure here. What if we exchange it?"

"Peerless treasure? What is that? "



Master Lu was confused. However, before he could understand nalanjing's meaning, he felt that he couldn't see anything in front of him. The next second, he just felt that his head was hit by something, and then he didn't know anything!

He was knocked unconscious, and the thing that hit him was the coffin of the devil buried in heaven.

In fact, although nalanjing has owned the coffin for a long time, she can't completely control it. So she can only use the magic coffin as a brick.

Facts have proved that this move is very effective, because the magic coffin is a top Immortal King treasure. Suddenly it hits others on the head. Who doesn't faint?

Fortunately, Master Lu's forehead is hard enough and the blood of cangtianba is rich, otherwise he will be shot dead directly.

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