In addition, the ancient wind was shocked by the scene in front of us just when it returned to Yunshan. He found that the square in front of the temple was surrounded by thousands of people. In the middle of the crowd, they tied a large group of people with ropes - a full 982 Cang real immortals!

They were tied together by a special long rope and strung into a string. The scene was quite spectacular.

"Lord Dionysus, this is..."

Gu Feng was a little confused. He didn't know where Bacchus caught so many real immortals. In fact, he didn't know that these people were ordered to kill twelve states, otherwise

"Younger martial brother, you're back. You don't know. These animals, these animals... From the edge of the no man's land, they slaughtered twelve states. Among the twelve big states, they slaughtered no living creatures! " Hekun choked and wanted to complain about the ancient style. His eyes were red. He didn't know how much fire had been deflated in his heart. He suddenly squeezed his fist and said, "if someone hadn't fled to our Guiyun mountain, would we know the evil deeds of these animals? If we don't do it again, it's estimated that they will slaughter us in Jiuzhou! "


The old wind's head exploded and the whole person almost couldn't stand steady.

He grabbed Hekun's collar and asked urgently, "do you mean... Do you mean they did evil? They slaughtered twelve states? "

Returning from the no man's land, the ancient wind was heartbroken all the way. Is it these people who did the destruction in front of them?

Suddenly, Gu Xiaotian knelt down in front of Gu Feng with a "puff" and cried: "father, I was incompetent and didn't predict in advance, so I let these goddamn beasts succeed. I don't deserve to be your son! "

"Get up!"

Gu Feng patted Xiaotian on the shoulder, and he came to Dionysus with an iron face. Bowing his hand, he begged, "Lord Dionysian, can you give them to me?"

"What do you want to do?"


Just a simple word made the back of more than 900 Cang real immortals cool on the spot.

They clearly felt the killing opportunity of the ancient wind, which was cold and piercing, making people's soul tremble.

"Demon star, you... You can't kill us. You should dare to move us. Hundreds of millions of troops of our Cang family are bound to completely destroy your whole world!"


It was a huge slap that answered the man, and it was the old wind that shot.

He slapped the bus and let the human form and God die on the spot!

"..." the whole audience was silent. The bound Cang family immortal was surprised and angry, but he didn't dare to make a sound anymore.

At this time, the voice of Dionysus sounded and said, "it's too cheap to kill them. If I really wanted to kill them, I wouldn't bother so much to bring them back! "

"Huh? The Dionysian, what do you mean? "

"Refining into a puppet!" The God of wine suddenly stood up and, in a word, made all the Cang real immortals change their faces.

If they are really refined into puppets, they might as well be killed directly. If you are refined, life is better than death. You will really become a walking corpse.

The God of wine continued: "they are all Cang elites. If their individual strength is stronger than most of our real immortals, wouldn't it be a waste to kill them? The war is coming. In terms of the number of real immortals, we are far less than the Cang family, so we can't kill them directly! "

"Refining puppets?" The ancient wind murmured, then shook his head and said, "refining puppets, they will have no consciousness and no senses... It's too cheap for them."


Hearing the speech, almost everyone was stunned. Does the ancient style have a better idea?

Sure enough, the ancient wind glanced at the real immortals of the Cang family with cold eyes, and then said, "don't they claim to be noble? Today, I will make them completely humble. I will let them know that their proud noble blood is a piece of shit in our eyes. It's better than shit! "

"Younger martial brother, what do you want to do?" Hekun hurried up and asked.

"What do I want? Hehe, I want to accept slaves. They call themselves noble. I'll let them experience the taste of being slaves. " The ancient wind smiled and said something, which changed the complexion of all Cang members.

Suddenly, the ancient wind looked at the God of wine and said, "Lord God of wine, please allow me to force them to be slaves, because I want to completely destroy their will from the bottom of my heart. I want them to understand that even if they are Cang people, they are humble and humble! If some of them don't want to be slaves, please do it and refine them into puppets. "

"Good idea, that's a good idea, wonderful!"

Before Dionysus could make a statement, he Kun shouted. He was the first to agree with the ancient style.

Isn't Cang always proud? Don't they claim to be the most noble race in the universe? Today, we should let them understand how pathetic and ridiculous their self proclaimed nobility is in the eyes of others.

"Good idea. Whether it's a slave or a puppet, it can achieve the ideal effect anyway."

Dionysus agreed, but he had no objection. His words completely let the heart of nearly a thousand true immortals fall to the bottom of the valley and completely make them loveless.

"Ha ha, good!"

The ancient wind burst into laughter, suddenly glared at the more than 900 people bound, and shouted, "who? Who was the first to hand over the soul brand? Don't blame me for not reminding you that you can't hide. Procrastination will only increase your torture time. You can never wait for someone to save you. "

Hearing the speech, all the Cang real fairies have changed their faces. At this moment, many people want to commit suicide. However, their divine power is sealed and their hands and feet are bound. Even if they want to commit suicide, they can't do it.

"Demon star, you can't die easily. I'm from the Cang family. We are the descendants of heaven. If you humiliate us like this, you will be punished by heaven..."

Finally someone roared. However, before he finished his words, his voice suddenly stopped, because the antique palm had clamped his neck.

"Scourge? What Lao Tzu did in the ancient style has always been against the will of heaven. Will Lao Tzu still be afraid of heaven's punishment? In the future, I will not only destroy your Cang family, but also pierce the sky. I will be afraid of the scourge of heaven? "

While talking, the power of the man's soul was pulled out by the ancient wind. Then, there was a strange fire on the palm of the ancient wind, and the spirit "snapped" on the spot.

"Ah... Stop, you devil, how dare you burn my spirit? You... You can't die well. Stop quickly!"

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