A trace of the power of the divine soul was calcined and kept making a "pa pa" sound. Call the calcined man, scream and scold constantly. But Gu Feng's men are Si Ao's merciless!

Suddenly, he Kun shouted again and said to the ancient wind, "younger martial brother, it's not exciting to play like this. How about some new tricks?"

"What's new?" Asked the old wind.

"Some time ago, I came across a gadget called 'Soul Eater'. It is said that this gadget likes to eat the original God of monks most. That taste... Ha ha, it's definitely more fun than you calcine with Dao fire! "

He pangzi's face hung a gloomy smile, which made those Cang real immortals look heavy on the spot.

Although Hekun didn't say what the Soul Eater was, most of the people present had heard of it. Soul devouring insects are a kind of extremely evil terror. They have always only eaten the original God of monks. That kind of pain is like being bitten by 10000 ants. It's so painful that people can't wait to shoot the whole Yuanshen to death. More importantly, it still lingers and can't be killed!

The horror of the Soul Eater lies not only in pain, but in a long-term nature. It is said that once the thing gets involved, it will never be rooted. The bitten will spend his whole life in torture and suffering.

"Soul Eater? Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing! " Gu Feng chuckled and continued to nod: "OK, what are you waiting for? Take it out and try it for them! "

Soul eaters are things that torture the yuan God. Ancient customs are naturally very welcome. A few years ago, he was eroded by the Cang family's resentment, but he was tortured out of human form. Now, using soul eaters to torture the yuan God of Cang family members is called one report for another!


Hekun took out a small box with a smile. As soon as he opened it, a green light flashed away, making people's scalp numb.

Then, the ancient wind saw clearly that there was really a small bug with green light all over in the small box, about the length of the nail cap.

Although the insect looks small, the ancient wind can clearly see that there are two rows of senhan fangs in its mouth. The two rows of fangs were opening and closing, and there were mysterious runes flashing, which made people scared; Its small eyes are always emitting a fierce, violent and evil light, which makes people's soul tremble.

It can be said that this is definitely a fierce insect, which makes countless friars smell and change color. At this time, unexpectedly, he Kun, a dead fat man, got one.

"Hahaha, come on, help me catch him, let me beat this soul eater into his holy palace, and let him enjoy it slowly!"

He Kun laughed and compared the insects in his hand, which made the man controlled by the ancient wind pale on the spot.

"No, no, take it away, please take it away..."

Finally, the man was afraid and showed the color of fear on his face.

However, Gu Feng had no mercy on him. He pulled him out of the rope, threw him on the ground at will, and then trampled on his face with his big foot.

Sneered: "I told you to take the initiative. Now you know you're afraid. Isn't it too late?"

Looking back, the ancient wind shouted at Hekun: "what are you doing? Let him taste the Soul Eater. I've only heard of this Soul Eater. I'm lucky to see it today. "


Hekun smiled again, then suddenly stretched out his fingers and pointed to the man's eyebrows.

A small hole appeared, and the blood soaked Hekun's fingers. I saw a golden light continuously escaping along the small hole, which shows that the small hole has reached the holy palace!

Suddenly, he Kun twisted the Soul Eater and suddenly bounced down the small hole into the man's holy palace!

In an instant, the whole audience was silent. Whether it was more than 900 Cang members or thousands of members of the divine court who were watching here, they all stared at the change of the man's expression. Even the Dionysian was absorbed, as if he had never seen a Soul Eater!

Three seconds later


The man finally screamed. Even if the divine power was sealed, he broke away from the trampling of the ancient wind in an instant.

He held his head in his hands, showing a ferocious and painful look on his face. He got up and ran outside, but just a few steps away, he fell down. The severe pain made him unable to stand up again.

His constant tumbling, constant scream and severe pain made his face completely distorted.

Soon his eyes bulged out and stared round and round, all in pain.

Suddenly, he got up and hugged Gu Feng's thigh. Finally, he begged for mercy and cried: "demon star, please, please let me go, please let me go, we are also under orders..."


It was a kick to answer him. He was kicked away by the ancient wind.

The old wind sneered: "I can't stand it at the beginning? What about your pride? What about the noble blood of your Cang family? Why do you kneel down? "

Being teased and laughed at, but the man didn't care. He quickly climbed to the ancient wind again, hugged his legs and begged for mercy again: "please, please, give me a good time, i... I'm so uncomfortable!!!"

The man's whole face was completely white, and the bean sized beads of sweat brushed and fell, which made people feel pimple.


The ancient wind kicked him away again and said with a sneer, "do you want to die? Are you qualified for that? How can you die so soon if you don't have enough of the taste that life is better than death? " With that, Gu Feng took up his hands and didn't intend to pay attention to the man.

However, he Kun made an unexpected move at this time. He grabbed the man's collar.

When everyone looked at each other, he Kun suddenly pinched his palm and pointed at the small blood hole.

The next second, people were shocked to see that there were green soul eaters pulled out of the blood hole!


On the spot, everyone was stupid, and even some were scared to take a breath.

What's going on? Wasn't there only one just now? But now

The river Kun pulled out nine!

Why so much?

"Ha ha, ha ha, the legend is true, the legend is true, ha ha ha!"

Hekun laughed and was in a good mood.

He explained to the same puzzled ancient wind: "it is said that this thing is androgynous. As long as there are enough spirits to eat, they will continue to reproduce independently. Otherwise, there will be no saying that it will never be cleared, ha ha ha. Unexpectedly, this is true. It's only been a while, and nine have been bred independently! "

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