"In front of you is the boundless Nebula sea. If you go through it, you can reach the origin star field where the Cang family is located!"

Wang Shihai's voice rang again. The next second, the ancient wind couldn't see anything. He returned to the inner space of the black hole again.

The statue is still in the form of swallowing the sky, and Wang Shihai is still integrated with it. It is difficult to distinguish each other. It's just that the sky swallowing beast is not big, only Zhang Xu, as if this is the soul foundation of the whole black hole.

At this time, Wang Shihai said again: "such a high-intensity cosmic shuttle must be disordered in the time dimension. Maybe it will take thousands of years to go back and forth!"

"It's not that exaggerated. I've wandered once before. It only took me 18 years to come back!"

Gu Feng thought of the first trip of Cang family. At that time, nalanjing wanted to take him to "see the sky". I was going to walk around and come back. I didn't think I accidentally killed Boku's son

"It's hard to say that last time you used the devil swallowing coffin, but this time I'm a black hole. The two are not equal and can't be compared!"

"I have walked through the black hole many times, but I don't feel how slow it will be. So, I don't think this trip will take much time. "

"You're wrong. You're talking about your own black hole, and this time we're driving a black hole that doesn't belong to us. Therefore, it's hard to say how much time it will take for this trip! "

Wang Shihai denied the saying of the ancient wind, and one sentence made the ancient wind jump in his heart.

Can't wang Shihai completely control this black hole?

While talking, the whole internal space "roared" and shook violently, which almost made several people fall.

But Wang Shihai shouted again, "we have entered the sea of stars and clouds. You have to sit still. This shuttle, in the time dimension, can not control its chaotic track, perhaps more or less. Therefore, I suggest you take this opportunity to practice well. Because maybe you will stay here for a long time... "

What does it mean to be unable to control the chaotic trajectory? Don't scare us! "

Once the face of the ancient wind changes, if he is really allowed to stay here for thousands of years, he must go crazy.

But Wang Shihai continued: "as I said just now, I can't completely control this black hole. Naturally, I can't control the direction of time. Usually, time flies outside, but people walking inside only feel it for a while. But there are other times when thousands of years have passed inside, but there is only a short time outside... Can you understand what I say? "


On the spot, the faces of the ancient wind changed. How can they not understand Wang Shihai's words?

The disorder of time is not invariable, perhaps more or less.

In the past, the disorder experienced by ancient customs was that there was more time outside and less time to travel. He is really not ready to face the opposite situation. If you really want him to sit here for thousands of years, it's better to kill him!

Seeing that the face of the ancient wind was not good-looking, Wang Shihai continued: "of course, time is a flick of the finger for our generation of monks. If you find time difficult, you can sit dead. Even in the past thousands of years, you won't feel any irritability! "

"I've never sat dead!"

The old wind has a gloomy face. It's really scared. If he had known this situation, he would rather take a risk and turn into a black hole. Now, to put it mildly, your life is in the hands of others. If you stay here for thousands of years, you have to be driven crazy.

"You don't have to look like this. You should be glad, because this disorder is the most favorable for us. For example, if Boku hadn't died, he'd only been outside for a year, but we've been practicing hard for hundreds of years. If you go out and meet him again, will it be so hard for you to fight him? "

"I believe that if you are given another 500 years, you should set foot in the fairy throne?"

"...." the ancient style was dumb. He fully understood Wang Shihai's words, and there was no reason to refute them.

Before the ancient wind could say anything, Wang Shihai continued, "if the time dimension is really disordered in that direction, it is our luck. Because if the disorder lasts for 500 years, it is equivalent to that we have been practicing quietly for 500 years. You can imagine how strong you would be if you had 500 years? Has it been five hundred years since you were born? "

"..." the ancient wind still retorted without words. After half a ring, he said, "according to what you say, it's really a great thing. Only the devil knows if you and I have 500 years of quiet days? "

After a pause, the ancient wind said, "I really dare not sit dead. At best, I use this time to consolidate my cultivation."

After that, Gu Feng directly turned his eyes to the third daughter and said, "take this opportunity to practice well. The devil knows how long to stay on this trip? We can't waste our time. "


The three women nodded, then all sat down, and really began to meditate.

Although the internal space shook badly at first, it is much better now. It feels very stable and can't feel it moving at all. Staying here feels like staying on a stable earth.

Due to the state of mind, the ancient wind feels that time passes very slowly, almost like a year. At first, he looked forward to wearing out the sea of stars and clouds in a blink of an eye, but with the passage of time, he was gradually disappointed. Three days later, they are still walking through the nebula sea. If Wang Shihai had not seen the external scene to the ancient wind, the ancient wind even wondered whether he had entered the sea of stars and clouds.

After three days, they are still shuttling, which is too difficult for the ancient style. He remembered clearly that the last time he used the coffin to walk through, it only took a few hours at most.

"I have said that I can't control the direction of disorder. Now it seems that I have basically deviated in the direction of" less outside and more inside ". Your wisest choice is to sit here and practice, so as not to waste your time! "

"..." the ancient wind was speechless for a while, and his face twitched twice before he said: "if you really want to stay here for thousands of years, you don't care about a few days. I'll observe the situation for a few more days! "

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