Time, in suffering and waiting, slowly passed for more than ten days. To the despair of the ancient wind, they are still walking slowly in the nebula sea, and it seems that they will never reach the other shore.

If Wang Shihai hadn't shown him the scene outside several times, he would really doubt whether the black hole was moving.

Last time he crossed with Nalan, it clearly felt that it took only a few hours. But now, it's almost half a month, and it still hasn't reached the target. If the burial coffin belongs to an anti space-time magic weapon, what is this black hole?

A magic weapon reversed by time and space?

"As I said earlier, the time dimension has mostly gone in the opposite direction. Our wisest decision is to sit tight. Perhaps by the time we successfully reach the other side, we will have achieved the immortal throne! "

Wang Shihai has returned to his original state. He sits silently in front of the black stone statue. The black hole no longer needs him to control, but is running on its own.

"It is said that the morvin began to attack the immortal throne thousands of years ago, but he didn't succeed until he died. Similarly, Na Boku had set foot in the land of quasi fairy king a long time ago, but in the end, it didn't fall short of success? The real fairyland can not be successfully impacted by sitting dead, nor can it be accumulated over time. Everything depends on chance! "

Gu Feng replied that he was a little indifferent to Wang Shihai's statement. If you can really achieve the supreme road by sitting on the dead pass and accumulating years, there are probably too many fairy kings in the world.

"Hehe, what you said seems to be reasonable!" Wang Shihai chuckled and did not object to the ancient style. As soon as he received his smile, he said positively, "although sitting dead, we may not be able to achieve the immortal throne. But at the very least, can it help us understand what we don't understand? Not only that, at the very least, it can consolidate the previous foundation after sitting dead for such a long time? "

"Really, the biggest gap between you and Boku lies in the accumulation of years and the precipitation of time. If you can sit here for 500 years, even if you haven't improved your cultivation level, you can always make up for the lack of years and precipitation? "

Wang Shihai talked freely. His words made the ancient style fall into silence. It can be said that he agrees with this statement very much. In the previous big duel with Boku, the ancient wind clearly felt this problem. Although he has not lost too much in the realm, it is very different when it comes to the depth of the foundation.

It is equivalent to two frozen lakes. One is three feet thick, but the other has only experienced one day's cold. On the surface, they all look the same, but in fact, they can't be compared!

Seeing that the ancient wind didn't speak, Wang Shihai said again, "listen to me and sit down. I've set it. Once we reach the other side, we will be forced to wake up!"

With that, Wang Shihai no longer paid attention to the ancient wind. He walked away alone, disillusioned step by step, and soon disappeared in the sight of the ancient wind. He disappeared with a tall black stone statue shining with purple electric symbols.

"This space will be given to you. You can set your own isolation barrier. We'd better not disturb anyone before we reach the origin star domain! "

Wang Shihai's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared. It seems that he found a place to hide and practice himself.

After all, they are going to sit dead, and there must be no one nearby. This is the first taboo of monks!

Looking at Wang Shihai who has disappeared, the ancient wind is a little stunned. Is it really necessary to start the mode of sitting dead from now on?

The ancient wind has never sat in the death pass. In the past, every time he sat in the death pass, he basically realized the Tao in a shallow way. He has never tried to sit in the death pass in a deep level.

Some monks often sit down at a dead end for thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. It's really terrible to think about it. So much time can really do too many things for ancient customs.

At this time, Xia Xiaoyou slowly opened her eyes and said, "ancient wind, if the time dimension really goes disorderly in the opposite direction, we have to take this opportunity to sit down quickly. Look at the fairy law in this space. How rich is it? It's really suitable for practice. I've only been sitting for more than ten days, and I've benefited a lot. I'm going to hit the realm again! "

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind looked deeply at Xia Xiaoyou and found that the little girl was full in the middle of Xiaosheng and was about to enter the later stage of Xiaosheng.

This progress rate is really a little amazing, because when the ancient wind first saw Xia Xiaoyou, she had just hit the sage realm.

"This place, for you, is undoubtedly heaven. So, hold on to it yourself. It would be great if you could attack the holy King's robbery here. At that time, I will try my best to help you through the robbery! "

While talking, Gu Feng got up. It took him a long time to set up 108 isolated Dharma arrays around him. Maybe they will stay here for thousands of years, so it must be quiet and safe.

To say that Xia Xiaoyou has made great progress, the progress of her attached sisters can only be described as "riding a rocket". The two sisters, who had just been given by Fu Yunzi as a gift to Gu Feng, were only able to reach the divine palace. Before entering the black hole, they were just empty gods. But now, they just sit here for more than ten days, and they are already a great God.

Today, if they are placed in Kyushu, they are a giant!

Their cultivation method was taught by the God of wine, which is very clever. Even when the virtual God crosses the real God, it does not need to be baptized by heaven.

Just as the ancient wind had just arranged those isolated Dharma arrays, the two sisters also opened their eyes one after another, all smiling.

Xuelian said, "childe, this place is really a treasure land. I even wonder if I can stay here for a hundred years, can I directly break through the realm of real immortals?"

Then, sister Fu Xueqin smiled: "it's not just the land of true immortals. When I see it, we can directly become two fairy kings and two immortal kings with peerless style, ha ha..."

"You think too much!" Xia Xiaoyou took down the stage very impolitely, and then added: "really, you are far from me. I don't mean to boast. If I stay here for a hundred years, I can become emperor directly. A magnificent female emperor, proud of the whole world. Ha ha... "

"I also want to be a female emperor. I also want to be proud of the universe, ha ha ha!"

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