"Who dares to kill the ancient wind?"

Hu Qianchang roared again in real time. He wanted to use the high temptation to stimulate people's fighting spirit.

However, the following people are not fools. Although the position of team leader is tempting enough, they still feel that their little life is more precious.

Just now, everyone has come to a conclusion. Many people agree that even Hu Qianchang himself is not an old-fashioned opponent. Who dares to fight?

Seeing no one on the stage, Hu Qianchang was angry again.

He threw his eyes at a man and shouted, "Captain sun Qian of the fifth column, don't you feel ashamed that such a thing has happened under your hands? If it's a man, stand up, kill the ancient wind, avenge your brother, and save face for your fifth column! "


Sun Qian, the column leader who was named, almost instantly burst out of his mind, and his face turned pale. He sighed about his bad luck.

In fact, just when Hu Qianchang forced Lin Bao, he was already mentally prepared. I just didn't expect this moment to come so soon.

Can't you hold your Centurion position?

"Go back... Go back to Qianchang, i... I don't think I can defeat the ancient style. This war... Stop!"


In an instant, the crowd fried again. Even if a chief of staff is defeated, a small captain is defeated. Now a centurion is still defeated? Do you really need Hu Qianchang to fight by himself? No, Hu Qianchang is not against the ancient style, is he?

What exactly is the origin of this old style of recruits?

The crowd below was noisy and talked endlessly. And Hu Qianchang's face was completely changed, gloomy and terrible.

Are you going to force sun Qian to give way to Gu Feng? This... Isn't this trying to perfect the ancient style?

In a trance, Hu Qianchang felt that he had done a big stupid thing. His intention was to harm the ancient style, but he was self defeating. This is simply lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot!

If sun Qian also gives way to the ancient style, who dares to fight the ancient style? Isn't he the only one who is qualified to play against the old style?

"Captain sun, have you figured it out? Are you really going to be a coward? "

"Lord Qianchang, sun Qian is not a coward, because the ancient wind is not our enemy, but our brother." Sun Qian raised his head, directly and boldly said, "the recruits are our brothers. He has outstanding ability and should be given more room to play. Therefore, I'd rather give up my talents and act as an ordinary soldier at the grass-roots level! "

After that, sun Qian also learned from Lin Bao. He boarded the battle platform, took off his armor and sword, and held his hands in front of the ancient wind.

Said sincerely“ Brother Gu Feng, your ability is obvious to all. Sun is willing to be an unknown soldier under your hands. I hope you don't refuse! "


Gu Feng was stupid again. For a moment, he looked at Sun Qian in front of him and Hu Qianchang with a blue face. For a moment, he didn't know whether to take it or not.

He has just entered the military camp. Can he directly pick up a centurion?

He has learned from the War Merit card that a centurion's position requires 1000 points of merit exchange. Did he find it easily?

Not to mention the ancient wind was stunned. Even the soldiers below all stared round their eyes. Their eyes were red and almost spitting fire. They were so jealous.

The position of Centurion requires 1000 meritorious deeds. On the battlefield, you have to kill 1000 enemies!

All eyes are staring at the ancient style. Everyone wants to see the ancient style. Do you have the courage to pick it up.

Of course, the ancient wind is the famous King of the blue sky. He once ruled several big worlds. What is a centurion for him?

Therefore, he just hesitated a little and really reached out to pick it up.

However, an unexpected scene happened. When Gu Feng's hands were about to touch the armor, Hu Qianchang spoke at this time:

"Slow down, do you think the alternation of official positions in the military camp is a child's play? If you say "give it away, give it away?"

"Lord Qianchang, you set the rules, and you forced them to give way automatically. How can it become a child's family?"

Gu Feng's face sank, which can be said to be a little ghost fire. How does he feel that Hu Qianchang's speech is really like farting?

However, Hu Qianchang's face remained unchanged and he still hummed coldly, "yes, I really forced him to give in to Lin Bao's position. However, I did not force captain sun to abdicate, because I had no authority to appoint a centurion at all. In all the regiment headquarters of our Huangzi camp, no one is qualified to appoint a centurion, and it must be approved by the top. Therefore, I'm sorry. You can only yield and act as a small captain leading 20 people! "


On the spot, Gu Feng's face turned black. How did he feel like he was fooled?

He looked at Hu Qianchang with a gloomy face. After a long time, he asked, "Lord Qianchang, I don't know who you're talking about?"

"It's me!"

The words fell. Before Hu Qianchang could reply, a voice came from the last part of the crowd.

Immediately, a majestic general dressed in silver armor, surrounded by a group of soldiers, marched towards the battle platform. The crowd below, unexpectedly, made way for themselves and looked respectful.

"Hu Bing has seen deputy commander Liu!"

The visitor was still under the stage, and Hu Qianchang was so frightened that he quickly knelt on one knee. Not only did he kneel down, but Sun Qian, who was beside Gu Feng, also knelt down.


Deputy commander Liu snorted coldly and called the Hu Qianchang trembling and pale.

After he came to power, vice president Liu Tong took the lead by taking a look at the ancient style and sun Qian with armor and knife in his hands.

Asked, "Hu Qianchang, can you tell me what's going on? A good morning training, how did it get to the point of bleeding? There are still Centurion positions? "

"This..." Hu Qianchang's face changed again. He considered it for a long time before he bowed his hand and said, "return to Vice Commander Liu. Today's challenge arena is designed to better stimulate the fighting spirit of the recruits. As for the death, it was a mistake! "

"Oh? A pure miss? How many lives did you lose? Although there are 80000 recruits in this round, how many times can they withstand such tosses? Their lives should be lost on the battlefield, not here. Their blood can only be sprinkled on the battlefield, not here! "

Several times in a row, Hu Qianchang's face changed and changed on the spot, and he was almost speechless.

However, deputy commander Liu didn't seem to want to give up. He continued to ask, "tell me, what's the matter with the alternation of centurions? Captain sun, why did he hand over his position to a new ordinary soldier? "

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