
Hu Qianchang was at a loss again. He wanted to make up a lie casually, but he didn't dare to think about it. Because this training ground is not closed, the challenge arena here today is not as simple as the 1000 spectators in front of us. Not far away, there are too many people from other regiment headquarters who are paying attention to the battle here. It is impossible for Hu Qianchang to sophistry.

"Go back... Go back to deputy commander Liu. Captain sun bowed his hand to give up his position because of the old style of the recruit and his outstanding ability. I ordered him to challenge, but he didn't dare, so... He gave up his position!"

Although he was uneasy, Hu Qianchang could only tell the truth half hidden. After these words came out, he buried his head very low and did not dare to look up at all. It seemed that he was waiting for the judgment of fate.

Hearing the speech, deputy commander Liu hesitated. After watching Hu Qianchang for a long time, he said, "since everyone says that the ability of ancient style is outstanding, it's simply... Let him take over the post of Captain sun. Should Hu Qianchang have no opinion?"

"No, no problem!"

Hu Qianchang quickly bowed again, like an amnesty, and there was no objection at all. What he feared most was that deputy commander Liu would investigate his abuse of power. He was afraid that deputy commander Liu would punish himself for a crime of neglecting human life.

It's amazing that deputy commander Liu seems to have great authority, but he didn't ask too much, let alone investigate Hu Qianchang's crime of abuse of power, which makes Gu FengHao wonder. His mouth was flat. He wanted to speak several times, but when his words came to his mouth, he had to take them back.

Deputy commander Liu turned his eyes to the ancient style, looked at it for a long time, and then said, "it's reasonable to say that any military position is obtained by killing the enemy and making contributions on the battlefield. You shouldn't be given a military position if you haven't been on the battlefield. However, since everyone recognized your outstanding ability and captain sun gave in so sincerely, the commander made an exception and directly appointed you as the captain of the eighth regiment and the fifth column. I hope you will kill the enemy and make contributions in the future. Don't live up to my cultivation of you! "

It is worth mentioning that although this is a recruit camp, those who hold military posts are not recruits. They are drawn from veterans. Otherwise, where did they exchange their meritorious deeds for military posts?

"Yes, deputy commander Liu, the ancient style will certainly live up to your cultivation!"

Brush, the ancient style is to bow directly. The big stone in my heart is finally put down.

He reached out again to pick up sun Qian's armor and knife. This time no one dared to stop him.

Under the stage, many people looked silly, and many people were jealous. Is this new antique too lucky? He's been here reporting for less than two hours, hasn't he? Just found a centurion?

Not to mention a thousand people under the stage, even other regiments not far away also looked here one after another at this time, and all envied the good luck of the ancient style.

After receiving Yi Jia and Dao, sun Qian took a square thing from his body and handed it to Gu Feng. He took it and saw that it was the seal of the centurion. It is square, about the size of an egg, with several big scarlet letters clearly engraved on it, "the fifth column of the eighth regiment".

After taking over the seal, the ancient wind became a centurion formally, and immediately aroused a burst of envious eyes.

However, deputy commander Liu's eyes fell on Sun Qian again. After pondering for a while, he said, "Captain sun, since your position as Centurion has been handed over to Gu Feng, from now on, you will be the fourth team leader under his hands. Do you have any objection?"

The fourth team leader was originally Lin Bao's. Unfortunately, Lin Bao has given up the position of team leader to Gu Feng. At this time, Lin Bao has become a mere chief of staff. After Gu Feng was promoted to centurion, the position of the fourth team leader was vacant. At this time, it was just filled by sun Qian.

"No objection. Sun Qian thanks deputy commander Liu for his appreciation. He will live up to his expectations!"

I saw deputy commander Liu nodded with satisfaction, even if he no longer tangled with this issue.

He waved to the crowd and said, "well, this morning's training is over. Captain Gufeng is new and hasn't even arranged the most basic accommodation. Take him to get familiar with the environment first!"


Hu Qianchang arched his hands and replied that although he felt all kinds of bad taste in his heart, he could only endure it.


The morning training is over, leaving people with endless legends. Although Gu Feng entered the military camp on the first day, he has gained some fame. He has become the talk capital of many people in their spare time.

In the rear of the training ground, there are several rows of long houses, which is the accommodation of the whole boot camp. A row of houses with a regiment stationed. The eighth regiment, where the ancient style is located, is in the penultimate row.

When night came, it was supposed to be a time for rest, but the houses belonging to the eighth regiment were brightly lit and full of laughter. There are 1000 people in the whole regiment. Except Hu Qianchang, everyone is here. We drink and have a good time.

The old style was not stingy. He once again used his Taoist utensils as a big pot for cooking delicious food and entertained a thousand people.

After half the wine, many people became dizzy. At this time, I saw Wang Ergou staggering with the wine jar, came to Gufeng and said, "Gu... Gu Baichang, if you want to say... If you want to say that I Wang Ergou, there are few people who admire me in my life. You... You are one. If you hadn't done it righteously, I might... Have been poisoned by others! "

It is worth mentioning that although Wang Ergou was beaten in the challenge arena of morning training, he had only half his life left. But he recovered quickly after being hit by the ancient wind. At this time, all his injuries were recovered, but his original Qi and severe loss.

"Ha ha, Wang Ergou, do you know why I fight for justice? Because... Because I like your name so much. Ha ha, ha ha! "

Gu Feng laughed, and a word made Wang Ergou's cheeks red. At the same time, it caused laughter. Few of the 1000 people did not make fun of his name.

Seeing that Wang Ergou's face could not hang, Gu Feng slapped him on the shoulder, touched the wine jar in his hand and said, "Er Gou, don't worry, you'll be my Gu Feng's brother in the future. I'll cover you to ensure your smooth progress and never suffer from today's nest!"

When it comes to the scene in the morning, Gu Feng really wonders. Hu Qianchang is obviously deliberately targeting Wang Ergou, but why is he? Is it because the first person to play is Hu Liang and Hu Qianchang is his own family?

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