
On the spot, Lu Hai's face changed. He was reprimanded by Mu Qingqing's words as pale and speechless.

Not only he, but even the twelve fairy kings of his lujiazhai all turned blue at this time. Their faces were as ugly as flies.

It can be said that Mu Qingqing's words are too shameful. It's a naked slap on the face. Where does he put the face of Lu family stronghold?

Lu Hai was furious at this time. After a burst of changes in his face, he roared again: "wood fairy, I just want to ask, what is the relationship between the man called ancient wind and you? Why are you so protective of him? "

"Why protect him? Who's protecting him again? As my master said, he is a Grand Marshal from the front against the enemy. He has made outstanding contributions. What if he wants to do something? "


On the spot, Lu Hai choked again. He was so angry that his face turned blue and his whole body trembled, but he was helpless.

In fact, where did he know the relationship between ancient customs and the podium? If he knew that Gu Feng was Mu Qingqing's husband, he would spit blood on the spot.

Although most people are restrained by the obscenity on the podium, there are still people who are not afraid of death.

At this time, the white Twilight cloud shouted again. He shouted at Mu Qingqing: "he said he was a Grand Marshal, so he made outstanding contributions? Since he is the Grand Marshal of the army, why did he come to the five regions behind us? In my opinion, even if he is really a Grand Marshal, he must be an incompetent Grand Marshal. Otherwise, how can he abandon the military camp and run to our rear to participate in our big match? "

"The most important point is that even if he is really a Grand Marshal against the enemy, even if he is really meritorious, so what? Fairy kings gathered at the scene. What is he? How can he be qualified to let hundreds of fairy kings wait for him? "

Indeed, there are no less than a hundred immortal kings on the scene. If you really want hundreds of fairy kings to wait for a real fairyland, it's unreasonable, even if the ancient wind has made great contributions.

Bai Muyun's words just fell, and immediately got the response of countless people. There was a lot of noise at the scene, and the voice of discussion came and went, and I couldn't hold it down if I wanted to.

However, just when the situation was about to get out of control, a cold hum came from behind the crowd: "ha ha, ignorant child, how dare you satirize me that I am not a thing? If I'm not a thing, you're probably not even an animal! "

With Leng hum, I saw a carpet made of seven color rainbows extending directly from the people's heads to the central platform.

Immediately, I saw a man in black with a height of five or six feet, stepping on a seven color rainbow and coming slowly.

It was no one else, it was the ancient style of the Grand Marshal of the anti enemy in front of us.

His appearance is very cool. He not only built a seven color rainbow carpet for himself, but also hung a five color tripod on his head and a dark wheel behind him!

There are six doors on the roulette, each emitting a different light. It looks so ancient and mysterious!

In that round of return, the ancient wind actually released its magic power all the way. It was really enough to pretend. Many people were angry and scolded!


The five color tripod fell to the ground and shook the platform, making many people's faces change on the spot.

Immediately, the seven color rainbow carpet disappeared, and the antique body turned into its original size.

He ignored the shouting and scolding of others. Instead, he swept his eyes one by one through more than 200 people on the platform.

When his eyes swept over the people in black, he couldn't help looking more.

Originally, he wanted to see through those people, but it was a pity that the camouflage of the nine people was too clever. In a short time, the ancient wind could not see through their true face. However, the nine people did not change at all when they looked at the eyes of the ancient wind. They were always so ancient.

Immediately, he swept to the two northern Tianjiao, but in exchange for a series of cold hum.

Originally, he just looked at them briefly. When his eyes were about to move away from the thousand fallen leaves, he couldn't help looking at them more. At this time, the ancient wind found that the eyes of thousands of fallen leaves seemed to have a sense of familiarity. But in a short time, he couldn't remember who the eyes of thousands of fallen leaves were similar to.

However, just then, not far behind the ancient wind, Lu Hai's sarcastic voice came again: "hum, my anti enemy marshal, you have a big shelf. You have kept so many of us waiting for you for so long, don't you want to say something? Or are you arrogant enough to despise more than a hundred fairy kings? "

The voice was very harsh and the words were very sharp, so that the ancient wind immediately took his eyes back from thousands of fallen leaves.

After watching Lu Hai for a while, he said coldly, "remember what I said today. Maybe many years later, you will be proud of waiting for me today!"



"What do you mean?"

On the spot, I don't know how many people looked silly. Unexpectedly, no one understood the meaning of ancient style.

After being stunned for a while, Lu Hai jumped up on the spot and roared: "presumptuous, you really dare to despise so many fairy kings. How big..."

"Enough, let's start the conference!"

Before Lu Hai finished speaking, the impatient voice of the great devil came from the rostrum, so that Lu Hai had to swallow the next words back to his stomach.

Wrong Leng, confused, unwilling, angry

At this time, Lu Hai's heart could not tell what it was like. He only felt that all the people on the podium were favoring the ancient style, which made him very unhappy.

However, the situation is better than people. What can we do? Although he was full of grievances, he also deeply knew that the people on the podium were not easy to provoke. So he had to stop talking.

At this time, I saw the flower slaves on the platform, looked at the ancient style with a straight face, and then shouted directly to the more than 200 people on the platform: "well, since everyone has arrived, let's start assigning numbers!"

With that, Hua Nu's eyes fell directly on Gu Feng and said in a deep voice: "Gu Feng, since you are late and we have not made a clear punishment for you, we will make you number one now. You will be the first to play against No. 207 later. Do you have any objection?"

"I have no objection, because no matter who is against me, I will kill him at the first time!"

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