Arrogant, arrogant, bold, arrogant!

Arrogant to the extreme of the ancient style, simply did not pay attention to anyone's scolding. After a word, he directly mobilized the reincarnation disc behind him.

In the rapid rotation of the reincarnation disc, a powerful swallowing force immediately spread, and changed the faces of the people nearby on the spot, all secretly using their divine power to fight. Even, some people quietly moved back and scolded Gu Feng as a madman.

"Well, you go down and have a rest for a while until I assign numbers to these people!"

With that, huanu directly threw Gufeng a palm sized jade card with a big "one" engraved on it.

This is the No. 1 battle card in huanu's mouth. With this card, Gu Feng will fight directly with No. 207 in a moment.

Then, more battle cards appeared in the hands of huanu. After throwing his hands, those battle cards directly floated on the top of everyone's head.

"I still have 206 battle cards here. You take one respectively. The person who gets the second will play the second and directly fight 206; The person who draws the third card will be the third to play against 205; And so on, the winner will advance! "

"And lucky to draw No. 104 in the middle, it is lucky to go straight into the second round of Dabi!"

"Let's start now. Take one each. I wish you luck!"

Then Hua Nu staggered and made way for more than 200 people on the stage.

Although the more than 200 battle cards were floating in mid air, no one could see the numbers on them. No matter who, don't want to cheat, because those number cards are jointly forged by the fairy kings of the five families.

After the flower slave retreated, the crowd began to grab the number plate after a short pause.

What is the situation that people want to see most at this time? Undoubtedly, it is to see the strong against the strong. Even, many people roared and expected the nine people in black to draw their own people, so that they could fight their own people.

Unfortunately, after the war cards were drawn, the nine people in black were lucky to avoid their own people. Even they didn't meet the most prestigious Tianjiao!

To say the support rate and voice, there is no doubt that Zheng Wudao, the nine people in black and the two northern Tianjiao are the highest. However, to be hated more than anyone is undoubtedly an ancient custom.

When drawing numbers, many people are looking forward to those super strong people drawing the number 207, so that the old style can stumble on the spot.

However, unfortunately, the person who got the number 207 was not a prominent generation. He was just an attendant of Lu Hai, named Lu Xin.

"Well, now that the number has been assigned, let's start our big ratio!"

Hua Nu's voice rang again. He waved to more than 200 people on the battle platform and shouted, "now, please all go to the war waiting area to rest. Please invite No. 1 ancient wind and No. 207 Lu Xin to take the stage and start today's first big competition!"


After that, a series of voices came out from the crowd immediately. With the warmest applause, the first big match of the first round officially opened.

Everyone has stepped down. On the stage, there are only ancient customs and the man named Lu Xin.

This person is no stranger to ancient customs, because he had seen this person when he was crossing the robbery that day. On that day, the man also repeatedly clamored to kill ancient customs on the spot. At this time, the two meet here, which is a narrow road for their friends!

This person is really bad enough to say, because "Lu Xin" is not his real name at all. Even, he's not Lu at all. The reason why I want to change my name to "Lu Xin" is to follow Lu Hai.

There are many such people under Lu Hai's hands. Many people will be asked to change their names after following Lu Hai!

"Hehe, I didn't expect to let me meet you here. It's really a narrow road. I'm destined to avenge those brothers today!"

Lu Xin sneered, his face full of venom.

On that day, Gu Feng not only suppressed eight people who came to seize the opportunity, but also directly killed four of Lu Hai's men by means of thunder.

One of them was crushed by the ancient wind with the soles of his feet and died. The other three were just directly reincarnated. On that day, the man named Lu Xin was present, which can be said to be his own purpose.

Smelling the speech, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth showed a trace of sneer and joked: "ha ha, it's just a war slave. I dare to make such wild remarks. I don't know whether to live or die. Have you forgotten how I ravaged your brothers that day? "

"Hehe, I killed some of your brothers that day, and I will kill you today. I want to be a nightmare for all of you, and I will linger all my life!"

With that, Gu Feng roared up to the sky on the spot. He saw that his momentum soared suddenly, and the strong sense of war shrouded the whole battle platform in an instant, resulting in a slight change in the face of the man named Lu Xin.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had three brothers that day and killed them in the ancient wind at the same time. I thought I could be sure, but I didn't think those three people died in the hands of the ancient wind in an instant.

Three people can't resist one face of the ancient style. Can he fight the ancient style alone?

However, it seems too late to know fear now. There is no regret medicine in the world.

I thought he would die, but when Lu Xin saw the cultivation of ancient style, his face suddenly showed surprise!

"What are the accomplishments of Zhenxian? This... How is it possible? "

Not only did Lu Xin look silly, but even the audience were all silly.

The Grand Marshal in front, who is called ancient wind, really only has the cultivation of Zhenxian in the middle stage? With his shallow cultivation, can he set foot on such a platform? And dare to speak wildly to kill all the enemies?

However, who knows the real strength of ancient customs?

Although at this time, he showed only the medium-term cultivation of Zhenxian, it did not affect his ferocity at all.

After a loud roar, his body rushed directly to the sky. Before people could figure out what he wanted to do, his body immediately disappeared.

In mid air, instead, it was a big sword with purple light. Not only does the whole body emit purple light, but also there are silk electric symbols on it. It looks amazing!

The unity of man and sword turns sword into body.

At this time, only listening to the voice of the ancient wind, it spread to people's ears again: "cut the sky, cut the earth, cut the heaven and earth, and kill everything on earth - death!!!"

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