In a word, marshal pei'an glared directly at Marshal Zheng Qian of the second corps and shouted, "Marshal Zheng, if you can't discipline your men, I'll override it?"

Hearing the speech, Zheng Qian also stood out from behind the fairy king fenglingzi, but ignored Pei an. Instead, he looked at Bruce Lee and Xia Xiaoyou who was still standing behind Gu Feng.

Whispered: "you two are really bold enough. Even if you leave the battlefield without authorization, you still have your own army. It's really lawless. Do you know your crime?"

After that, Xia Xiaoyou came out directly from behind Gu Feng, bowed to Zheng Qian with Bruce Lee and said, "we know our crime, and please punish the marshal!"


Zheng Qian nodded slightly, and then... Then there was no more!


Seeing this, Pei an was angry on the spot and directly shouted at Zheng Qian: "Marshal Zheng, what do you mean? Aren't you going to hold them accountable? "

It's really irritating. Just a light "huh", even if it's over?

What's more irritating is that Zheng Qian stubbornly said that he had left his post without permission!

You know, the crime of escaping before the battle is different from that of leaving without permission. What is Zheng Qian's attitude? Are you deliberately partial and tolerant?

However, anger returns to anger. Bruce Lee and Xia Xiaoyou, frankly speaking, still belong to Zheng Qian. What can Pei an do even if he is strong?

Therefore, he just snorted coldly, and then ignored Bruce Lee and Bruce Lee. Instead, he continued to look at Lu bald men and shouted, "say, how are you going to die after committing such a serious crime?"


Hearing the speech, several people bowed again and didn't answer at all. They all looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. Do what you like!

However, I saw that the eyebrows of the ancient wind wrinkled all at once. He stepped forward directly and blocked several people behind him. In a cold voice, he asked Pei an, "how do you call this general?" Although the tone is still plain, it is difficult to hide the anger.

Anyway, Lu bald several people, they are their own brothers. Is this man named Pei an deliberately embarrassing himself by scolding his brother in front of himself?

"Oh, what a big shelf. Don't you know me so soon? I can remember clearly that we met when you were called short Marshal? "

Pei'an sneered. His words were full of contempt, and he didn't pay attention to the ancient style at all. Because, in his impression, the old style is still the short Marshal!

"Oh? So it's Marshal Pei? Disrespect, disrespect! "

Gu Feng also gave a sneer. As soon as the conversation changed, he immediately asked, "dare you ask Marshal Pei, what crime have my brothers committed? So you can't wait to kill them? "

"They fled before the battle and took away the few anti enemy troops. These two points are enough to put them to death?"

"Oh? I can remember clearly that my brothers have all asked for instructions from their superiors. Why should I run away? If you want to kill my brother, should you find a decent reason? "

Gu Feng sneered, because he clearly remembered that in the big account of the military aircraft, several people said to Han Zu very clearly that they brought people to help after receiving instructions from their superiors. Now, how did it become a flight?

However, how can Gu Feng know that Bruce Lee and his superiors didn't ask for instructions at all?

The return of the ancient style was unexpected for Bruce Lee and his family. In order to see the ancient customs for the first time, they did not hesitate to sneak out of the battlefield. In order to protect the safety of ancient customs, they are even more daring to pull the garrison in the blood sea pass

"Hahaha, that's funny. You said they asked for instructions from their superiors? Why don't I know? I'm their direct superior. Who did they ask for instructions? "

Pei an smiled up again, full of irony.

However, Lu bald son's heads were buried lower at this time. It was obvious that there was a ghost in his heart and he didn't dare to look up at all!

Seeing this, Gu Feng immediately guessed one or two, and burst into a drink at Bruce Lee on the spot: "Bruce Lee, what's going on? Didn't you say you had asked for instructions from the above? "


Bruce Lee's face changed. He could only bow. How dare he answer? He also has a ghost in his heart and doesn't dare to answer at all!

However, an unexpected scene appeared. Bruce Lee and their commander Zheng Qian stood up at this time. Chong Gu Feng and Pei an arched their hands and said, "yes, they really asked me for instructions and got my consent. Only then did they take their subordinates and leave the original battlefield!"

Hearing the speech, Pei an was stunned at first, then his face directly showed a sneer and asked, "Oh? My Marshal Zheng Da, you may not be too false, right? You must understand that protecting your subordinates comes at a price! If you really agree that they brought troops here, you will commit a capital crime. Do you dare to cover up? "


Zheng Qian was silent, and his face was iron blue.

In fact, he is really protecting and shielding. Because he had denounced Bruce Lee and Xia Xiaoyou for leaving their posts without permission. Now, it is said that Bruce Lee and they have obtained their own permission. Isn't that self contradictory?

It seems a little difficult to end up here.

However, just then, Han Zu waved and interrupted Pei an's rebuke.

He whispered: "Marshal Pei, please don't get angry. Although these people are suspected of being absent without permission, I have to say that they have made great contributions to me. Today, if they had not come in time, how could the Cang army retreat? Not only our great enemy here, but also your great enemy of the blood customs. Therefore, they have made up for their mistakes. Forget it! "

"Forget it?"

Hearing the speech, Pei an's face changed again. He really didn't know what to say. Even if Lu bald son and his subordinates, he has to give the fairy King some thin noodles!

At this moment, who is the most angry person in your heart?

Naturally, there is no doubt that it is an ancient style, because he feels that he has been despised by Peian. He has confessed that Lu bald and his brothers are his own, but Pei an is still so fierce. Doesn't it make it clear that he can't live with himself?

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