How many people dare to make such a brazen quarrel with themselves at the end of the whole day?

This man named Peian has a backstage? Deliberately trying to mess with yourself?

All of a sudden, just when the old wind was thinking. But he received a voice from the vulture son: "forget it, boy, don't bother with him. It's not that he intends to make trouble with you, but that he is such a dead virtue!"


Gu Feng was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The voice of the vulture son came again: "but then again, although the boy's temper stinks a little, his merit is remarkable. Over the years, he has prevented the invasion of the great enemy countless times, which can be regarded as a great hero. So, you just ignore him! "

"Hehe, if you have made great achievements, you should play with me?"

Gu Feng sneered. Although there was no anger in his heart, he still felt very depressed.

Next, pei'an really didn't continue to blame Lu bald son and them. Under the leadership of Han Zu, a group of people returned to Han Zu's military aircraft account again.

After sitting down, Han Zu looked at Mu Qingqing with appreciation on his face, and then sighed, "I have to say that the real hero today is the wood fairy. Who ever thought that you were just a woman, but you turned the tide? Today, you not only repulsed the enemy at Daling pass, but also the enemy at blood customs. It was because of you that you retreated... "

Next, Han Zu vividly followed Feng Lingzi and others to tell the story of a clear wood. He only heard that Feng Lingzi and others were shocked. He only hated that he couldn't see the bloody claw of God with his own eyes!

In fact, the claws of God are really hard to see for ordinary people. Even the purple blood kings of many Cang people may not use them even at the end of their lives. Today, the wood is clean. It has been used five times in a row. How can it not be shocking?

"Hahaha, after this battle, the Cang army must never dare to invade again?" The vulture fairy King laughed and felt happy. It seems that it is true as he said. With Mu Qingqing in charge, how dare they invade again?

Today, Mu Qingqing basically killed the whole Cang army. Who dares to come?

The world knows that a purple blood fairy king can only use God's claws three times in his life. After three times, he doesn't need others to kill him, and he will become a useless man himself. However, this traitor who was expelled from the Cang family by himself can be used continuously for unlimited times, which is a little scary?

In fact, what is more terrible is that the claws of God used by Mu Qingqing can suppress everyone's claws. Those purple blood fairy kings of Cang family can't use them at all in front of Mu Qingqing. Not only that, Cangtian Baxue, who was proud of the whole Cang family, was completely suppressed in front of Mu Qingqing, and could not play any role at all.

It seems that Mu Qingqing is the enemy of the whole Cang family and their nightmare!

"Hehe, today, there are eleven fairy kings of Cang family who died in the hands of wood fairies. It's rare in the world!"

Han Zu also sighed again, which suddenly caused a series of exclamations.

Yes, it's true that eleven Cang fairy kings died in Mu Qingqing's hands. We have witnessed this with our own eyes. It's really incredible.

Today's scene can be said to be a rare occasion. Even then nalanjing, holding four magic treasures, killed eight Cang fairy kings at the same time!

"Predecessors, I just like to make fun of little women. How can I be as exaggerated as you say?"

Mu Qingqing also chuckled. It was beautiful, sweet and charming. At this time, there was no more cruel shadow of decisiveness on the battlefield. She changed and seemed to become a lovely little sister next door. She only saw that many people's hearts moved!

As the saying goes, only by thinking of danger in peace can we take precautions.

After a burst of joking, Feng Lingzi directly asked chongmu Qingqing, "at the end of the sky, we are facing more than one enemy of the Cang family. If the Cang family is sent away today, it is likely to usher in heaven or Lord demons tomorrow. I don't know if you can still use your God's claw? "

This is the crux of a problem. All the people are looking at it.

Yes, there are so many great enemies at the end of the day. What can we do? Can't Mu Qingqing use the claw of God to kill as soon as he comes up?

Everyone looked at Mu Qingqing and was looking forward to her answer.

However, Mu Qingqing's answer seems a little disappointing. She shook her head, sighed and said, "to tell you the truth, when I used the claw of God for the fourth time, it was almost my acme. When I cast the claw of God for the fifth time, I couldn't kill the enemy with it. Therefore, in the following days, I can't use God's claws to help you defend the city. You have to know it! "


Hearing the speech, everyone here changed color and was really shocked.

On the spot, Gu Feng rushed Mu Qingqing and asked, "sister Qing, ordinary people can only use God's claws three times. After using them, the whole person will be abandoned. Now, relying on your own blood, you have forcibly used it five times. I just want to ask, does this affect you? Will it damage your accomplishments? "

This is the key problem, causing everyone to look at Mu Qingqing anxiously.

Yes, the ordinary purple blood fairy king, after using the claws of God three times, his accomplishments will be directly abolished and become a mortal. What about muqingqing?

Fortunately, Mu Qingqing's answer relieved everyone.

Mu Qingqing smiled and shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be. After using the claws of god five times, I just feel that I can't do what I want. There's nothing else wrong, and there's no sign of a sharp fall in cultivation."

"Oh, so we can rest assured!"

The crowd nodded, and the hanging heart was finally put down.

At this time, I saw the old-fashioned eyebrows frown deeply. He said to several fairy kings, "gentlemen, it's not a thing to go on like this? When the two armies fight, the offensive side always wins. As the defensive side, it is always passive. Should we find a way to change this situation? "

"Today, although younger sister Qing used God's claws to break the courage of the whole Cang army, what about the other forces? They don't know what God's claw is? If another big enemy comes tomorrow, what should we do to stop it? Can't you fall into hard struggle again? "

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