"Well, that makes sense!"

The words of the ancient wind immediately made everyone here meditate. It can be said that one word hit the point!

Han Zu looked at the fairy King Fengling and asked, "brother Feng, what do you think of this? How can we change our current situation? As the old saying goes, the loser is always the defensive side. Only attack is the best defense! "

Hearing the speech, Feng Lingzi was silent. After a long time, he sighed and said, "you're all right, but how can this situation be changed? As you can see, now there are so many great enemies around, and people attack the city every three or five times. What can we do except passive defense? To attack? How can we have so many troops? "

These words are very depressed, which can see feng Lingzi's helplessness.

Indeed, everyone knows that attack is the best defense. But how to attack? Over the past 20 years, the city at the end of the sky has been attacked once in three days on average. Where do they have leisure to attack others?

The atmosphere at the scene was a little depressed, causing everyone to be silent.

Suddenly, in the ancient wind's brain, it was a flash of inspiration, and the spirit came on the spot.

He shouted, "gentlemen, since we have no spare power to attack others, why don't we keep those who come to attack us forever? If we beat them all at once, no one would dare to come again? "

"Huh? What do you mean? "

"How can we keep the enemy forever?"

"How to hurt the enemy?"

The words of the ancient style immediately aroused everyone's interest. There was no need to look at the ancient style with expectant eyes.

But instead of answering, Gu Feng asked, "predecessors, what I want to know is that every time the enemy attacks, do they come from outside the blood sea pass and Daling pass?"

"Well, they basically attack from these two places!" Han Zu nodded and continued: "although there are more than 100 passes in the whole city wall, most of the passes are narrow and cannot accommodate large-scale soldiers. Therefore, usually, the enemy comes from these two passes! "

"Well, that's right!" Gu Feng nodded clearly, and then a ray of fierce light flashed in his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he said fiercely, "why don't we bury a kill array in front of these two passes? As long as the enemy dares to invade, wouldn't it be easy to kill him directly? I believe that as long as they can pit and kill the enemy twice on a large scale, they will never dare to invade again? "


Hearing the speech, the fairy kings here frowned at once. They were not happy because the ancient wind thought of a "wonderful" idea.

After half a ring, he saw Han Zu, shook his head slightly and said, "we didn't think of your suggestion, but it's basically useless!"

"Why do you say that?" The ancient wind stared round his eyes and his face was puzzled.

Han Zu continued to sigh and said, "first of all, it takes time to arrange the array. It can't be completed in a day or two. The enemy attacks the city once every three days. How can we arrange it? Secondly, how can you kill tens of millions of troops at one time, or the enemy fairy king, an ordinary Dharma array? Then, the enemy is not a fool. Before each attack, there are basically people who are proficient in the Dharma array to survey the terrain first. Don't you hear such words as "soldiers, the land of life and death, the way of survival and death, must not be overlooked"? Pre war exploration is basically a routine! "

"This..." Gu Feng's face changed slightly. He was refuted by these questions and was speechless. After half a ring, he asked, "so it's basically impossible to bury the Dharma array to kill the enemy on the battlefield?"

Killing the enemy with the Dharma array is basically an old-fashioned trick. From small to large, he didn't know how many enemies he had killed by using the Dharma array. Even more than twenty years ago, he was still in the bloody battlefield, killing countless armies of the Cang family and the Lord devil!

Facing the urgent eyes of the ancient wind, many fairy kings basically avoided and did not answer.

Only the vulture fairy King frowned very high, stroked his beard, and then said, "it's not impossible, but we don't have a suitable Dharma array..."

"Then what is the appropriate Dharma array?"

"The first killing array in ancient times - killing immortals!"

Vulture son sonorous and forceful spit out these words. As soon as he said this, he immediately changed the color of the people present.

Kill immortal array!

It has to be said that this name is not strange to many people. Even many little friars have uttered wild words that they set up the immortal killing array. But how many people have seen the real immortal killing array? How many people know its power? How can some little friars arrange it?

The vulture son ignored the shock and error of the ancient wind. He continued: "the real immortal killing array is known as the first killing array in the world. Its power is unimaginable. Not to mention killing tens of millions of ordinary soldiers in the pit. Even if a group of fairy kings come, they can still kill them. No one can come out alive after entering the array! "

"Kill the immortal array, the first kill array..."

The ancient wind murmured, and there was a fierce color in his eyes. He was thinking, if only he could set up this killing array!

"Eh? Wait! " Gu Feng seemed to think of something and was shocked on the spot. Hurriedly asked, "master vulture, what you just said is the first killing array in ancient times?"

"Yes, is there a problem? The first killing array in ancient times was the immortal killing array, right? "

The vulture was stunned by the ancient wind, and his face was puzzled.

However, the expression of Gu Feng suddenly lit up again. He asked the fairy kings present: "predecessors, do you know that Emperor Yu can also use this array?"

"Huh? Why do you ask? "

Everyone was puzzled by the antique question and didn't know how to answer it at all. Emperor Yu, who is that? What will he know about the great power of the last era? How can those present know it?

Seeing that the people were unable to answer their own words, Gu Feng continued to say, "in those years, when I was young, I was lucky to be protected by Emperor Yu himself. In order to prevent someone from attacking and killing my yuan God, he arranged a set of kill array in my temple. Although he didn't say that the big array was the immortal killing array, he clearly told me that it was the first killing array in ancient times! "

"What? Emperor Yu has set up the immortal killing array in your holy palace? "

Hearing the speech, everyone here was startled and couldn't believe their ears.

Did Emperor Yu really set up the immortal killing array in the ancient temple?

Isn't this a little incredible?

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