Dong Dong!

At the end of the sky, a series of footsteps came again. Looking back, another terrorist big man dressed in gray clothes and expressionless appeared. It was the Jue Huang emperor that Gu Feng had seen!

"Jue Huang emperor?"


Gu Feng was surprised again, and the whole back was wet.

Is it difficult for him to face all the great emperors in the past?

If so, can he still live? Every great emperor is a dragon and Phoenix among people, a leader in the world, and a person who is cared for by the true way of heaven. Such people are all invincible people in an era. Who is much weaker than who?

It's a fluke to win two games. How can we deal with the ancient style?

Throughout the ages, there must be dozens of great emperors who can be counted. If all of them go out, the ancient wind will be exhausted even if he is not killed in war!

The great juehuang emperor was not polite. As a part of heaven's punishment, he didn't say a word to the ancient wind at all. After a short confrontation, he slapped and killed the ancient wind.

Similarly, this palm looks ordinary, but it contains the power of terror. This palm, even though it is hundreds of feet away from the ancient wind, but the ancient wind's hair is turning white rapidly. At the same time, his face is also rapidly wrinkled

This is the power of famine, a means of making good use of ancient customs. But now, the power of famine has been exerted by the creator, but its power is very different.

More importantly, the ancient wind at the moment can clearly feel that his blood is drying up and his life is declining. He is really getting old.

This is a moment of desolation. The ancient wind has used this way to deal with the enemy many times. I didn't expect to be planted on this road today

"Back in time!"

At the critical moment, the ancient style also used the opposite force of famine. If it is not resisted by this means, it is likely to turn into a white bone directly.

Not to mention, after time went back, the old wind's white hair began to turn black slowly. At the same time, his cheeks and his skin began to recover gradually.

With a loud bang, the two slapped each other. Then, I saw that the ancient wind's body suddenly flew upside down at this moment, and shed a lot of blood. It looked miserable.

While he was still on his way, his hair turned white again. The whole cheek was covered with wrinkles, and he became an old man.

What's more, he found that his blood was almost dry. Although the cultivation has not regressed, its strength is greatly reduced, which is less than one or two at the peak

"I... I lost? I'm useless? "


In an instant, the ancient wind's brain exploded. At this moment, he only felt that the world was gray and could not see any hope in life.

Once, he also used this way to deal with others. He deeply knows the consequences of this way. Once you are deprived of Shouyuan, there is no chance of recovery!

At this moment, the ancient style is really completely stupid. I don't know how to deal with the enemy next.

However, he heard a series of footsteps.

Dong, Dong, Dong!

Every step is so shocking, every step can make the world tremble. It seems that there is a powerful existence that is too terrible to resist and is approaching here.

Looking around, the ancient wind's heart, which had already throbbed, was pulled together in an instant and sighed "heaven is going to kill me".


Because he found himself surrounded at this time. I don't know why, from the four sides of heaven and earth, there were twenty-four great emperors at the same time.

Although he didn't know many people, he still recognized several of them. Here, there is the yellow spring emperor with a yellow river behind him, and there is the Lord of Buddha who rides across the golden feather with three thousand worlds behind him. There is also the Lord of the Lord of evil, the Lord of the heavenly devil, and even the nine demons I have seen... There is another person who pulls up a spotted Silver Star River behind him, which leads directly to the sky and can't see the end at both ends

This man is actually the emperor of time and space. It is said that he is the only person who is not afraid of time and space. He is the only person who can shuttle through the long river of time and space and lead to the past and future at will.

Once, when the ancient wind went from the eight wastelands to the holy land, it passed through a desert island. He also saw such a long river of time and space when he realized the Tao on a desert island. He went retrograde on the long river of time and space, and had seen the emperors fighting heaven with his own eyes

However, what the ancient wind never imagined was that all the great emperors they had seen in the past jumped out to kill themselves at this moment!

Just imagine, these are people who dare to fight heaven and can fight heaven. How can ancient customs be enemy? What's more, there are so many people jumping out at one time. How to resist it?

What should I do? Is it the end of destiny? Is the demon star of this era really coming to an end?


There was no unnecessary nonsense. The nine demons took the lead in fighting against the ancient style. They each attacked the ancient wind with a fist, all of which made the ancient wind cough up blood and fly

At this moment, there is no chance to fight back. Even if he is strong and his faith is invincible, how can he resist the siege of so many great emperors?

As a last resort, he had to hide himself in the five color tripod, so he curled up and let the enemy attack.

Up to now, he really has no way to deal with it. He can only obey his fate.

However, to his surprise, although the attacks of the nine demons fell on the big tripod one after another, they did not directly smash the big tripod. On the contrary, after the attack, a series of mysterious runes were left on the five color tripod

This is not the end, whether it is the Lord of the Buddha, the yellow spring emperor, the absolute wilderness emperor, the Lord of heaven demons, or the Lord of Jesus demons. Although their attack looks extremely fierce, no one smashed the five color tripod. On the contrary, all their attacks turned into mysterious runes, engraved on the five color tripod, and turned into the ancient wind's own way!

"What's going on? "There are variables in the disaster?"

The ancient wind hiding in the big tripod felt something wrong in an instant.

Then, the ancient wind rushed out of the five-color tripod directly and wanted to see it clearly.

However, he had just rushed out of the tripod, but he saw that the time and space emperor slapped himself.

The attack of the time and space emperor is very characteristic. That slap directly turned into a long river of time and space, and swept the ancient wind in on the spot

Then, a scene that surprised the ancient style even more appeared. He found himself not only not dead, but also stepping into a very familiar space-time channel!

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