"Huh? Where is this? In the long river of time and space? "

Gu Feng was startled. He was not afraid of death. However, he was afraid of the unknown.

The long river of time and space goes upstream, and the devil knows where he will take himself?

What's more, clearly it's just a natural disaster. Why is there such a realistic long river of time and space? Is it all over?

At this moment, the things in front of the ancient wind were changing rapidly. He was really retrograde in the long river of time and space. Because he saw himself in the past, he saw the scene when he had just set foot on the bloody battlefield, then saw the picture of chopping the sky magic sword and breaking the waves, and then returned to the desert island where Qingtian God cult was established. He saw his figure sitting on the desert beach to understand the Tao

At this time, all the pictures stopped, and the time was fixed at this moment.

Then, the long river of time and space disappeared, and the ancient wind appeared on the desert island inexplicably.

He saw that he was still sitting and understanding the Tao, but his cultivation was very weak. At this time, he can be the king of God.

Gu Feng wanted to reach out and touch himself who was realizing the Tao, but he grabbed it empty. He found that his palm directly penetrated another body.

"Is this... Is this a different dimension? Or do I come from the future and can't intervene in the present? "

The old wind whispered softly, and the whole face turned white. He doesn't know why he came here, let alone how to go back.

Then he began to swim on the desert island and finally went to the top of a high mountain. There stands a bronze hall, the demon temple he brought out of Kyushu. After establishing a religion, it was regarded as the holy thing of Qingtian god religion.

After a full circle, there were no other people on the island. There were only 23 people, including himself. These 23 people are the most initial team of Qingtian shenting. At this time, they are all busy with the great event of revitalizing the sect. Unfortunately, these 23 people can't see themselves or touch them. Those people are all busy, as if they are not on the same parallel line with the ancient style.

That year, the ancient wind came from the eight wastelands and went to the holy land. As a result, it was looted by the ferry people in the wasteland sea.

There were only 23 people left in a boat, including Wang Shihai and Lan Xin. After the establishment of the church, one of them became a deputy leader and the other a saint. It was a very happy thing, but it turned into that in the end.

"Who? Who brought me here? "

The ancient wind shouted. He knew that the emperor of time and space was playing tricks, but he didn't know the purpose of the other party. Obviously, he's still going through the great disaster. Why did he come here?

"Huh? What is that? "

Suddenly, the ancient wind was stunned by a strange image in front of him. He found that an inexplicable halo suddenly floated on the barren sea. I wanted to catch it, but I never thought of the inexplicable halo, but it flashed away.

"No, there should be something under the barren sea, and it's still difficult for weak people to find!"

The old wind said to himself, and was startled by his conjecture.

Then he really rushed up, and then plunged into the desert sea.

He wanted to see what the secret was in the wild sea.

However, the barren sea is so big, where should he go to look for the halo just now?

Just when the ancient wind was at a loss, the inexplicable halo appeared again in front. At the same time, a powerful swallowing force came from that side, which was called ancient wind palpitation.

"Is this the power of famine? The power of famine over there is stronger? "

In an instant, the ancient wind's mind was tight, and then went all the way in pursuit of the more powerful famine force.

Finally, he went straight down to the bottom of the sea. He was shocked to find that there was a deep trench!

Finally, he was shocked to find that all the barren forces seemed to come from this trench. In other words, this trench should be the source of the barren sea!

"The wasteland sea itself is transformed by the Dharma sea of juehuang emperor. Here is the source of the power of wasteland. Is it possible that there are still the bones of juehuang emperor buried in it?"

Thinking of this possibility, the ancient wind was scared into a cold sweat. You know, the era of Jue Huang emperor is at least a few centuries away from now. How can his bones be preserved?

With an uneasy heart, the ancient wind continues to go deep into the trench. Although the power of famine became stronger and stronger, it did not pose a threat to him. Because his cultivation is already very high. In addition, he is proficient in the way of famine and has been confirmed in this great disaster. Naturally, the power of famine is difficult to hurt him!

The trench is more than 3000 feet from the water surface, but it is more than 3000 feet from the trench plane. All the way down, the ancient wind can be said to be scared to cool his back.

He was thinking, why didn't he find this trench before?

This trench is not so much a trench as a grand canyon. Because it is so deep that the ancient wind is palpitating.

Finally, we reached the bottom of the trench, but the force of famine became more and more serious. Finally, he pursued the source of the power of famine, and finally found an anomaly after Banzhu incense.

He found a dark red skull in a sea mud. Those terrible wild forces were actually transmitted from this skull. At this time, even the ancient wind itself is proficient in the way of famine, but it is still difficult to get close. He was sure that once he touched the skull, he would definitely be eaten by the power of famine!

"Is this the skull of juehuang emperor? I... how did I get here? "


Gu Feng was shocked by his series of inexplicable behaviors. Obviously, he's crossing the sky. Why did he run to the desert island with the long river of time and space? Why did you run into this trench again? And what is that inexplicable halo? Is it a guide for yourself?

"Who? Who brought me here? Is that you "The emperor of time and space?"

The ancient wind didn't touch the skull, but roared around. He firmly believed that this must be the time and space emperor playing tricks. Because the last blow when crossing the robbery was issued by the emperor of time and space. It was just a palm, which completely set foot in the long river of time and space.

The roar was very loud and echoed in this trench for a long time.

Half a ring later, when the roar completely disappeared, I saw a silver light in the skull

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