
Smelling the speech, the ancient wind was shocked again, but he couldn't answer a word.

He knew that God must have peeped into the future. In the future, they will play chess on the burial chessboard. The result is to bury all the spirits in the world!

Even, including all relatives, brothers and friends, and concerns of the ancient wind, he will personally push them to the chessboard and act as a chess piece for cutting the sky.

This is why ancient customs are painful in the long river of time and space. He saw the tragedy of the future, he saw the ruthless end of the future - the price of burying the sky is to sacrifice everything!

"Well, well, you said very well. I fully agree with you - destiny can be changed!" After a half silence, the ancient wind finally became cruel and said in a deep voice: "one thing, I have to demonstrate with you, that is, what I see in the long river of time and space does not necessarily happen. Although I saw the future of us playing chess on the burial chessboard in the long river of time and space, that scene can be reversed. Now, I'm going to reverse all this,? I won't let that tragedy happen! "

Indeed, in the long river of time and space, the ancient wind saw that he personally pushed all creatures to the chessboard. In order to bury God, everyone died. But he firmly believes that the established destiny can be changed. Since it has not happened, it is difficult to draw a conclusion.

He can take Wang Shihai as an example. In the long river of time and space, he once saw Wang Shihai become the great emperor and the taboo devil who devoured the heavens. But in fact, Wang Shihai was killed by himself before he became emperor!

"Well, well said, let's fight against fate and see how it ends and who can succeed!"

God whispered, and then he lay down slowly. He closed his eyes again and ignored everything, even the fierce attack outside.

As for the old style, he was silent. Now, his only hope is in the hands of the three great emperors outside

In addition to the black hole, it is indeed the broken sky, the great Yu emperor and the space-time emperor who are jointly attacking this black hole.

As the ancient wind guessed, the broken innocence has degenerated to the ultimate form - golden hair. At this time, although he was not the real emperor, he was comparable to the emperor.

After a fruitless attack, the three great emperors resolutely stopped. The three people stared at the black hole and everything in the black hole.

After a long time, I saw a mysterious smile on the corner of the mouth of the time and space emperor, and whispered, "it seems that it's time for us to ask for help!"


Emperor Dayu nodded noncommittally, looking very mysterious.

Whispered: "it's almost time. It's time to pull them out!"

"OK, you two wait a minute. I'll come soon!"

The emperor of time and space answered, and then stepped directly into the long river of time and space.

As for the broken sky, he sat down with his knees crossed. Although the dialogue between the great Yu emperor and the great time and space emperor is very profound, the broken sky can still understand. He knows that the emperor of time and space is going to invite the emperor against the long river of time and space!

Sure enough, not long after the broken sky sat down. The time and space emperor, who had disappeared, appeared again. By his side, I followed two people!

One of them, covered in gold, had two antlers like velvet on his head. On him, there was a strong evil spirit!

Impressively, this man is the legendary Lord of ten thousand demons. His original statue is a five clawed Golden Dragon. At this time, he was brought out of the past time and space by the emperor of time and space. It's really incredible!

As for the other person, it is also terrible. He was wrapped in layers of black magic gas and couldn't see his face at all. The black magic gas was amazing, with a strong corrosive smell, which made people dare not approach at all.

This kind of black evil spirit is no stranger to Po Tian and Emperor Yu. It is the evil spirit of heaven with great reputation. However, from then on, the evil spirit emitted from people is more frightening than that emitted by any heavenly demon. It's not too much to call this person's demonic evil Qi primitive evil Qi or ancestral evil Qi!

There is no doubt that this person is the Lord of the devil.

The emperor of time and space is worthy of being called the most difficult opponent by God. His means are indeed against heaven. Obviously, the Lord of demons and the Lord of demons are people who died in the years, but they were brought to the real time and space by him!

"Just two?"

After stabilizing his mind a little, Po Tian's eyebrows wrinkled immediately. It seemed that he was blaming the time and space emperor for bringing less rescue.

Because, before that, the three of them could not really shake the black hole. Can we succeed with these two people?

In addition, it is clear that the Lord of the devil is just a killing tool made by God. His real identity is equivalent to the existence of nine demons or Wang Shihai. Is there something wrong with bringing him here at this time?

On the other hand, in the face of the question from the broken sky, the Lord of the devil wrapped in evil spirit frowned. Cold voice said: "later people, are you looking down on us?"


Hearing the speech, Po Tian's heart was shocked because he found that the voice of the Lord of demons was so strange and familiar!

This voice is clearly male with female and female with male, which makes it impossible to distinguish its real gender from the voice. Of course, as like as two peas, Mo Zhu is not the only one who is surprised by the surprise.

Is the Lord of the devil in front of us a woman? Is naranjing really the reincarnation of the Lord of demons?

"Hehe, I think you two should stop arguing. How about watching a good play?"

At the critical moment, the voice of the time and space emperor sounded, and immediately resolved their dispute. Then his eyes fell directly on the black hole!

The next second, an amazing inversion happened. Just listen to the inside of the black hole, suddenly there was a "boom". Then, the whole black hole shook violently, as if it was about to collapse!

Yes, there was a roar from the very calm inside the black hole at this time. With the explosion, the original law God chain wrapped around the ancient wind was blown to pieces. Then, the primitive God of the ancient wind turned into a streamer and immediately escaped the bondage of the black hole

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