After being trapped for a long time, the ancient custom that was almost to be completely swallowed up really got out of trouble. It was really surprising!

However, this is not the most shocking. The most surprising thing is that God, who used to lie on his bed, was attacked!!!

Yes, originally lying on the bed, like God sleeping, he was really attacked. He was hit by a mysterious law. After being hit, the folds on his face, which were already shallow, deepened again. Also, his long snow-white hair is beginning to fall off!

In other words, after being hit by that blow, God's whole body function was rapidly aging. Before the people outside the black hole could react, the second attack fell down again and hit God solidly.

After the second attack, God's whole body function is aging rapidly. At the same time, his white hair fell a lot again


After seeing this scene, both the Emperor Yu and the broken sky were shocked to take a breath of cool air. They were stunned and stunned by the means of the man in the black hole!

God, in the whole world, there are people who dare to launch two deadly attacks directly inside the black hole? Can you save a man from it?

So? What kind of person has such amazing power?

Needless to say, those who dare to sneak into the black hole and attack God and successfully save people must be a great emperor.

So who is he?

In fact, it's easy to guess, because his attack can make God grow old quickly. What he uses is the most terrible power of years!

Yes, this person's identity is ready to be revealed. He is a generation of the absolute wasteland emperor who is proud of the world!

The power used by Jue Huang emperor is habitually called the power of famine. The fundamental element of the power of famine is the power of years. Ancient customs benefit a lot from this.

"Hahaha, good fight, good fight!"

The broken sky laughed wildly, and then suddenly stepped on the black hole, so that the whole black hole trembled again and nearly collapsed.

Similarly, Emperor Yu, the Lord of heaven demons and the Lord of ten thousand demons were not idle. They attacked the black hole at the same time, forming a distant echo with the juehuang emperor inside.

At this time, I saw the time and space emperor break through the sky and ask loudly, "break the sky emperor, now you know how many people I invited? Are you convinced? "

"..." hearing the speech, Po Tian's face turned black and didn't answer at all. Previously, he thought that the space-time emperor had only invited two helpers back. How could he have thought that there was another one who killed directly into the black hole? It was really incredible!

So, how did juehuang emperor do it? Why did Jue Huang emperor appear directly in the black hole at the first time?

Thinking of this, Shatian directly rushed to the time and space emperor and asked loudly, "time and space emperor, can you tell me how the juehuang emperor got in?"

This point, not to mention breaking the sky, even Emperor Yu, the Lord of demons and the Lord of demons, were also very curious.

You know, this black hole is God's nest. How can it be so easy to break in? If it's so easy to break in, they don't have to move rescuers.

"Ha ha, ha ha, I'll sell this question first. Ask him yourself later! Go, let's go! "

As soon as the voice fell, the long river of time and space appeared, directly enveloping everyone. Immediately, they all disappeared without a trace, leaving God alone to roar angrily in the black hole!

Yes, God is really angry at this time. He calculated thousands of times, but he didn't calculate that a dead person can come with the long river of time and space!

This... Isn't this bullying?

If you want to play like this, won't everyone die?

If you want to ask, how did the great Jue Huang appear directly in the black hole, there are allusions. In fact, the root of all this is all on that skull. Fortunately, the ancient wind always carried that skull on him, which enabled the great emperor to emerge directly from that skull.

In fact, we have to take a new look at the emperor of time and space. In the past, the reason why he had to go back with the ancient wind against time and space to get that skull was this moment, which was a backhand he had arranged for a long time ago. No one knows how terrible the space-time emperor who can shuttle freely in the long river of time and space!

It seems to be the help of heaven. God has no sense of the great juehuang emperor's intrusion, which makes the great juehuang emperor succeed in sneaking attacks twice and save people

"Hehe, God really helps us. It's estimated that God will panic after those two times? It is estimated that at this moment, he should be crazy swallowing the demons he created? "

Led by the emperor of time and space, the party went against time and space to the years tens of thousands of years ago. At this time, the world of heaven is in its heyday, and there is no sign of disaster anywhere.

In addition to joy, everyone's eyes turned to the ancient style. Because the ancient style at this time is still a body of Yuanshen. Because he was swallowed by God for a long time, he looked very weak at this time. His breath could not see that he was a great emperor!

Immediately, Emperor Yu came to the ancient wind and patted the ancient wind on the shoulder. Solemnly opened his mouth and said, "ancient wind, this is the end of heaven and ancient land 200000 years ago. You should live here and complete your way. The rest will be left to us. We are waiting for you to recover your strength and to bury God with us! "

"Two... Two hundred thousand years ago?"

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was shocked. Looking around, he really found that the present world was an ancient world he was very familiar with. However, at this time, the sky and earth in the ancient land are not as red as those in later generations. Presumably, the expedition at this time is not as fierce as that of later generations!

"Yes, this is the ancient land of the end of the world 200000 years ago. You should live here to fulfill your principles, waiting for us to meet you!" The emperor of time and space nodded with certainty, and his eyes were very firm.

"Well, I'll hurry. After that, I'll bother you a lot. The ancient wind will thank you in advance! "

At the thought that the emperor of time and space would come back to meet him, the ancient wind was no longer so frightened. Mo said it was 200000 years ago, even two million years ago, he didn't care.

He nodded vigorously, and then bowed to the people one by one. He was really grateful to the people present. But for the concerted efforts of these people, I'm afraid I would have to die!

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