Almost for a moment, such a word appeared in the mind of the ancient wind. Because during this period of time, his mind is full of dragon blood essence stone, which is simply too sensitive.

The most important thing is that this meteorite from heaven is as red as blood, which is very consistent with the legendary dragon blood essence stone.

After a short shock, the ancient wind immediately rose into the sky and went straight to the direction of the meteorite falling.

Just after he rushed up, the silence in Yao's mother Palace also moved. Like an ancient wind, she thought of dragon blood essence stone for the first time after seeing this meteorite.

A strange phenomenon appeared in the sky. Almost everyone looked up and everyone was shocked.

Similarly, they were not the only ones who flew into the sky. All the true gods of Kyushu who saw this scene rose up and went straight to the direction of the meteorite falling.

Not only the true God goes to watch, but also the God King of all forces!

That mysterious meteorite is so shocking. It is as big as a blue disk, red as blood, and you can vaguely feel the mysterious power flowing out of it. It can be said that the world is shaking, and no one is not surprised.


Finally, the meteorite landed in the land of Chuzhou, which belongs to the territory of the Louvre, near the center of the mainland.

Quietly with the ancient wind, he rushed to Chuzhou almost at the fastest speed. But when they came, their eyebrows wrinkled immediately.

The meteorite did land in Chuzhou, but its location is a bit of a curse. Such a strange and precious meteorite landed in a Jedi abyss.

At this time, more than 100 true gods of major forces had already gathered near the abyss. Not only that, in the void, there are several figures shining with golden light and unable to see the true face.

At a glance, the ancient wind recognized that it was the king of God, a full eight.


Seeing such a scene, the ancient wind immediately sucked in the cool air. I felt that this thing was really unusual.

What kind of concept is it that eight divine kings gather together? In addition to the silence now, this is nine. Ask Kyushu earth, when did such a spectacle appear?

At this time, the eight divine kings sitting over the abyss stared at the abyss one by one, as if they were hesitating and struggling with something.

After they saw the ancient wind and their arrival, all their eyes looked over. One of the old gods, Wang hehe, said with a smile: "hehe, I didn't expect Nalan Daoyou to be so interested in this mysterious meteorite. It's a pity that this meteorite is not easy to die. I chose this ghost place, so we can only stare."

When I looked up, I couldn't see through the ancient wind, and I didn't know where the God King came from.

But quietly, he saw through, smiled and said, "Oh, it's just a meteorite outside the sky. Unexpectedly, it attracted all Taoist friends. It's really surprising."

After saying these words, he quickly whispered to the ancient wind quietly and said, "the man who just spoke is the God King of heartless valley. Here, there are not only the God King of heartless Valley, but also the God King of the Louvre, Donglin holy mountain and Tiantu holy land. And every family comes with two. "

The voice sounds bland, but the old wind hears a terrible message from it.

Six major sects, why are only these four sects here today? And both of them go together?

If there's nothing fishy in it, I don't believe it.

Because it was a coincidence that on the day of the opening ceremony of the immeasurable sect, they had offended these four sects. Now the God kings of the four sects have come, but the God kings of the sword sect and the great Roman gate have not come. Is it really just a coincidence?

The ancient wind secretly told Jingjing about his worries. Unexpectedly, Jingjing gently comforted: "don't think too much. Maybe it's just a coincidence. The reason why the divine king of the divine sword sect and the great Roman did not arrive is that their old divine king is really too old to move. "

"But... Is the meteorite falling on this day really so important to these sects? Unexpectedly, each family did not hesitate to send out two divine kings. You know, this is probably the biggest inside information and combat power of each family. If something happens, who can afford it? "

Gu Feng was still worried. He felt that this might be a game, a game of inviting the king into the urn, in order to deal with his boundless religion and silence.

The reason is very simple. Don't say that this meteorite hasn't figured out how valuable it is. Even if it's really valuable, it won't send out two old gods respectively. If you want to compete for the baby, you can let the real God in the door finish it.

Quietly was also refuted and speechless. Finally, he secretly handed over something to Gu Feng, saying: "although I don't know whether the meteorite is dragon blood essence stone, I must take a risk for Xiaoqing. You can't stay here long. " The quiet look is very solemn. It's the first time that Gu Feng has seen her so solemn.

However, what was quietly passed on just now surprised the ancient wind!

At this time, the quiet voice sounded again: "now you know why I used to be so confident? With this, even if I have any accidents, we can still prosper forever. "

"But... Since we still have this thing, why don't we just fight with them now?"

"How can the God King destroy the sky and the earth easily?" Quietly stared at the old wind and continued: "don't be wordy. Maybe I will go down later. You must leave before I go down, otherwise these people may be bad for you."

"No, it's obvious that this is a bureau for us. If you go down, you will not get the dragon blood essence stone, but your life will be in danger." No matter what you say quietly, the ancient style is not willing to let it take risks. Today's situation is really unusual. If there are no ghosts in it, I don't believe it.

"Maybe this is the only way to cure Xiaoqing. If I don't go down and have a look, Xiaoqing will always have to lie in the ice coffin. In that case, you will feel guilty all your life."

The shriveled mouth and the muscles of the antique face twitch. Leng can't refute it.

In the end, he had to tell him to be careful. If you catch up with silence in order to treat Xiaoqing, the gain is not worth the loss.

While the ancient wind and the two were secretly communicating, the eight divine kings above the abyss were communicating with each other at this time. A god Dynasty in Donglin sacred mountain said to the God King of heartless Valley, "brother Nangong and brother reed, what do you think of this meteorite? Is it the legendary dragon blood essence stone? "

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