Ten thousand years ago, only the two old gods of heartless Valley had seen what dragon blood essence stone looked like. They had the most say in whether it was dragon blood essence stone.

After asking, I saw two divine kings of the heartless Valley immediately smile, and one of them said, "I don't think it's false. Although the meteorite fell very fast, we still vaguely saw some clues with our cultivation. This meteorite is as like as two peas of dragon blood essence, which was 10000 years ago, whether it is the shape or color, or the air machine.

"Hey... It's a pity that such a good thing should fall in this ghost place. It's estimated that we have no chance to get it."

Several people are singing and making peace over there. Their intention is already obvious. They want to lure them into exploring quietly.

The Nangong divine king continued: "five thousand years ago, the two of us worked together to refine that dragon blood essence stone into a super magic weapon. Its power is amazing. It's refreshing to think about it. Today's dragon blood essence stone is many times larger than that ten thousand years ago. If it is used to refine magic tools, it must be more powerful! "

Old fox, this absolute old fox. He only said that it could be used to refine magic tools, but he didn't say that it could be used to refine pills. Its purpose is very clear, that is to make it quiet and take the bait automatically.

It's a clumsy way to excite the general. With the ancient style and quiet shrewdness, how can you not see through it?

He sneered at Nangong God King and Reid God King in desperate Valley and said, "two Taoist friends, since you are so rare, why don't you go down and salvage the meteorite?"

Hearing the speech, all the divine kings looked at the silence. The Nangong divine king finally laughed: "ha ha, Taoist Nalan, after all, he is still young and has just come to China. He doesn't understand many things. This place is called Tongtian magic abyss. Although I don't know how it was formed, it is a very dangerous place. It's dangerous. Depending on the cultivation of our God King, it's possible to die... "

The corner of his mouth smiled again, and the Nangong God continued: "hehe, I'm old and inflexible. If I encounter a big crisis after going down, I'll be in trouble. Although the meteorite is good, it is not worth our lives after all! "

After saying that, several real gods shook their heads and looked like they wanted to give up.

"Tongtian magic abyss?"

Hearing the speech, she frowned quietly and scolded the bad luck in her heart.

As for this magic abyss, when looking for Dan Fang some time ago, she saw it on an ancient book and knew it a little.

This evil abyss is very evil. Anyone who has entered it has never come out. It can be said that it is definitely a Jedi. The uniqueness and danger of this place are still on the mysterious river.

At the same time, it is said that there are great opportunities in it. However, those old monks who have reached the end of their life will eventually choose to jump in

Seeing the silence, the Nangong God King continued to smile and said, "hey... Forget it, although the dragon blood essence stone is extremely precious, it has no chance with us. I'm waiting for an old bone. I really can't afford to toss. I advise Naran Taoist friends to give up. Even if they get a dragon blood essence stone, it is just used to refine a magic instrument. It is not worth our God King's risk. "

Hard to get, this is absolutely hard to get. Nangong God King kept telling him to give up quietly. In fact, he wanted to jump down quietly.

The ancient wind changes color immediately after understanding what this place is. Whispered quietly: "sister Jing, forget it. Even if it's really dragon blood essence stone, we don't want it. It's too dangerous here. I can't let you down! "

After a quiet silence for a while, he said: "I know that although they have no good intentions one by one, according to my speculation, this should be tianwai meteorite, probably the dragon blood essence stone... It doesn't seem to be a deliberate game against us, which should be an accidental event. Although the divine king has great powers, it is almost impossible to create such a big scene. "

"What if it's really dragon blood essence stone? I can't watch you take risks. Xiaoqing's life is important, but your life is also important. "

Hearing the speech, a wisp of happy smile appeared on her quiet face and said, "little bastard, I'm satisfied to hear this. Don't worry, who is sister? Don't you know? Along the way, I don't know how many people want my sister's life, but what's the final result? Even if this is a tiger's den, I have my own way to deal with it... "

Then he quietly turned to the eight gods and said with a smile, "you Taoist friends, are you really going to give up? You know, if this is really a dragon blood essence stone, it will be of great value. The value of such a large dragon blood essence stone is amazing. "

"Ha ha, Taoist Naran is joking. Do you think I can stand the toss when I wait for this old bone? We really don't have the energy to toss around. If Nalan Daoyou is interested, you can get it by yourself. But I have to say it first. This evil abyss is too evil. Taoist Naran, please think twice! "

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness!" The quiet face twitched again, and a sneer came into my heart. These people speak well and are worried about their own safety. In fact, they want to jump down immediately.

Quiet is really a little embarrassed. She deeply knows the horror of the demon ape. But for the sake of antiquity, she really wants to try it. But I'm afraid that once I go down, I'll never come up.

This magic abyss is really too mysterious. Not only did the people who went in never come out, but no one knows how it was formed. Some say that the demon ape is linked to the underworld, while others say it is linked to another world. There are different opinions, but none of them is accurate.

In a word, the devil is deep, bottomless and extremely evil!

After a hesitation, I made a decision quietly and decisively, that is to go on.

Although the evil abyss is terrible, she does have a way to deal with it. Moreover, the meteorite falling that day is likely to be on the edge, and there should be no major crisis.

Tell the old wind what you think. The old wind almost refused without thinking about it.

However, Jingjing insisted very much, and finally forced out the ancient wind. He came to the sky over the magic abyss and was really ready to jump.

With a slight smile on her mouth, she quietly arched her hands at the eight divine kings and said, "Taoist friends, since you really gave up this meteorite, the little woman had to take a risk to salvage it. Please protect the Dharma for me!"

After the speech, I really jumped down quietly and fell straight to the enchanted abyss

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