This is the body of the soul of the dark Xiaoyou. It can be fearless of the God King's attack. For a moment, everyone frowned slightly.

However, there are still some people who do not believe in evil, that is, the red burning beast. He roared, "what the hell? Tujiwa dog, die! "

After the roar, suddenly a fire dragon rolled out of his body and went straight to the dark Xiaoyou in the void.

The red burning beast thinks very simply. Since you are not an entity and are not afraid of attack, should you be afraid of fire? That's why I have this skill.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is not satisfactory. Even though the fire dragon is surging and has been circling around mingxiaoyou, it can't cause the slightest damage.

In the fire dragon, Ming Xiaoyou is still laughing and scolding with contempt.

"Take it!"

The bull couldn't see it anymore. He took out a space magic weapon directly and planned to suppress it. Unfortunately, he failed again.

At this time, the dark Xiaoyou is like a ghost. Whatever means you use, he just stands still. It seems that he is not on this plane at all, so he is not afraid of any attack.

Several demon Kings also wanted to try some means, but at this time, the clock left the old God King to say: "let him go. Strictly speaking, he is already a dead man and is in a different world from us. We can't deal with him, and he can't help us! "

"Hum, it's cheap for him!"

After they understood what was going on, they were relieved and decided to leave on the spot. Who would compete with a dead man?

No one paid any more attention to Ming Xiaoyou. He laughed wildly again and said, "I'm the son of Ming. You can't kill me. Just wait for my revenge. Kyushu mainland will suffer an unprecedented disaster because of your stupidity. "


Hearing the speech, the people stopped again, and their hearts burst out again.

Kyushu mainland has suffered two major disasters in a row. When it comes to this, everyone is like a cat with its tail on.

"Do you have the ability to cause havoc? You are just a defeated general. How dare you speak wildly? " Qingtianpeng stared, and the killing opportunity in his eyes was not covered up at all.

"Hahaha, are you afraid? Fear is useless. Since the demon star has been born, it will cause unprecedented havoc, which is an unavoidable fact. Thanks to you, I can realize that I am the son of the underworld and will command the army of the underworld. Your Kyushu continent is waiting to be destroyed! "

These words immediately attracted people's attention, because the demon star was involved again in the words.

"To be clear, what is' since the demon star has been born, it is destined to cause unprecedented havoc? '" Asked quietly, staring angrily.

But seeing that Ming Xiaoyou sneered, he said, "do you want to know? Unfortunately, you are not qualified. Ha ha, ha ha! " In bursts of laughter, Ming Xiaoyou's body gradually faded. At the last moment of disappearance, he made his own voice: "tremble, you'd better pray to find a way to escape from the world, or wait for death quietly!"

This time, Ming Xiaoyou completely disappeared in the eyes of everyone. Although it disappeared, it left a bigger shadow for everyone.

What is Mingzi? Between heaven and earth, why did the demon star usher in an unprecedented disaster? What does this catastrophe mean?

Without an answer, everyone had to give up. Finally, they all rushed to the chaotic border to Cangzhou again.

"I went there alone. In order to prevent accidents, you joined hands to seal here. Once I find that smelly boy, I'll secretly tell you to open the channel! "

Quietly made a decision, then he took out a space magic weapon and rushed out thirteen big demons.

Thirteen great demons at the level of God King, plus six people such as Manniu and Jingjing himself, the immeasurable sect at this time has reached an unprecedented height of terror, and has 20 strong people at the level of God King at once!!!

Rao is the two old gods, Zhong Li and Huangpu, who are well-informed. At this time, they are shocked.

What is the concept of twenty God King level strongmen? If you just hide, you can easily destroy the whole Kyushu, and no one can stop it.

When the 200000 disciples saw this scene, they were not only shocked, but also excited. They were glad that they had entered wuliangzong. With this power alone, we can ensure that wuliangzong will stand on Jue Dian forever, and no one dares to provoke it.

"Listen, after I cross the boundary, you must immediately seal this place together and never let the fierce devil have a chance to cross the boundary. Then, I want you to dig three feet and pull out the four old things and kill them! "

Quietly, she ordered many demon kings again. The four old things in her mouth were naturally sijue and others. Although those doors have been destroyed for a long time, there are still four old things that have not been found by this time.

The enemy is dark and I know, and it is a strong man at the God King level. Even if wuliangzong is strong again, it will eventually threaten the safety of wuliangzong if the four old things are not eradicated.

"Yes!" Twenty God kings immediately bowed their hands to answer the order, covering the sky with momentum and shaking the heaven and earth.

Just as quietly planned to cross the boundary, he saw qingtianpeng step forward and say to quietly, "sister Jing, let me go with you. My speed is unparalleled. If I run for my life, it can also play a role."

"Hehe, your kindness is appreciated, but no matter how fast you are, you can be faster than breaking the void?"

Ignoring qingtianpeng, quietly stepped into the sea of chaos in one step. Qingtianpeng's speed is really unparalleled in the world, but it's no faster than directly tearing through the void and the peerless fierce devil.

"Joint seal!"

At this moment, the bull roared. Nineteen demon kings plus two old God kings Zhong Li sealed the chaotic sea at this moment.

The seal jointly imposed by the twenty-one divine Kings is so terrible that it is boundless. Although they can't guarantee whether they can stop the peerless evil, what they can be sure is that such a seal can definitely block out the strong ones at the saint level.

With all this done, people began to leave. Qingtianpeng is no exception. As soon as his wings roll, he goes straight to Jiutian.

But suddenly a Jiao drank behind him: "Xiaoqing, you stinky bird, you've been out of trouble for so long. You don't even say a word to me." It was the little fox who opened her mouth. She rushed up into the air and chased away. Unfortunately, her speed was faster than that of qingtianpeng. It was just heaven and earth. Without a moment's effort, she completely lost the figure of qingtianpeng.

"Qingtianpeng, you stinky bird, I hate you!" Helpless, the little fox stamped his foot and scolded, and there were tears of injustice in the corners of his eyes.

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