After crossing the chaotic sea, I walked quietly all the way towards the vast mountains. Along the way, there was a vast silence.

The earth has sunk, and there is a serious lack of aura between heaven and earth, as if it was the end of the world.

Countless huge human cities are broken and broken. Cangzhou, which originally had rich civilization, has been completely reduced to ruins.

In many places, there are piles of bones, and the whole world is filled with the gas of decay.

However, these are the bones of some animals and monsters, and most of them are caused by those real gods and virtual gods in China.

It's not that they are cruel and cruel, but that there are too many creatures in Cangzhou. They can't take all the creatures at all. As a last resort, those people took the path of humanitarian destruction in the end.

Since they can't save these creatures, they can only be destroyed, because they can't leave them to the peerless evil as nourishment.

The earth is broken, and there are startling cracks everywhere; The endless mountains are also broken, and the rivers are already broken. That is because the fierce devil deliberately set off the whole earth in order to find the ancient wind

By this time, there was no sign of life in Cangzhou.

Not only were there no living creatures, but even those who had been demonized disappeared. They have become the food of the fierce devil and become the nourishment for each other's growth.

This is the great disaster. Once it comes, everything will be empty!

"What evil did I do in Kyushu mainland? Why did you suffer such a disaster? "

Seeing such a depressed world, Rao can't stand it quietly. Her heart was greatly impacted.

She not only witnessed the disaster in Qingzhou, but now she has witnessed the disaster in Cangzhou. Her heart was hard hit, very uncomfortable.

"It has been said since ancient times that demon stars appear, taboos appear, and heaven and earth are robbed... Can't you really escape the curse of fate? But... These catastrophes were not caused by the demon star! "

Quietly, tears in the eyes, heartache as twisted. At this time, she thought of Ming Xiaoyou's words. Will Kyushu still face such a catastrophe?

If the catastrophe comes again, who can resist it? Who will save all souls?

Do you rely on their countless demon kings? Can you stop it?

"Antique, where are you? I'm sister Jing. I'll pick you up! "

While heartache, I still didn't forget my mission. She is an antique wife. They have deep feelings and secretly have a special method of special connection.

However, she kept calling for a long time, but there was no response from the ancient style. Her heart suddenly cooled, for fear of any accident in the ancient style.

In fact, Gu Feng did receive the message, but he didn't respond in a hurry.

At this time, the ancient wind was still hiding in an insignificant space magic weapon. He put himself in a rock and didn't dare to move at all.

He has been in this state for three consecutive days. In these three days, he felt the changes of the outside world, and he felt the anger of the fierce devil. He knew that the fierce devil had completely overturned the whole Cangzhou in order to find himself.

He tightly restrained his Qi and did not dare to respond quietly. He was afraid that once he moved, he would be detected by the devil, and his life would be lost.

At the same time, he was worried and confused. Quietly and clearly, I have been trapped in the demon abyss. Is it so coincidence that I escaped in these two days? Is that a coincidence? Could it be the little hand that the fierce devil deliberately used to seduce himself?

Therefore, even though the ancient wind is not calm, it does not dare to respond at all.

He prayed in his heart: "sister Jing, if you really come, you'd better leave as soon as possible. Although I'm in a desperate situation, I'm absolutely safe in a short time. If you have an accident, how can you reassure me? "

Just after reciting, Gu Feng received a quiet voice again: "Gu Feng, I have been trapped in the magic abyss for hundreds of days and nights. Do you know what I think most? What I want most is to be trapped with you. I would rather be trapped there with you forever, away from all troubles and worries... Where are you? Answer me quickly and go home with sister Jing! "

"Sister Jing..."

Hearing this, Gu Feng's mind tightened again. At this time, he was very sure that the one who sent a message to himself was undoubtedly quiet. It would never be the means played by the fierce devil.

After hesitating and struggling for a long time, the ancient wind finally summoned up the courage and decided to respond.

"Sister Jing, is it really you? I'm... "

Gu Feng just wanted to say his hiding place, suddenly a huge slap appeared in his eyes

The slap came down the sound transmission channel between them. It was very mysterious.

This scene frightened the ancient wind. He quickly cut off the contact with Jingjing, restrained all his Qi machines again, and dared not play automatically any more.

"It's so dangerous that the evil devil can attack me in a state of nothingness through the secret message?"

Gu Feng was stunned. He saw such a means for the first time. The bus palm he just saw was certainly not an entity, but a kind of attack similar to spirit. Fortunately, he cut off contact quickly enough, so he didn't completely expose his hiding place. Otherwise, his life would be hard to protect.

He hid his old style again, and suddenly his face turned pale. He realized a terrible fact;

"No, since the evil devil can track me through the sound transmission channel, doesn't it mean that sister Jing has completely leaked under the evil devil's eyes? Well... What should I do? "

Realizing this, the ancient wind was even more frightened.

Undoubtedly, quietly waiting for others is his weakness. Many times, he would rather die by himself than see any accidents happen to his relatives.

"What should I do? Isn't sister Jing very dangerous at this time? The devil is ferocious and unrestrained. Sister Jing wandered here so recklessly. Isn't that bad luck? "

Gu Feng was scared silly, and for a moment, he was in a state of confusion. He is secretly blaming quietly. Why do you have to come here? If she hadn't wandered over, Gufeng could have escaped the fierce devil's search.

On the other side, I don't know the depth quietly, but I still keep in touch with the ancient style. Unfortunately, no matter how anxious she was, the old style just ignored it.

Gu Feng knew that once he responded quietly, they would be completely finished. Once the fierce devil catches himself, silence will be of no use and will be ruthlessly swallowed up by the fierce devil.

Today's action is so stupid that it's like throwing yourself into a trap. Not only can not save the ancient customs, but also put the ancient customs into a dilemma.

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