Outside the city, on a remote and uninhabited mountain, the ancient wind released a group of people imprisoned by himself.

As soon as these people were released, they began to be arrogant. An evil slave came forward, grabbed the antique collar and said, "boy, where is this? Why did we suddenly come here when we were in the city? Who are you? "

Most of the other evil slaves were like this. Their eyes fixed on the ancient style were very bad. They didn't realize that they had become prisoners.

"I'm a God. God doesn't like your evil deeds, so he brought you here and let me punish you well!" The ancient wind replied with a smile.

"You want to die!"

They realized that they seemed to have been fooled. Immediately someone became angry and swung a bus palm to slap it on the face of the ancient wind.

However, the stupid thing happened again. Which evil slave just raised his palm and couldn't fall down again. It seemed to be stuck in mid air. Before the man exclaimed, his palm was wrapped in flames. The fire was fierce and sudden. In a moment, it spread from the arm to the whole body.

"Ah..." the evil slave immediately released his hand holding the ancient wind, then curled up on the ground and kept rolling and howling.

"You... You... You used magic!" Seeing that their companions were wrapped in a fire, a group of evil slaves quickly and violently retreated, and their eyes looking at the ancient wind were full of fear.

"Yes, I'm a God. I came down to punish you." The ancient wind still smiled, but the smile was so terrible in the eyes of everyone.

"Ah... Help me..." the evil slave wrapped in the fire still rolled on the ground and screamed.

"Come on! Put out the fire! " Only the young city leader is a little calm, he won't believe any gods. There are many experts in Yunmeng City, and he has seen a lot.

"Ah... I was burned, too. What's the matter?"

Just two people came forward to put out the fire, but they never thought that the fire had not been put out, but set fire to burn themselves. The two men who came forward to put out the fire were swallowed up by the fire. Like the man before, they soon curled up on the ground, kept rolling and wailing.

"Ah... Help me..."

The three kept calling for help, but no one dared to continue. After a while, the anger that was first burned was silent, but his body was still curled up and twitched from time to time.

"You... Do you know that I am the young city master of Yunmeng city? If you treat us like this today, there will be no place for you in the future! " Finally, the little city Lord began to use his identity to intimidate the ancient customs. Although he was a little afraid, he was not very worried. He had absolute security faith in his identity.

"Yes, boy, do you know who is in front of you? This is our young city leader. You dare to act recklessly in Yunmeng city. I'm sure you'll die ugly. " A bad slave gave full play to his ability to support others.

However, as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly found that his palm turned green, followed by his skin and cheeks

"Ah..." the evil slave who was just arrogant immediately covered his cheek with his hand, curled up on the ground and began to roll. He kept grasping his face with his fingernails. After a while, his cheeks were blurred and extremely scary. Then they saw that the skin on the back of his hand began to fall off, the meat on it began to rot, revealing bright red white bones, and a bad smell

"Ah..." after another tumbling howl, the man gradually lost his voice. His body began to smoke, and his flesh and blood soon rotted away, leaving only a bright red skeleton, which was extremely frightening.

"Devil! You are a devil! " Seeing this scene, people no longer have the air of the past. Their eyes staring at the ancient wind are full of fear and keep retreating. Then he turned around and ran away, ignoring his master.

"Now that you have come, why are you in a hurry to leave?" The voice of the ancient wind sounded. When those people had just run a few steps, they suddenly played a great magic power. They saw seven or eight fire wolves roaring immediately and catching up with those people in an instant. The remaining seven or eight evil slaves were swallowed up by a fire in the blink of an eye. They only had time to scream. Then they curled up on the ground and began to twitch.

"You... You... What do you want to do? I... I'm the young city master... "At this time, the young city master of Yunmeng city still doesn't forget to use his identity to frighten the ancient customs, but it's a pity that he is of no use.

"Hehe, young city leader, how awesome! Don't say you're a little city Lord today. It's estimated that your father will take off his skin! "

Gu Feng's expression immediately turned cold, and then he dragged the young city Lord to the ground, then stretched out a small foot and trampled on it.

"Don't you usually like to bully men and women? Today I'll give you a taste of being bullied. "

With that, Gu Feng stretched out two fingers and suddenly portrayed each other's body. After a while, the man began to roar madly, convulsed and rolled on the ground.

"Ah... You devil, what have you done to me? Ants... Ants... A lot of ants... "

"It's called ten thousand ant bite array. I've had the honor to try it. It tastes very good, so please taste it." Gu Feng said with a smile, his face getting colder and colder.

It was an accident to meet this young city Lord today. Since I let myself encounter it, the ancient style began to think about it. I can't waste my hand, can I?

I've been staring at the young city leader for a long time. The ancient wind is a little worried. How can I use this little Wang in my hand? If you kill it directly, it is obviously a waste of resources.

After thinking for a long time, a smile finally appeared on the antique face. He had his own idea.

The old wind suddenly kicked down with two feet and asked with a smile, "young city Lord, what's the taste? Can you compare with those beautiful little women? "

"Ah... Comparable, comparable, please, little God, let me go. I'll bring you all the little women collected at home and enjoy them!"

"..." Gu Feng was stunned. He really didn't expect the young city Lord to answer himself like this. Think back to Qin Haiyun's happy reunion a few years ago, and think about a lot of beautiful girls around him. Gu Feng was excited all over and his back was full of cold sweat.

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