Gu Feng immediately became angry, and suddenly stepped on it with a few feet. He shouted and scolded, "get out of your uncle! I'm not like you! I'm a God. I don't need... I don't need women! "

Gu Feng really doesn't know how to refute it. Now he's only seven years old. He can't say he's still wet behind the ears, can he? I have to say that I am a God and don't want women.

"Yes, yes, yes! You are a God, you don't need a woman... Please let me go! " In such a short time, the young city Lord has been tortured to purple face and sweating. He doesn't have the tenacious will of the ancient style. He can bite his teeth and fight hard. At the same time, the array arranged by the ancient wind is definitely more powerful than the disciples of Feng Tianping. How can the young city Lord bear it if he is a ignorant and incompetent dandy? Just for a while, I almost passed out several times.

Seeing that the young city Lord could not hold on, the ancient wind simply put away his ten thousand ant bite array. The goods were light and lay on the ground panting. Then, the more he thought, the more he was wronged, and he actually looked up and cried bitterly

"..." the ancient wind kicked the young city master with a cold face and shouted angrily, "thanks to you, young city master, you're still some shit. You don't look like a man at all. You've ruined countless girls like this. It's really heaven's blindness."

The more the ancient wind looked, the more angry he was. He simply stepped on the lifeblood of the other party, and then rubbed it hard.

"Ah..." one day, the terrible cry suddenly rang through the heaven and earth. The young city Lord hugged the ancient wind's feet with both hands and stomped, trying to move it away. It's a pity that his strength is too small. Stomping in the face of the ancient wind is like facing a mountain, which can't be shaken.

Soon, the young city leader fainted in pain. Gu Feng took back his foot and stamped. He said coldly, "I ruined your lifeblood today, and I'm also exporting evil Qi for the women you ruined!"

Taking advantage of the other party's passing out, Gu Feng quickly took out a lot of materials and began to depict it. He had thought of how to use this piece of Xiao Wang. He would dig a big radish pit here and wait for others to jump in.

After working for three hours in a row, Gu Feng finally finished everything. It was already midnight and his plan should be implemented.

The place where the ancient wind now stands is called Shilipo. After three hours of busy work, he set up a series of arrays, in which a lot of rare materials were used, which made the ancient wind meat painful for a long time.

Because the young city Lord didn't return all night and there was no sign of brothel restaurants everywhere, the angry people who went out to find out in the city Lord's house spent a lot of time to find out. Their young city Lord and a group of domestic slaves suddenly disappeared in the street.

This discovery immediately shocked the people who came to look for it and quickly reported it to the city master. Who is the city master? Naturally, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly led a group of experts out of the house to the place where the accident happened. After some deduction, his face suddenly became dignified, and immediately went to Shilipo outside the city.

"Go! Your son is waiting for you to rescue him! He will give you a surprise! " The ancient wind hiding in the dark showed a cold smile that was extremely inconsistent with his age. Then he turned and went quickly towards the barracks.

The barracks here are very vast, with nearly a million armored men stationed inside. Although it was midnight, the fire was bright. Not only fixed soldiers stood guard, but also groups of soldiers with Long Ge patrolled back and forth. The guard was quite strict.

After some exploration, Gu Feng determined that there were no experts in the barracks, so he turned into a fiery red rosefinch and flew directly over the barracks.


The ancient wind incarnating rosefinch sent out a loud cry, hovered back and forth, and looked coldly at the messy barracks below.

"Look, what's that? Is it... Rosefinch? " Suddenly, some soldiers made a mess, and some of the soldiers who were already asleep got up to pay their bills and looked up at the sky, showing a look of shock.

"I heard that rosefinch is an ancient divine beast and auspicious thing. I didn't think we were lucky to see it today." A person issued a sincere emotion, and his face was respectful.


The ancient wind incarnated as rosefinch gave a loud cry again, and then suddenly flapped its wings. Fire dragons gushed out of the wings and went straight to the barracks below.

"Ah... Ancient gods and beasts wanted to attack us!" Seeing the fire dragons sweeping in, the soldiers below were completely flustered and fled everywhere.


The ancient wind flapped its wings again. The raging fire poured down like a river of heaven, and immediately swept the barracks below. Countless soldiers were swallowed up by the fire and sent out bursts of bleak screams, desperate, like headless flies.

"Ah... Ah..."

The fire burst into the sky, lit up the night sky for half a day, and awakened countless people who had already fallen asleep in the city.

"Where did you come from? Why attack us for no reason? " A man who looked like a general shouted at the ancient wind, but the answer was still a ruthless fire. The man was turned into flying ash without too much struggle.

When the fire broke out, the first thing the soldiers thought of was to escape from the barracks, but what was waiting for them would be a more tragic death.

As soon as those who tried to escape ran to the gate of the barracks, countless runes swept in. In the blink of an eye, they were hanged by the rune and turned into powder, and there was no time to scream.

Looking at everything below, the old wind looked very cold. He was numb to killing. Although today's disaster is very tragic, is Dali not tragic that day? Ordinary people died in Dali. Who did they offend?

Although these soldiers look miserable now and are innocent victims, the ancient wind has not forgotten that on that day when Dali city was broken, those soldiers rushed into the city, burning, killing and looting. Even babies in swaddling clothes will be stabbed to death with a spear without blinking an eye.

The ancient wind flapped his wings and left. He knew that all the people in the barracks here would die if there was no accident.

The ancient wind is angry and kills millions!

As soon as he left the barracks, the ancient wind turned into a human shape and restored his original appearance. Then, Gu Feng saw more than a dozen figures flying from the direction of the city master's residence. These are experts among the experts. He came to check the barracks as soon as he found that the barracks were attacked.

They didn't know what to do. Several people plunged into the Barracks at one end, but

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