In the face of Le Xingcheng's animal behavior, Nie Qian did not resist at all. She was like a cold puppet and let Le Xingcheng do it.

However, a tear of disappointment flowed from the corner of her eyes.

He suffered such bullying and suffered so much injustice and pain in his heart. His senior brother not only didn't comfort himself, but imposed such animal behavior on himself at this time. It's really chilling.

At this moment, she also saw through the essence of Le Xingcheng. What Le Xingcheng loved was not her at all. What he cared about was fame, wealth, status and his own body.

After learning that he is no longer perfect, he chose to destroy himself again in this rude way.


Without hesitation, Nie Qian's backhand gave Li Le star a big ear melon seed, and it stopped playing awesome after turning the music star three hundred and sixty degrees.

"Qian Mei, you hit me? Dare you hit me? "

In an instant, Le Xingcheng was stunned and touched his cheek, which had slowly begun to swell. His face was unbelievable.

"Le Xingcheng, although it has been a month, the reason why I didn't choose to end it myself is because I still have a glimmer of fantasy about you. But now, this last glimmer of fantasy has been disillusioned. I have completely seen your essence. You are a virtue like the thief and are inferior to animals. "

After a word, Nie Qian turned and left.

However, Le Xingcheng seemed to have lost his mind. He grabbed Nie Qian's arm and said in a cruel voice: "Nie Qian, you bitch, since you have been defiled by others, why don't you die? My great reputation of success has been ruined by you bitch. "

With that, Le Xingcheng slapped Nie Qian on the spot.

This slap not only blindfolded Nie Qian, but also woke Nie Qian up completely. At this moment, she really saw the essence of music star success.

"You bitch, you refused to obey me before, but you did it so easily. Today, I will thoroughly make you look good and go back to die! "

After that, Le Xingcheng put his head together again and began to kiss Nie Qian's neck crazily.

Of course, Nie Qian resisted strongly, but her cultivation was not as good as Le Xingcheng. She was completely subdued and sealed with divine power.

She cried in despair, tearing her heart and lungs, and only felt her fate miserable. I was bullied outside. I thought that when I returned to zongmen, my beloved senior brother could give me some safety. I never thought that my beloved senior brother was such a human faced beast.


The old style hiding below can't be seen anymore. If he regarded Le Xingcheng as an opponent earlier, he has completely despised Le Xingcheng at this moment.

Seeing that the music star was about to stretch out his hand to pull Nie Qian's clothes, the ancient wind couldn't help it anymore. He shouted: "senior brother Xingcheng, senior master is looking for you and urges you to enter the holy pool quickly."

After shouting, the ancient wind jumped directly to the top of the cliff.

"Mao Dalong, who asked you to come up?"

Seeing his good deeds destroyed by others, Le Xingcheng was completely angered. His eyes were burning. He wanted to strangle his younger martial brother.

The ancient wind was not afraid at all. He pretended to be serious and bowed his hands and said, "elder martial brother, the elder martial master has been waiting impatiently. I urge you to hurry up."

Glancing at Nie Qian, the chick was lying on her back, with a desperate smile on her mouth, and the tears in her eyes were so crystal clear.

"Hey, chick, chick, I'm sorry for you!"

Gu Fengxin sighed with a sigh. If you want to talk about it, it is really his beast. Such a nice girl was just devastated by herself.

But there's nothing wrong with thinking about it. At least let Nie Qian see clearly the essence of Le Xingcheng.


Le Xingcheng was angry, but he left as soon as he shook his sleeves. Before disappearing, he left a sentence that stunned both Gu Feng and Nie Qian: "this bitch is rewarded to you. After playing, kill her!"

Le Xingcheng completely disappeared, but the ancient style was completely stupid in place.

After half a ring, Nie Qian looked up to the sky and gave a long, shrill roar: "ha ha, man? True love? Ha ha ha... "

A feeling of despair arises spontaneously. At this moment, Nie Qian completely loses her nostalgia for the world. Even if the ancient wind doesn't start with her for a while, she will end it by herself.


Gu Feng couldn't see it anymore. He bent over and carefully helped Nie Qian up.

"Elder martial sister Nie, I know you are tired of this world, but I still want to advise you to live."

Turning to look at the ancient wind, Nie Qian smiled miserably: "Mao Dalong, I know I've been secretly liking me before. Now the beast has rewarded me to you. Why don't you take the opportunity to kill me?"

In Nie Qian's view, the "Mao Dalong" in front of her is Le Xingcheng's dog. Since the master has given food, is there any reason not to eat?

But the old wind smiled gently: "elder martial sister is always sacred in my heart. Even if you encounter misfortune, you are still you. You will always be my former elder martial sister. I will never bully elder martial sister."

"Oh, rare, rare!"

Nie Qian smiled miserably again. She began to slowly untie her clothes with both hands and said, "come on, anyway, I'm a dying man. Since you have affection for elder martial sister, let you touch my body today, it's a reward for you over the years!"

However, as soon as the ancient wind changed his complexion, he grabbed Nie Qian's small hand and said, "elder martial sister, what are you doing? Now that you have thought of death, why don't you think about how to die valuable? When you die like this, don't you let the bully and Le Xing become the bastard for nothing? In my opinion, elder martial sister should keep a useful body. Killing them for revenge is the right way. "

"Kill them for revenge?"

In an instant, Nie Qian was stunned, and then showed a bitter smile again: "kill them for revenge? easier said than done? Both of them are extremely evil geniuses in the eight wastelands. Their cultivation speed is thousands of miles a day. How can I catch up? What year and what month can you kill them? "

"Elder martial sister, haven't you heard that Kung Fu pays off? Although the cultivation is not as good as them, you can think of other means. "

"What means?"

"Isn't le Xingcheng, the son of a bitch, about to enter the holy pool to practice? I'm the one who serves me. If elder martial sister wants, we can join hands to kill him. "

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