The words made Nie Qian's eyes shine on the spot.

She stood up slowly. She patted Gu Feng on the shoulder, her eyes were firm, and said, "dragon, if you can really help me kill the beast of Le Xingcheng this time, elder martial sister, I'll follow you, of course, as long as you don't dislike me!"


Gu Feng's cheek was black at that time, and immediately solemnly said, "don't worry, elder martial sister. I'll do my best to help you fulfill this wish. As for after the success, if the elder martial sister still plans to marry me, I naturally want it. But if elder martial sister doesn't want to talk to me, I will never complain. "

The old saying is pure perfunctory. If you let Nie Qian know that she is the one who raped her, don't say she's married. It's good not to kill herself with a knife.

As for after the success, the ancient style must be running away, and the fool will be here waiting to marry Nie Qian.

"Well, it's not in vain. Elder martial sister used to take care of you!"

Nie Qian smiled and finally let her find a trace of motivation to live.

This smile really tastes like a hundred flowers blooming. Since Gu Feng met Nie Qian, he hasn't seen a smile on her face.

"Elder martial sister is still as beautiful as before!"

The corners of the mouth of the ancient style also aroused a trace of smile, simple and simple, like an idiot.

He immediately changed his face and said, "elder martial sister, you first enter my space magic tools to hide, and then I will go to the holy pool. As long as he practices until the critical moment, we will start a sneak attack."

"OK, listen to you!"

Without a word, the ancient wind put Nie Qian away directly, and then swaggered towards the Shenchi.


The reason why Shenchi has become the first forbidden area of Xingchen Pavilion is that a colorful divine lotus has been planted in this place. It is a serious divine medicine and belongs to the baby of the anti heaven level. The reason why Xingchen Pavilion is strong is that it relies on this divine lotus to continuously cultivate top talents for Xingchen Pavilion.

With memory, the ancient wind came directly to the place where the sacred pool was located. As everyone knows that he is the one who serves Le Xingcheng to practice his physique, he has a smooth way and has not been blocked at all.

Looking up, the sacred pool is about five feet wide. The whole surface of the pool is full of five color Xiarui, which is very beautiful.

A strong aroma wafts out, refreshing and soothing.

In the middle of the pool, a golden lotus stands about two feet high. Those aromas are emitted by the Golden Lotus.

"Baby, baby, I definitely have to get it."

Gu Feng has made up his mind not only to kill Le Xingcheng, but also to get this baby.

At this moment, he wanted to take away the divine lotus directly, but he forced himself to resist the impulse.

God lotus is very important. It is the first treasure of the whole star Pavilion. Once there is any movement here, it is bound to affect the whole sect door.

The ancient wind was restrained, but the small fire was unbearable. The ancient wind can clearly feel that the small fire suppressed in the magic instrument is ready to move and has the possibility to rush out at any time.

"Xiao Huo, be obedient. Now is not the time to start. Once you get the baby, I promise to give you a taste. "

After some reassurance, the little fire finally became honest.

The ancient wind stands here alone like a wooden stake, quietly waiting for the arrival of the star. This is a full two hours, waiting for the ancient wind, my heart is about to get angry.

Finally, the star came, and his face was full of anger.

"Mao Dalong, didn't you say the master came to me? Why don't you see him, old man? "

"This..." the old style was full of words. For a moment, I didn't know how to answer.

Just now, I was really in a hurry to deceive Le Xingcheng. The purpose is to save Nie Qian.

At least, Nie qian can be regarded as his woman. You can't let Le Xingcheng spoil it, can you?

After thinking for a while, Gu Feng immediately bowed his hand: "elder martial brother, please forgive me. The reason why I deceived you is for the sake of your reputation. How can you pick up the broken shoes that Yan Feng slept with? If elder martial brother thinks I delayed your business, please forgive me. "

The old style is pure nonsense, but that fool Le Xingcheng is very useful after listening to it.

He immediately arranged his clothes and said, "don't mention today's affairs to outsiders, do you understand?"

"I see, senior brother."

"Well, just understand." Le Xingcheng nodded, then turned the conversation and asked, "have you played yet? How does it taste? "

"Ah?" On the spot, Gu Feng was stupefied and immediately reacted. He immediately changed into a look of endless aftertaste and said: "second, second is unspeakable, that taste... That... Just one, cool!"

"Is it so cool?"

Seeing the ancient style with endless aftertaste, Le Xingcheng regretted it a little.

But thinking about his identity, he had to sigh in the end.

He is not only the first genius of Xingchen Pavilion, but also the favorite of the eight wastelands. He really can't pick up other people's broken shoes and lower his identity.

Le Xingcheng did not pay attention to the ancient style, but directly took off his clothes and went down to the pool. He was naked.

"Watch it for me. Don't let anyone in!"

"Yes, senior brother. With your Dharma array guardian, I believe no one can get in except some old ancestors. "

Shenchi is the first forbidden area inside Xingchen Pavilion. It is guarded by a powerful Dharma array to isolate everything outside. In addition, Le Xingcheng was afraid of being disturbed. He specially arranged it before coming in.

In other words, even if something big happens here, people outside won't know unless it's those ancestors.

Gu Feng ignored Le Xingcheng. He began to wander around the sacred pool. After looking inside and outside, he began to do tricks in secret again.

On top of those two layers of Dharma arrays, he began to add some new Dharma arrays.

He will fight against Le Xingcheng here. If the sneak attack fails, it will be a big war. If something happens, it is bound to disturb others. At that time, it is impossible for them to leave.

It took a whole day. Quietly, the ancient wind arranged a powerful isolation array.

With this isolated Dharma array, Gu Feng believes that even if he and Le Xingcheng have been turned upside down here, people outside can't know.

Of course, he can't guarantee that ancestors above the sage level will have insight.

"Although the Dharma array is good, when you start, you still have to be fast, accurate and ruthless. You must not give this bastard the slightest chance to resist."

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