"No, I just didn't expect that the enemy would attack so quickly and so cruelly." Dadalia clicked his tongue and said: "The whole Ba Ling Island was shaken. We can still see the fire there when we sailed so far away. There was an explosion, and I don’t know if Thor himself took action.”

Unexpectedly, the lady just said indifferently: "The Heart of God is originally useless to the God of Thunder. It just so happened that the Yae Shenzi also wanted to eradicate that 'doll'. It was just borrowing someone else's hand. This idiot, Skirmisher, always thought I can control people's hearts. But I don't know that whether people's hearts are human or not is controlled by beings who have no ability."

Dadalia just listened to the lady's sharp comments in embarrassment. He thought that sooner or later, if the lady continued like this, she would go the same way as the stragglers.

'However, if the doctor is here, the skirmishers will probably...maybe...be rescued? '

Dadalia thought about it carefully, and there was a high probability that the skirmishers would be used by the doctor for experiments.

'It would be better to die than that. '


As the shock caused by the explosion disappeared and the thick smoke gradually dissipated, the three people flying in the sky landed again.

Ying's feet once again landed firmly on Ba Ling Island.

She looked at the ruined mine, or should we say the factory gate?

While Ying was recalling the shock caused by the explosion just now, she thought that there was a high probability that she would not be able to do this.

Ying asked in a low voice: "Are all the fools inside...all dead?"

Paimon looked at Ying in surprise and asked, "Is this still alive?"

Fangyuan was very satisfied with the results she had achieved.

'Everyone who snitches should be damned! '

"However, I vaguely heard someone howling inside. It seems that there are indeed one or two sounds, right?"

Ying felt that she might have heard wrongly.

'Forget it, it would be easier for me to treat it as a factory without people. '

Occasionally killing a few hostile fools is somewhat different from the feeling of directly killing a large area.

This time she finally understood the difference between how Fangyuan and she treated their enemies.

This is human wisdom!

At the beginning, Ying was still angry that the Fools could produce something as harmful as the Evil Eye, but now she started to feel pity for the Fools.

After all, Fangyuan is still superior!

Fortunately, Fangyuan didn't think much about evil and harming people. Otherwise, how could there be anything stupid in this world?

'Next time, next time, I will also greet them in this way! '

Ying secretly decided in his heart that he must absorb Fangyuan's experience against the enemy.

I just don’t know that I will never have the opportunity to see the hole dug by fools again.

Fangyuan didn't expect that the dust explosion would be so useful in another world. He had especially liked asking Wendy to use this move against the enemy's minions a long time ago. Now it was finally his turn to use this move against the enemy.

"Ying, did you see it? If you encounter a cave that you can't enter in the future, just use the wind elemental power to launch a wave first. Just in case there is something powerful inside. If there is any trap or something, we can also Destroy the trap first. It doesn’t matter if it collapses, we can also hire people to dig it out again.”

Fang Yuan taught Ying Dun Dun, fearing that she would be tricked by someone on the way to find her brother.

"You are so right!"

Ying nodded in agreement.

Even Paimon felt that what Fangyuan said was true.

"Yes, sometimes you are too impulsive. The three of us, if we encounter such a situation in the future, we must go in first and set off a wave of fireworks!"

After wiping out the Fools' factory, the three of them left the place happily.

The three of them were completely unaware of the disaster they had caused to the snake bone mine on Ba Ying Island. As for how the workers would resume mining in the future, it had nothing to do with them.

However, friends at the Coral Palace recorded this scene profoundly, leaving behind many conjectural written records.

And reported it to Coral Palace Xinhai with a red letter header.

[Traveler - the scourge of the world (travel with caution)]


The relationship between Gan Yu and Coral Palace is pretty good.

She finally understood why so many people wanted to be Qixing instead of being a secretary.

How exciting and joyful it is to personally participate in the design and planning and build your own rules.

You can deeply feel that the established relationship belongs to you, rather than treating you as a wage earner.

In comparison, the position of Seven Star Secretary is not that attractive.

"Miss Gan Yu's help is something I can never repay. I will give my treasured book on the art of war to Miss Gan Yu as a gift. Although it is a small and insignificant gift, I still hope you can accept it. .”

Xinhai actually got a new novel, and the content of the novel is even more bizarre. There is even a strange content about someone falling from the sky and shooting arrows, and there are also some strange love and hatred.

It's just that these novels can't be given away, so Xinhai can only give his treasured art of war to Gan Yu.

'What does a secretary like me want to do with the art of war? '

It's not easy for Gan Yu to refuse. Coral Palace Xinhai has learned a lot from her recently and can be considered an excellent apprentice.Some of the contents were taught by Gan Yu without hesitation, but Coral Palace Xinhai quickly grasped the essence based on his many years of experience in governing.

The two quickly established a firm friendship while teaching and learning.

"Thank you Xinhai. If you have time in the future...well, you can come to see me in Liyue. If you have the chance, you might as well walk around more."

"I have decided to create a 'God-Human Consultation' in Liyue to specially invite these special beings from all over the world to communicate the relationship between gods and humans, so that we can discuss together how to deal with the contradictions in communication between humans and gods. In this way, it will be more A good assistant to the Seven Gods, Immortals, or the Seven Gods' dependents, so that they can better integrate into human life."

Gan Yu said happily: "It would be even better if you, Xinhai, could join us!"

When Coral Palace Xinhai heard this, he knew something was going on, especially the suggestion made by Secretary Qixing. He immediately nodded and said: "In that case, we must have more contacts! Try to get Sister Gan Yu's consultation as soon as possible." Open throughout the entire continent of Teyvat.”

Gan Yu seems to be getting more and more confident about her role, and she has now developed to collude with foreign forces.

As a half-immortal, the work of Gan Yu, Yae Shenzi, Coral Gong Xinhai and others are almost highly overlapping.

Now that they are connected, it is really hard to say what will develop.

Gan Yu was very happy, she finally learned how to create her own 'place' from Fangyuan.

Chapter 115: If I were in Dao Wife, I wouldn’t be so busy!

Bronya felt that Fangyuan was letting herself go more and more.

It's not the usual sense of letting oneself go, which feels more like having nothing to do and letting your mind wander, but some kind of... abnormality?

It would be more accurate to call them perverts. What normal people pursue is that they think 'certain things' and 'certain existences' are beautiful and will be good for themselves after getting them.

But perverts are different. Perverts know that the end point will bring destruction, and therefore believe that destruction is the real beauty.

It's obvious that Fangyuan has a very 'perverted' side in his behavior.

"Feels like...a tyrant living in his own spiritual world?"

Bronya really couldn't think of any good adjectives.

She kept thinking about Fangyuan's mental condition, fearing that she might accidentally lead Fangyuan in some strange direction.

As for whether Ying can control Fangyuan?

Bronya never considered this situation happening. If she could control it, how could she be taken advantage of?So Bronya never considered that someone could control Fangyuan.So far, everyone who wants to control him has been led astray by him.

"If he will forget things related to us, then if he doesn't know that this thing is a gift from us, will he forget the existence of this object?"

Now everyone is talking a lot about whether this will be effective.

Fangyuan will forget everything related to that person, but at the same time he will also write down the universal knowledge.

However, knowledge does not appear out of thin air. It is also something created by people. If we really want to forget everything, it must not only be the relationship between people.

"Then we might as well guess first, who will he forget next?"

Kiana has been able to calmly accept the result of being forgotten, and she is now beginning to think about how to connect the previous world with this world again.

"Suppose, I mean suppose...if Fangyuan forgets me, but before that I borrow someone else's hand..." Rita thought about it, then casually picked up a pen beside her and said: " I gave this pen to him through Ying's hand. He will think that this pen was given to him by Ying, and does not know that I am hiding behind Ying's back and controlling the changes in things. Then, will he forget it? Where is this pen?"

What the Valkyries want to do is such a simple process of exchanging hands.

Through this layer of transformation, one person's relationship is hidden behind another person who will not be forgotten, then will Fangyuan still forget it.

In this way, we can judge whether Fangyuan's forgetfulness comes from his own cognition or from external connections.

"Perhaps, we can give it a try? However, we are not sure who he will forget... It's hard to say."

Rita held her hands in her arms and looked around at everyone present, waiting for them to give a more interesting answer.

"Why should he care who he forgets? As long as he forgets everyone as a premise, we might as well all join in and make such a thing, and then..."

Kiana finally turned her attention to Xi'er and said: "Send the things directly to him and hand them over to him when he doesn't pay attention. Then we will see if he will forget someone." , you will forget a certain way of using that thing, and you can distinguish the final result."

Rita heard something terrible. She frowned and asked: "Send something? Can you travel through that world? Isn't it said that there is some strange barrier protecting it?"

"It's hard to say whether people can pass, but things can certainly pass. Even if it fails, it's nothing more than making a new one and giving it away a few more times. There will always be a time when it succeeds."

Kiana's words sounded a bit incredible, but everyone quickly understood what she meant.

Life will indeed be obscured by barriers, and anyone who comes to consciousness may be kicked back.

What if we only send material things?

Things will become as long as confirming that the things will be in Fangyuan's hands.

And the world of Teyvat is not completely without loopholes, such as those wolf beasts that devour the world.


The cleaning work on Hachi Island was actually very fast.

The shrine only needs to be re-maintained and some of the original stabilizing devices can be activated again.

The fact that it has been delayed until now is entirely due to the conflict between the two sides, as well as some messy ronin and pirates in the middle.

In the final analysis, all conflicts are just that one day a certain god suddenly became autistic, but this autism happened because his friends died in the battle.

Fangyuan couldn't say anything. He hoped that these gods could be less emotional. It would be better if they could be more similar to the "Heavenly Court" without emotions.

This guy doesn't pursue a world without God. To Yuan Yuan, it's the same whether he has God or not.Even a world without God is nothing more than man creating a god who can control man.

As for the contradiction between productivity and production relations that people often talk about, in Fangyuan's eyes it is even more bullshit.

Those who occupy an advantageous position in production relations will emphasize the development of productivity, while those who occupy a disadvantaged position in production relations will emphasize the adjustment of production relations.

There is no so-called contradiction between productivity and production relations. Everything is a contradiction in production relations.

The internal contradictions in production relations are only expressed in the form of contradictions between productive forces and production relations.

Fangyuan knew from the beginning how to solve Ina Wife's matter, but if he didn't go to that step, no one would believe what he said.When it comes to that kind of conflict, it will naturally become uncontrollable.

Now that it's settled, he no longer cares about what Ina-wife's future will be like.As for whether Thor can deal with corruption and messy things, it depends on each person's skills.

"Have everything been packed?"

Ying had been waiting in front of the teleportation anchor point for a long time, and half of her brain was still thinking about how to find her brother.

"It has been packed up a long time ago, but before that we still need to take Gan Yu home. From what she said, she has not contacted Zhenjun for a long time, so Gan Yu should have a good rest. But listen to her My idea seems to be that I really want to go to Sumeru with us. How about it?"

After hearing Fangyuan's last question, Ying was very confused and looked at Paimon.

Paimon didn't quite understand. She asked in shock: "What do you think I'm doing? I didn't say I couldn't bring Gan Yu with me."

"No, that's not what I meant... Why are you asking me? You can take whoever you want with you. Can I still stop you from taking others on the road?"

Ying felt that this guy's questions were unnecessary.Does he still need her approval for anything he does?Wasn't it arranged by Fangyuan along the way?

"Of course I have to ask you. Aren't you looking for your brother? You can't just take someone with me without saying anything, right?"

Fangyuan felt that Ying was the strangest one. He was not the leader now, but her, the traveler.

"I'm looking for my brother, but I have no intention of bringing anyone else with me. It's you who will make the team bigger and bigger!"

Ying reached out and poked Fangyuan's chest, telling him to think carefully about what he had done.

"I think I can explain it." Fang Yuan felt that he was a little wronged, and he said: "Let's talk about us first, we are going to follow you to find your brother, right? Paimon is mainly responsible for food and guide, right? "

"Yes, yes, that's true, but you took Gan Yu and suddenly went on the road." Paimeng thought that it would be easier for the three of them to go together, but it would be a little awkward to take Gan Yu with him.

"That's the problem! You just left me alone and asked me to go to Daozhu to see if there was any way to cure amnesia. At that time, I saw that Gan Yu had just been squeezed out of the position of secretary, and I thought I would just take her with me. Let’s go to Inazuma to relax. Isn’t this the end of things now? The fox on Inazuma’s side spread his hands and said, he can’t be saved! Farewell! This is all because Ying’s arrangements were not in place!”

What Fangyuan said really caught him off guard.

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