The blond girl touched her head, wondering if she really didn't make arrangements properly.

"Yes, yes, that's right. There are indeed some problems with Ying's arrangement. Didn't you come all the way here in the end? Then why bother to separate from everyone?" Paimon nodded again.

"But, if you hadn't been looking for people everywhere in Inazuma...I..." Ying suddenly got stuck, as if she had really allowed Fang Yuan to mess around and got to this point.But what she was thinking was that even if Fangyuan wanted to do something, she would definitely not mess around.Ying didn't expect that all Fangyuan wanted to do was mess around.

'If it were me, I would definitely ignore Dao-wife's affairs and go find my brother first! '

Ying felt in her heart that she would definitely not be as nosy as Fangyuan.As a result, Fangyuan usually said he wouldn't mind his own business, but when there was nothing wrong outside, he would make trouble for himself.

"Didn't I ask you to come here for treatment? You had to do those things for no reason? How could it be that my arrangements were not in place? Can I still arrange and control you in advance to prevent you from meeting the God of Thunder?"

Ying felt that she was quite wronged. She did have a bit of a free-spirited mentality, but it was not her fault.

"Yes, Fangyuan, aren't you here to treat illnesses? Why do you do so many things? Oops -!"

Paimon said, ready to scold him along with him.

Fangyuan punched Paimon's wallflower, gritted his teeth and said, "You guy, don't cause any trouble in the middle!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ying, he hit me! It's a pity that I was still thinking of asking an immortal to save him!"

Paimon was really becoming more and more stubborn, and almost made Fang Yuan angry to death.

Fangyuan became angry and said: "You still say that I am nosy? Believe it or not, Ying! If you were in Dao Wife, you would definitely be nosy more than me!"

"Impossible! I'm just doing a task to earn money for my conscience. I'm so anxious to find my brother. How could I get involved in a struggle between two gods and devotions like you?!"

Ying was also very confident, saying that there was no way she would be involved.

"Are you going to get involved? How can I still understand you?! Fuck, the idea of ​​exploiting people is almost stuck on the forehead. I don't know if you will be fooled? We both have the same ability. If you touch the statue of the Seven Heavens, you will no longer be able to control it!"

Fangyuan was almost furious. He couldn't understand how many things Ying had meddle in along the way.

"You are slandering! You got yourself involved, and you have to say that I will get involved too. You just want to drag me into the water! Why can't you just have some trust in me? Do you think I will be fooled?"

Ying felt that Fangyuan was outrageous. Why did this guy think she would get involved?She couldn't even hide from such a dangerous thing?If Fangyuan hadn't wanted to change General Thunder's mind, how could she have rushed over to help him?

This was obviously a problem caused by Fangyuan's own willfulness, yet he still insisted on pushing it onto her, saying that she would also be involved.

Gan Yu was in a dilemma. She watched as the two of them started to discuss things after leaving, and now they are arguing more and more fiercely about whether the other party will be involved.


"Two, two..."

Miss Gan Yu had never encountered this kind of thing before. She was so confused that she didn't know how to deal with this kind of 'housework' problem.

What about your emotions?

What about the comradeship along the way?

Brother, do you want to search together?

Do you want to continue traveling next time?

There were circles in Gan Yu's eyes, and he couldn't think of a good way to adjust the relationship between the two.

Paimon originally wanted to watch the show, but the increasingly fierce quarrel between the two frightened her a little.

She carefully hid behind Gan Yu and asked, "Gan Yu, can you handle these two people?"

"Ah, isn't it Paimon that you have been following them for the longest time? I, I don't know what to do? Did I disturb them?"

Gan Yu was somewhat unjustly accused. She felt that she shouldn't have been like this.

Paimon muttered: "I, I didn't expect them to quarrel. However, it doesn't look like they are going to fight... What if, what if the relationship breaks down? After there is no Fangyuan, Ying has always been I can't make ends meet. Even if I do tasks, it's just running errands and having all kinds of troubles. I don't want to live a life where I have to eat one meal but not another."

When Paimon thought about the possibility that the two of them would be separated, his food and daily life would not be able to be maintained, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

"Paimon, what are they arguing about?" Gan Yu didn't quite understand.

"Maybe it's because of a stressful emotional crisis caused by this kind of willfulness?" Paimon thought seriously about this weird thing.

"Just like ordinary men and women? It's a special state of trying to make the other person listen to you and then getting along with each other."

Gan Yu seems to have given a more reasonable answer.

Paimeng patted his forehead, then said to Gan Yu's ear: "Yes... you try it like this..."

Gan Yu listened to Paimeng's arrangement and felt that this kind of thing was outrageous. She was not sure whether it would really work, so she had no choice but to follow Paimeng's arrangement and let it go.

She stepped forward hesitantly and asked: "Mr. Fangyuan, I have something to say to you in private. Is it convenient for you?"

The two people who were arguing were shocked by her sudden interruption.

Just when Fangyuan was still confused, Ying stepped forward and stepped between the two of them, asking, "Is there anything I can't say directly?"

'It actually works! ? '

Gan Yu's eyes lit up, and his view of Paimeng, a foodie, suddenly changed a lot.

Gan Yu instantly transformed into a business state, drawing the two people's attention to other things.

"That's right, there are things about immortals..."

Chapter 116 General Thunder: We must abide by the ancestral system and come under the banner of 'dream'!

Quarrel is an enviable thing.

Before today, if someone said this to Kiana, she would think it was pure nonsense.

How could anyone think that quarreling is something to be envied?

And after today, she discovered...

Being able to quarrel is indeed an enviable thing.

Unlike them, even if they wanted to quarrel with Fangyuan, they didn't know how to get over it.

"Is it because of a quarrel that the equal relationship between the two parties can be reflected in the relationship, or is it because of an equal and beneficial relationship that can make two people quarrel?"

The topics Bronya started always caught people off guard.

'Are you all starting to discuss such profound topics? 'Rita felt that she had come at the wrong time.

"The relationship model envisioned by Ying has a certain effect. My brother treats her as an equal, and because of a little can't be said to be a small thing. It's because the occasional truth is worth fighting for his own right. equal status."

Bronya said seriously: "Brother thinks that Ying will definitely be fooled by this matter, and I actually agree with him. Judging from Ying's past performance, although she has strong fighting talent, she is not very good at dealing with these things. There is a high chance that she will be fooled. But Ying doesn't think she will be like this. She will think that her brother is using unfounded circumstances to attack her even more. How can something that didn't happen be used to determine her choice? Moreover, she came here because she cared about him, and even felt that she had been wronged. Therefore, it was natural for the two of them to quarrel."

Kiana and Mei really didn't know what to say.

They didn't seem to have had similar quarrels with Fangyuan, and even if they had, it was after Meiyi broke up with Fangyuan later.

But at that time, the quarrel between Meiyi and Fangyuan was not just verbal.

Looking at it this way, Mei Yi felt that she seemed to be a little more extreme.You used to hold back and not say anything, just waiting for the final amplification, right?

'Can quarrels trigger conflicts in advance and have a stress-relieving effect? '

Only then did Kiana realize that she seemed to have never quarreled with Fangyuan at all.The guy didn't look surprised at what she did. Even though he got angry and spanked her, he had no intention of quarreling with her.

Kiana thought for a long time before she realized the difference.

"Bronya, what you mean is... Fangyuan doesn't completely regard us as human beings. No, that can't be said. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with quarreling with Ying now, and even thinks it's a natural behavior. And facing It was different when we were together. Just like Otto would not quarrel with Bishop Teresa, Otto would not regard Teresa's irritation as an equal conversation."

Kiana is somewhat aware of this subtle difference in the relationship between men and women.

Rita felt that things were getting more and more interesting. She smiled and said: "In this way, Yinghui and Fangyuan quarreled because of the relatively balanced relationship between the two of them. Otherwise, one party would be stronger. A twisted situation in which one party is completely framed. To be honest, I still can’t tell which mode of getting along is better.”

"But judging from the current results, Ying's relationship with Fangyuan is still very effective. At least he knows what he should restrain himself from when doing things. And when he was in our world, he never worried about us. We will also think that what he does is correct and natural."

"Everything is done to defeat Honkai. This sentence has easily obscured the normal relationship between us and him."

Bronya didn't find it strange at all what Rita said, they had indeed had similar situations.

"With my brother's ability, he should be able to quickly grasp the intensity of the quarrel. I believe they will immediately know the extent of the quarrel and stop it."

Bronya was very depressed. How could even watching a quarrel increase her favorability?

She was puzzled as to why you, a half-immortal Ganyu, suddenly became more favorable to you.


Gan Yu briefly explained his situation.

I just need to go back to Liyue first, and then figure out how immortals and humans get along with each other.Then go to Xumi to collect scriptures and see how those great sages smoothed the relationship between the Grass God and the people of Xumi.

If possible, Gan Yu would have wanted to visit Mondstadt.

But the wind god in Mondstadt has long since disappeared, and the church has been completely handed over to humans. As for the dependents, what are they?

Do you think Fengshen seems to have taken care of it?He didn't care about those dependents at all, basically all of them played GG.To talk about being far away from human beings, you can't look at the immortals in Liyue. The immortals also know how to walk around in the market.To stay away from humans, you still have to look at the followers of the wind god.

'Does this need to be said in private? '

Ying felt in his heart that Gan Yu was doing something unnecessary.

"I'm looking at your situation..." Gan Yu hesitated and said, "I'm worried that you two might not be willing to let me go to Xumi with you, so I want to ask Mr. Fang Yuan what he thinks in advance."

"You can follow me for as long as you want." Ying patted her chest to assure herself, not taking what happened just now to her heart at all.

"Thank you so much, Miss Ying. I will definitely learn more things that are useful to me by following you two." Gan Yu was quite happy. She finally stopped the two of them from arguing for the time being.

Fangyuan felt that the current scene was very strange.

Why did he feel that what Gan Yu said was a bit teay?What's the matter with you, half-immortal?

"Gan Yu, isn't it great that you have such an idea? Since you want immortals and ordinary people to get along better, and you can find what you want to do in it, I will definitely support you in such a good thing! There is no need to talk to this idiot Fangyuan in private, I can help!"

Paimon really couldn't tell whether what Ying said was true or false.

'Fang Yuan was really not joking when he said you would be taken advantage of by the locals in Daozu.It's so easy to let go of caution when facing fellow girls. '

At this time, Paimon was very sure which side he should side with for the sake of his future job.


General Raiden recently observed the situation on Kaiji Island.

Although she is still enshrined here, the people here have not completely abandoned the demon god Orobas.

Likewise, in this anxious situation, human persistence seems somewhat meaningless.

'Unfortunately, Orobas' influence here is too great. '

General Thunder didn't know whether he should be happy or angry at the native's persistence.

Obviously, most people are fickle, but there are always some people who are so persistent that people don't know whether it is good or bad.

What Orobas left to Haiji Island was not only a legacy, but also a heavy shackle called 'grace'.

This heavy feeling for Orobas is also the fundamental reason why Kaiji Island is still outside the rule of Inazuma.It was this kind of dissociation and opposition that allowed Kaiji Island to take in those Inazuma people who were oppressed by Sangogyo, thus forming an anti-shogunate force.

It is easy to clean up Haiji Island, and it is also easy to clean up Baling Island, but it is not so easy to clean up the hearts of the people of Orobas on Haiji Island.

'How to do it? '

Controlling people's hearts is a very delicate matter, and one careless move may overturn the chessboard.

Orobas's idea was to allow Kaiji Island to integrate into Inazuma, but at the same time, his actions further caused the hearts of the people of Kaiji Island who received his favor to stay away from Inazuma.

At least General Raiden has never heard of a person casually surrendering to an existence that kills his benefactor.

Even if this person is afraid and has surrendered in attitude, he will not think that killing his benefactor would be a good thing.

Even if Orobas was the one who started the war.

How to divide the people of Haiji Island is the biggest difficulty faced by General Raiden at the moment.

"General, they have left."

Coral Palace Shinkai came to report the situation to General Raiden every day. Although she didn't know why General Raiden didn't need to go back to Inazuma Castle to work, this did not prevent her from borrowing General Raiden's flag.

The 'them' in her mouth were Fang Yuan and others who left.


It was impossible for General Leiden to tell Coral Palace Xinhai that she was thinking about how to get the people of Haiji Island to change their families.

After hearing the news that Fangyuan had left, General Lei Dian was silent for a long time before asking: "In addition to land issues, tax issues, and spiritual problems, do the people of Haiji Island have any other problems that need to be solved now?"

"If these three things can be solved, it will be a great blessing to the Kaiji Shogunate." Coral Palace Xinhai did not dare to ask for more. She only hopes to solve these three kinds of troubles at hand now.As for how to compete with the shogunate on the Tianling side for dominance in the future, that will be the fight between the feudal clans.

General Thunder thought for a long time, and vaguely seemed to grasp some solution.

'The eternal flag is temporarily unavailable. Most of the people here have been harmed by the shogunate, not to mention the warriors and practitioners who uphold the eternal cause.That being the case...then why can't we borrow other flags?Hide eternity behind the scenes...hide behind the scenes...'

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