vampire?Dead Apostle?

Is this Valtiana in front of me a vampire?

(Speaking of which, the previous travel guide to Genkami Island seems to have said that there are various demons living on Genkami Island, and the most powerful one among them is vampires.)

Like fairies, elves, orcs, and giants, vampires are also a race classified as [Demons], and among all the Demons, vampires are the race named [The Strongest].

The reason is that vampires possess an overwhelming [power] that other demons absolutely cannot master!

Just when Ixia was surprised by Valdiana's identity, Xiao Gucheng said as if he wanted to mediate: "Don't say that, Miss Val, Kaslana is mine. Neighbors, if you have to say it, they are not strangers."

"But he is a person of unknown origin, right? This is enough for me to keep him out - and the same goes for you, Gu Cheng." Valtiana said to Xiao Gucheng, "It's getting late. You should go back early, I will watch over Agulola."

"Uh...even I have to catch up."

Hearing Valdiana's tone, Xiao Gucheng knew that he should go back today: "I understand, then tell Agulola and I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'll be here tomorrow morning." of."

"Let's go back together, Xiao." Alexia smiled at this time and said, and then smiled at Valtiana, "Besides, Miss Valtiana, you are right, I am indeed A person with unknown origins, after all, I just arrived at Genkami Island today - if I have a chance next time, I will bring gifts and visit with Akatsuki."


Without a direct response, Valtiana snorted, quickly turned around and walked closer to the cabin.

Xiao Gucheng smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Kaslana, Miss Weier turned out to be a noble in the King of War domain, so she has a bit of a temper... In fact, you can know that she is a good person if you get along with her for a long time. .”

"I don't particularly care about these things." Alexia smiled, then turned to look at the Fianna.

And it was at this moment——

Behind the cabin door that had not been completely closed, Alexia suddenly saw a pair of familiar eyes. The flame-like eyes shimmered quietly in the darkness, and then completely disappeared into the cabin.

(That is......)

"Kaslana? Aren't you leaving?"

"Oh, here we come!"

Following Xiao Gucheng who had already walked ahead, Alexia raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

(Is that [Agurola]?)


inside the cabin.

Crouching on the ground with her back against the hatch and her head in her arms, the red-haired girl with flaming eyes echoed the person she just saw, her lips trembled slightly and said something of unknown meaning:

" that...[the chaotic beasts dormant in the abyss]?"

15. Vampires, Familiar Beasts, and True Ancestors

The first day Alexia came to Genkami Island ended with Akatsuki and Akatsuki returning to the apartment together.

After that, the two days passed equally quickly.

Different from the first day, Exia did not run around in the past two days. Instead, she went directly to the library of Genkami Island and began to collect knowledge about this world.

After all, what happened on the first day made him very interested in the world.

Whether it was the strange girl with blond hair and flaming eyes, or the vampire of this world that she met later, the [Agurola] hiding in the cabin, or even the [War King Domain] that Xiao Gucheng mentioned before - for those who came out When he first arrived, these things made him very curious!

Therefore, he spent almost two days in the library. Thanks to this, he now has a rough grasp of the basic situation of this world, such as things about the demons, the confirmed history of this world, etc.

Among all this knowledge, what concerned Exia the most was the matter about [Vampires] and [True Ancestors].

In that world, as well as in the three different worlds she had been to before, Exia had also heard rumors of vampires.

A nocturnal species that feeds on blood, is afraid of silver objects and garlic, and will die if exposed to sunlight... these are some of the things Ixia knows about vampires.

However, there is a big difference between the cognition of the vampires here and that of Ixia. They are not afraid of the sun and can live openly in the sun. Of course, they are not afraid of silver objects and garlic. Their vitality is so strong that they are almost useless. He can be killed, he is truly immortal, and he enjoys the title of the strongest demon among the demons.

But what makes vampires the strongest demons is not any of the above points, but the power they possess as a whole called [Familiar Beasts].

They are summoned beasts that are lodged in the blood of vampires. It is said that they come from another world. Each one has extremely powerful power. Even the weakest familiar beast has a combat power that is superior to the latest tanks or armed helicopters. The powerful beasts can easily wipe villages and cities off the map, which is equivalent to natural disasters.

This is the fundamental reason why vampires are called the strongest demons - and it is also the reason why other races cannot imitate it, because the use of familiar beasts requires paying an extremely huge price, magic power, vitality... The familiar beasts will Unrestrictedly absorb the power of the host to maintain its own existence and exert its own power.

It is impossible for races other than vampires to afford such consumption for a long time. Only vampires whose lives are so long that it is almost impossible to die normally can freely use these monsters.

However, vampires are also divided into strong and weak ones.Generally speaking, the number of familiar beasts possessed and the length of one's own survival are the most intuitive criteria for judging the strength of a vampire.

The vast majority of vampires will only hold one or two familiar beasts. The ancient vampires called the [Old Generation] will hold three or four batches. Five or more can be said to be rare. The number The number of vampires above that may only be in double digits.

Among all the vampires, there are three [Vampire Kings] who rule over all vampires. They are called the True Ancestors. They possess a far greater number of beasts than imagined and have established institutions in different areas of the world. He established his own empire and dominated the demons in this world.

They are--

The [First True Ancestor, the Forgotten War King] established the Empire of Night with Eastern Europe as its territory and called it the [War King Domain].

With West Asia as its territory, the [Second Ancestor: Eye of Extinction] established the Empire of Night called the [Extinction Dynasty].

And the [Third True Ancestor: Princess of Chaos] who finally established the Empire of Night named [Chaos Realm] with Central America as its territory.

Among all the vampires in the world, and even among all existences, these three true ancestors are undoubtedly the strongest. The number of familiar beasts they hold exceeds double digits. It is even said that the first true ancestor holds 72 A beast!The number is outrageous!

To be honest, when I first learned about these three true ancestors, Ixia had a big question - why is this world still dominated by humans?

The answer was learned after Exia learned more about the three true ancestors and the three empires of night.

——[Sanctuary Treaty]

This is the so-called treaty of peaceful coexistence between demons and humans.

After experiencing a long war in the past, in order to avoid the destruction of the entire world due to the fighting between each other, and in order to allow the demons on the verge of extinction to survive, the demons and humans finally reached an agreement through the efforts of the First True Ancestor. reached such a peace agreement.

In order to ensure that this treaty can effectively take effect, the three true ancestors and other countries around the world formed the [Sanctuary Treaty Body] to supervise each other to ensure the implementation of the agreement.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Sanctuary Treaty that the world is like this now.

——A world where humans and demons coexist peacefully.



In the bedroom, after inputting all the information about the world that she had collected in the past two days into her personal terminal and saving it, Exia stood up from the chair and stretched hard.

"Hmm~~~Yeah! I finally got it done, I'm exhausted!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Prince."

Sajo Aige leaned against Exia.

""Information on Different Worlds Issue [-]"...Do you do this kind of thing every time you go to a world?"

"Well, after all, I have to make a mission report when I get back, so I need to start preparing some materials in advance." Ixia said as she came to the window and opened the curtains. The dazzling morning sunlight shone directly on Ixia's face.

It's early morning outside.

In this way, Alexia ushered in her fourth day in a different world after staying up all night.

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, a doorbell suddenly came from the door.

Putting away the personal terminal, he walked to the entrance and opened the door. What he saw in Exiya's eyes was Akatsuki with a schoolbag on his back.

"Xiao? What's wrong? You came to see me early in the morning."

"What's wrong...didn't you tell me that you were going to report at my school today?" Xiao Gucheng said, "I thought that since we are neighbors, maybe we are classmates, so I came I want to go to school with you and show you the way."

(Yes, it’s today.)

Because she had been collecting information about this world for the past two days, Exia had forgotten about this.

"Sorry to trouble you, please come in and wait for a while. I'll go wash up. I'll be fine soon."

(Are you really going to school? Prince)

Alexia's words made Sajo Aige a little worried.

(Counting from yesterday, you have been working continuously for 28 hours, is it better to take a break?)

(So ​​I will go to school and sleep after class.)

Alexia, who had criticized Kiana several times for sleeping in class, now said these extremely double standards quite naturally.

But for him, junior high school classes are really just for sleeping!

16. Routines are all routines

Private Caihai College.

One of the many academies on Genkami Island, it is a coeducational sixth-grade junior high school with a total student population of approximately 1000 to [-] students.

In order to live on Xian Shen Island, and to facilitate Nangong Nayue's surveillance, Exia will transfer to this school, which is no different from preschool to him, as a third-year junior high school student from today.

Now, under the leadership of Akatsuki Kojo, Exia came here on the tram that traveled all over Genkami Island.

"Does the school uniform still fit the size?"

The staff's office - no, it should be said to be located at the highest point of Ayumi College, even higher than the principal's office.

Looking at Alexia who came to her, Nangong Nayue, who was dressed in a gothic black dress, asked with a smile.

Alexia pulled down the Caihai Academy uniform on her body: "It fits so well that it's a little scary. How did you know my size?"

"That kind of thing can be easily analyzed, and it's not a secret. Let's get back to the subject. The junior high school group B of the class you want to transfer to is the class I lead. I will start the morning meeting later. I’ll take you there when the time comes.”

"Do you mean to put me directly under your eyes and monitor me?"


Nangong Nayue frankly admitted her plan: "Then, it may not be good from me, but there are many problem children in the class. If possible, I hope-"

"No need to say more, Miss Nangong." Alexia interrupted her with a smile, "I will most likely spend all my time sleeping in this school. Please don't worry about my interpersonal relationships here. I can guarantee that. I won’t cause you any trouble or trouble.”

According to Axia's understanding, a student who sleeps in class every day would not normally have anyone to take care of him, and as long as no one would take care of him, there would be no source of confusion and trouble.

It is equivalent to directly and fundamentally eliminating Nangong Nayue's troubles.

"I'm sorry you had the nerve to say this in front of me."

However, when Nangong Nayue heard what Aixia said, a bit of anger appeared on his face: "I am your class teacher and also your English teacher. You openly said in front of me that you want to sleep in class." ...You are really brave.”

"...Then I can get perfect scores in all subjects except history and Chinese language."


As a teacher, Nangong Nayue hates all kinds of bad behaviors of students. It can be said that she is a very responsible teacher. Even in her heart, the importance of the teacher's profession is higher than that of the demon attacker.

In my own words: [The Demon Attacker is just a part-time job]

But if Aixia can really achieve what he said, then Nangong can turn a blind eye in Nayue - besides, it is somewhat unreasonable for a university graduate to come to the middle school of junior high school. and reluctantly.

"Yeah, yeah, seriously."

"...There is no proof for what you say. There will be an exam in two days. If you can achieve the results you said by then, then I will reluctantly allow you to sleep in class."

"It's a deal, Miss Nangong."

"You will call me [Teacher Nangong] or [Teacher Nayue] in school." Nangong Nayue said with dignity.

Ding dong————!

A bell suddenly spread throughout Caihai Academy.

Nangong Nayue walked out from behind the desk: "The morning meeting is about to start. Come with me and I will take you to class."


Time came a little earlier.

Because Alexia had to report to Nangong Nayue first, Xiao Gucheng came to the class by himself.

"Hey~~~ Ancient City, it's quite early to arrive today."

"Good morning, Gucheng."

Just as he put down his schoolbag, he heard two familiar greetings.

Looking at the person who greeted him, Xiao Gucheng smiled and said: "Well, you guys are quite early, Motoki and Asakusa."

The male student with his short hair styled into a prickly ponytail and headphones hung around his neck—Yase Motoki—sat down next to Akatsuki: "I'll be scolded by Nazuki-chan if I'm late. I don't want to be too late." You've been scolded a long time ago, right? Qian Cong."

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