"more or less."

The blond girl, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was dressed quite beautifully and fashionably, and had her school uniform modified just enough not to violate school rules, giving her a striking charm, was leaning against the table in Akatsuki Castle.

"Speaking of which, have you heard? It seems that a transfer student is coming today."

"Oh, you mean Kaslana?"


Akatsuki's natural answer surprised both Yaze Motoki and Aiha Asan.

Lan Yu Qiancong asked in confusion: "Kaslana...is that transfer student's name? Why do you know about Gucheng?"

"Because he and I are neighbors. He moved next door to my house last Friday. He told me on the day he moved here." Xiao Gucheng explained, "I just don't know which class he will transfer to. If it is our class You are at the front and back desk with me."

There was only one empty seat in Xiao Gucheng's class, and that was the seat behind him, the last one in the last row by the window.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence." Yaze Motoki smiled, "Compared to this kind of thing, the UFO incident last Friday was more interesting, right? It is said that someone witnessed a flying saucer in the morning of that day oh."

"Moshu, do you still believe this rumor? There have been legends about aliens for many years, but there is not a single actual case so far?"

"But this time it seems to be true."

Japanese school life is generally like this. When students come to the classroom, the first thing they do is chat with their friends, and then wait for the teacher to come over to hold a class meeting.

And after the three of them chatted with each other for a while about what happened over the weekend——

"Ding dong————!"

With the bell ringing to start the morning meeting, just as the students all returned to their seats, the figure of the class teacher also appeared at the door.

Holding a black lace folding fan and coming to the podium, Nangong Nayue glanced below: "Well, no one is late, that's good. So, before starting the morning meeting, I have something to announce to you - today Starting from now on, our class will have a transfer student from Europe, come in."


Some familiar voices in Xiao Gucheng came from outside the door, and then——


Amidst the soft exclamations of surprise from the girls in the class, Alexia carried her schoolbag upside down and came to Nangong Nayue, introduced herself to the class: "Hello everyone, I am Alexia who transferred from Europe. Kaslana, please give me more advice in the future.”

Xiao Gucheng: "..."

What a coincidence! ?

17. Shajo Aige wants a controllable body

This is not the first time that Aixia has transferred schools.

That time at Kuoh Academy, for the same reason, Exia transferred to Kuoh Academy under Rias's arrangement. At that time, because of his outstanding appearance, it caused a small commotion among the girls.

But Saikai Academy is a coeducational school, so things like that at Kuou Academy should not happen...

"What country is Kaslana-kun from?"

"Is this white hair natural?"

"His eyes are blue, so beautiful!"

"Can you join me in line? Kaslana-kun."

- Strange.

When Nangong announced that the morning meeting was over and it was time for recess, Alexia was almost instantly surrounded by several girls, pestering him with questions.

(So ​​no matter which other world they are in, Japanese girls are always so unrestrained and enthusiastic?)

Alexia felt that she was almost prejudiced against Japan.

Whether it's Chozora City, Kuoh Town, or now Genkami Island...does he have to go through this every time he comes to Japan?

"It's really a suffering."

After finally dealing with all the girls, looking at the little time left between classes, Alexia sighed helplessly and was about to lie down and start sleeping——

"Isn't it all because you are so handsome?"

Xiao Gucheng, who was sitting in front, turned around and joked with a smile: "However, I didn't expect you to actually come to my class. From now on, we will be the front and back desks and neighbors, Kaslana. What don't you understand? You can come and ask me."

"Hey, Fucheng, are you planning to call yourself [senior] in front of the transfer students?"

Motoki Yaze, who was sitting next to Akatsuki, disgraced Akatsuki and said, "Kaslana, let me tell you, this guy from Kojo is surprisingly useless. As a senior, he is completely unqualified—— "

"Base tree!"

Looking at the two people in front of them who were quarreling among themselves, Aixia yawned slightly: "Haha~~~~ I'll leave it to you from now on, Xiao, remember to wake me up during lunch, I'll go first Get some sleep."

"Oh, eh? Sleeping?"

Xiao Gucheng was stunned.

"The first class is about to start. Don't you want to take the Chinese class?"

"No, do you think I, a European, understand the content of Japanese Mandarin classes?"

This sentence makes sense.

"No, that's not right. It's really not good to sleep in class, right?"


What responded to Akatsuki was a snoring sound from Exia.

(Go to sleep in a second! Could this guy not sleep all night last night?)

After trying to shake Alexia's shoulders and finding that he couldn't wake up the guy, Xiaogucheng sighed helplessly: "This guy... fell asleep on the first day he transferred to another school. Ah, I really don’t feel nervous at all.”

"I'm a European, so the customs here are different, right?" Yase Motoki said with a smile, and while he was looking at Alexia, he couldn't help but think of what his brother told him this morning. if.

[There will be a special transfer student in your class today. Please pay attention to it and report to me if there are any special circumstances.]

The Yaze family is a famous management family on Genkami Island. Yaze Motoki, who was born in the Yaze family, has been assigned various tasks since he was a child because of his natural special abilities, most of which were surveillance.

This time is no exception.

(But there is no need to report this situation of falling asleep as soon as it starts, right?)

Just pay the minimum attention to him - Motoki Yase made such a decision.

What he didn't know was that while he was thinking about it, Shajo Aige, who had quietly touched the ceiling of the entire class, was overlooking every student in the class, and because she was hidden on the wall, Inside, there was only a pair of eyes left outside, so no one noticed her existence at all.

(Hmm~~~ I have memorized the appearance of the girls who came to chat with Mr. Prince. Unfortunately, Mr. Prince doesn’t like messing around, so I’ll let you go for now. If there is a second time, don’t blame me. You’re welcome.)

Shajo Aige felt that her temper had improved a lot.

If it were her before she took the initiative to become the Great Holy Grail, those girls would have been cursed multiple times when they started chatting with Alexia, from nightmare reincarnation to physical curses, menstrual disorders, mental breakdown... ...They can still come to school and go to school normally tomorrow morning, even if Shajo Aige loses, right?

As a result, now, Shajo Aige can tolerate it for once, which is already a big change for her.

(As for Akatsuki Motoki and Yase Motoki next to him... There is nothing wrong with Akatsuki Motoki, but Yase Motoki's eyes and expressions clearly have something on his mind... Let's wait and see for a few days to confirm. If there is a problem, attack him.)

When Alexia was sleeping, Sajo Aige and Artoria were his guards. Any possibility that might harm Alexia must be eliminated as soon as possible-who let people from this other world What was your attitude from the beginning?

Alexia has a good temper and can be understood and tolerated, but Sajo Aige does not have such a good temper. If it were not for her limited strength, she would have followed the network cable to kill the person named Yaze Ikuma, and that Nangong That month can’t escape either!

(As expected, I still need someone who can possess me... At Tianming Headquarters, I have been accompanying the prince to take care of Kiana, so I didn't have time to solve this problem, but now that I'm here... ...Can I just find a suitable psychic?)


That is to say, people with psychic abilities can channel spirits, channel spirits, and even séance spirits, and have special adaptability to spiritual bodies.In Japan, the most common ones are shrine maidens.

If there is a miko with suitable qualifications, then Sajo Aige can attach her consciousness to the other person through magic, and use that person's body to move freely, and the use of magic should be more convenient.

(In this class...huh? There is one?)

After roughly observing the circle in her own way, Sajo Aige locked her sights on the girl sitting almost in the middle of the classroom. From her feeling, she was sure that the girl should be a person with good qualifications. of psychic.

(Forcibly depend on her... Oh, no, no, no, the prince will definitely be angry and opposed. It's better to find a chance to communicate with her first. Let me see what her name is... .【Lanyu Light Onion】?)

18. Did you have to repeat a grade in middle school?

I slept until noon, then got up to have lunch, then went to bed in the afternoon, and then went back with Xiao Gucheng after school.

This was what Exia planned before falling asleep.

And now-

"Hey, Kaslana, wake up."

Kaslana, who was lightly asleep, heard such a voice faintly in her ears. She reluctantly raised her head and opened her eyes. Alexia rubbed her eyes: "Who...school is over." Already?"

"It's still very early. It's just lunch break. The last class in the morning has just ended. Didn't you hear the bell?"

Sitting in front of him, Xiao Gucheng looked at Alexia helplessly: "I didn't expect you to sleep all morning. You can really sleep. I thought you would be able to sleep for one class."

"Actually, I woke up in the middle of the second class, but because everything taught in class was too simple, I went back to sleep."

Today is Monday, and the three classes in the morning are Mandarin, English and Mathematics. Apart from Mandarin, which Alexia cannot understand at all, there is no need for him to listen to English and Mathematics. Anyway, he can get full marks without listening.

"You slept comfortably, but we suffered a lot." Xiao Gucheng cried, "Since I saw you sleeping, Yue-chan has been in a very bad mood. She looked at you as if she wanted to kill someone. , the whole class is so scared that they dare not speak."

"That moon sauce?"

Aksia was stunned by Akatsuki's title: "Is it Miss Nan Gong? Why do you call her so affectionately?"

"Because Yue-chan looks small, right? She's also very cute... Well, if we talk about it in private, if we say it head on, she'll knock her on the head."


Recalling Nangong Nayue's appearance as a gothic lolita who seemed to be pretending to be majestic, Alexia really felt that the title "Nayue-chan" was quite appropriate.

And on the side.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, Kojo, there are still transfer students." Yase Motoki stood up and smiled after clearing the table, "How to prepare lunch? Are you going to the cafeteria? Today is a special sale of fried noodles and bread."

"What's so delicious about that thing..."

Xiao Gucheng complained, but even so he planned to go. Being a night owl, he didn't know how to prepare lunch by himself, so he went to the cafeteria every day to do it.

"Kaslana, are you going?"

"Well... go ahead, please lead the way."

Yaze Motoki made a gesture: "Okay. So - hey, Asakusa, are you going?"

Not far away, hearing Yase Motoki's shout, Azure Asazu stood up and walked over: "If you don't go, what will I eat? - By the way, I am Azure Asazu, first time meeting, Kaslana-kun, originally I wanted to say hello to you earlier, but you’ve been sleeping.”

"Well, this is the first time we meet, Miss Lan Yu, just call me Alexia."

"Then you can just call me Lan Yu. There is no need to use honorifics for me. It sounds weird." Lan Yu said with a smile, "Then let's go. If we don't go to the cafeteria, we probably won't be able to get a seat."



The cafeteria of Saikai Academy is not large, and because of the school's large area and the fact that it is a school that combines middle school and high school, in addition to junior high school students, high school students will also come here to eat.

Fortunately, in order to avoid overcrowding the cafeteria with too many people, the lunch break times of the middle school and high school are slightly staggered, so when Ixia and others came here, the cafeteria was still empty.

"Speaking of...there is something I wanted to ask two days ago. Kaslana, you are obviously a foreigner, but you speak Japanese very well."

After each ordered a lunch, they chose a table for four by the window and sat down. Xiao Gucheng, who was biting the bread, suddenly asked this question.

Lan Yu Qiancong also nodded slightly: "Indeed, and you were very proficient in using the ordering machine just now. You don't look like a foreigner at all. Could it be that you have come to Japan to study before?"

"Well... you can say that I have been to Japan a few times, but I learned Japanese because I have two Japanese friends at home, so I learned it through my ears and eyes."

The fastest way to learn a language is to find a friend from that country. After getting along for a long enough time, you will naturally have no problem speaking.

"Of course, spoken language is spoken language. I can't understand it at all in the Chinese language class. I'm not really good at history either. I only know a little bit about the Warring States Period. The enemy was at Honnoji Temple and so on."

"For foreigners, you look very much like a foreigner in this regard." Yaze Motoki said with a smile, "But in this case, you might be a little bit in danger in the entrance exam next week. After all, you are at this time It’s a bit inappropriate to transfer here.”

It is now the end of February. For Xiao Gucheng and others who are in the third grade of junior high school, they will actually start preparing for the entrance exam this week. However, Aaihai Academy is a junior high school and high school, and almost all students will choose In the end, direct promotion is just a matter of coping with the final exam. If you pass the exam, you can be steadily promoted to the high school.

But this is the situation of Xiao Gucheng and others.

Alexia, a transfer student who just transferred here today, is unlikely to pass the test no matter how you think about it. As a foreigner who has just arrived, as he said himself, it is basically impossible to do well in the two subjects of Chinese language and history. .

"But we are neighbors. I will try my best to help you review before the exam. Don't worry about that."

"I accepted it, but I don't think I need it."

Aixia smiled and said: "I have the confidence to get perfect marks in all subjects. It is impossible for me to fail and repeat the grade."

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