——Not logged into the Demon Clan.

On this Xian Shen Island, and even in other demon special zones in the world, all demons need to log in. On the one hand, it is to facilitate the management of each demon clan and to distinguish demons and humans, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid The demons are making trouble.

Every logged-in demon will wear a special metal ring, which is a demon login certificate with a built-in living sensor, magic monitoring device and transmitter. In fact, many people in this burger shop wear it.

And if demons with registration certificates cause trouble, the SAR police will arrive as soon as possible to subdue them, so logged-in demons generally rarely cause trouble.

As for the unregistered demons, they are naturally the demons who are not registered on the list of Xiankami Island. In nature, they are equivalent to stowaways who do not have registered residence on Xiankami Island and are the key targets of Xiankami Island.

"Miss Agurola is a demon who has not registered?"

"Well, this is what Gucheng told me. Agurola is actually a vampire, but due to some reasons he cannot become a registered demon, so he has been living on the boat in the port. You should know which boat I am talking about. Bar?"

"I know, I've been there once before by accident."

(Not logged in demons, vampires...)

"So does Agurola have any siblings?"

"brothers and sisters?"

Regarding this question, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise: "I've never heard Gu Cheng say this, but I think there shouldn't be any - why do you want to ask this?"

"Well...Actually, I met someone with similar features to Agulola on the roadside before, with blond hair and flaming eyes, more than once, so I thought she had No brothers or sisters.”

"Have the same characteristics as Agurola?"

Lan Yu Qiancong frowned.

Is such a thing possible?After all, even if she is a girl, Lan Yu Qiancong thinks that Agulola is a very beautiful type, and if there are people like her who are similar to her... she will feel frustrated just thinking about it. !

(It shouldn’t be possible, Agurola has brothers and sisters or something...)

After eating the second burger, Lan Yu Qianqiong picked up the melon soda and prepared to moisten his throat. He casually glanced out the window next to him.

At this moment, her eyes widened slightly.

"Really...is it true?"

"Huh? What's true?"

Hearing this murmur, Exia couldn't help but raise his head and look in the same direction as Lan Yu Qian Cong, and then he also showed a similar reaction to Lan Yu Qian Cong: "The fourth one... how many are there? ah?"

Outside the window, across the street across the road, a girl with long hair tied in twin ponytails, swaying like a snake, was standing there, looking at the two people in the restaurant from a distance.

Of course, she also has iridescent blond hair and blazing eyes.

"I said, Kaslana...could it be that she is——"

"Sorry Lan Yu, you eat slowly, I'll go first!"

Before Lan Yu Qiancong could ask her inner doubts, Exia stood up and rushed out of the restaurant with her schoolbag in hand!

I met similar people four times in a row, and three of them seemed to be peeking at me...

(Sneaky... you want to spy on me, right? Then just come and meet me directly!)

21. Attacked from both front and back, surrounded

What does the city look like at sunset?What would it look like if you stood on the rooftop and looked down?

Exia can now answer this question very well.


The foot stepped down heavily on the roof, creating a small hole. At the same time, the reaction force also launched Alexia forward!He covered the distance of two or three rooftops in one breath!

Alexia is now running on the rooftops.

While rushing out of the burger shop, he saw the blond girl standing across the street turned around and ran into the crowd, and then got into an alley.After chasing her into the alley, what was left for Alexia was the figure of the other party stepping on the wall and jumping onto the roof.

In desperation, Exia could only jump on the roof to chase.

(It can really run.)

Looking at the girl in front of her who never shortened the distance from her and kept running away at a surprising speed, Exia was also a little surprised.

He knows his speed well. Although he is not considered agility specialist in terms of God's Favor ability value, his agility ability value is very high. In terms of pure speed, he will never be that slow. A journey of ten kilometers or even nearly a hundred kilometers is a trivial matter to him.

But now, even if he didn't pursue it with all his strength, he couldn't catch up with a little girl?

(It’s not so much that it’s fast, it’s better to say...)

(It emits the same magic power as Liya.)

Shajo Aige explained.

(I can feel the continuous release of magic power from that girl. She must be using magic power to accelerate her. If the prince needs it, I can do it for you.)


(It's my pleasure.)

The Holy Grail pattern engraved on her body emitted a blue-gold shimmer, and a cool energy instantly flowed through Exia's limbs and bones. At the same time as she received this power, Exia immediately felt her body The body became much lighter, and then——

"Chi la—————!"

With just a light step, Alexia, who was still about ten meters away from the girl, came directly not far behind her this time!


The girl who had been running in front turned her head slightly, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Exia sprinted out again, and in an instant passed the girl and came directly in front of her. At the same time, she quickly pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification that were lingering with thunder from the schoolbag she was carrying. The dark purple muzzle was precise. Aimed at the girl’s eyebrows!

"That's enough for escaping here, right? Madam." Alexia smiled, "Although I don't know if you are the same person, but being peeked at four times in a row by four people with similar looks and features, even I feel a little chilled down my spine. Now - who are you? Why are you spying on me? What is your relationship with Agulola?"


There was no answer, and the moment her footsteps slowed down, the girl suddenly changed direction, made a [-]-degree right-angle turn on the spot, and ran quickly out of Exia's eyes!

"Don't you want to answer? Then don't blame me for being rude."

Without firing the cannon, Exia directly raised his foot and stepped on the ground, and dozens of thorny ice spikes shot out from under his feet in an instant!The girl was surrounded from all directions!

However, when they got close to the girl's body, all the ice spikes seemed to be swallowed up and disappeared into the air!


(It’s space swallowing, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige gave the analysis results immediately.

(I can feel the space itself... No, maybe it's not limited to this, but at least the space itself is definitely being swallowed - that girl is quite dangerous.)

Did it swallow up the space?

Alexia followed the girl's back, lightly jumped to catch up again, and it was only then that he discovered that the girl's hand had been holding a dark sphere at some point, and her eyes had transformed into gold and silver pairs swaying with flames. Hitomi.

(The ability to swallow space may come from that sphere, Mr. Prince, the space around it is very unstable)

(I know - Herrscher of Thunder, can you destroy it?)

【Who are you looking down on? 】

The Conquering Stone flashed for a few times, and the Herrscher of Thunder said disdainfully, and with her words, Exia directly pointed the gun at the dark sphere in the girl's palm!Pull the trigger hard!

[Give me some strength! 】

"Zi Dong————————!"

Accompanied by the Thunder Herrscher's complaint, a dazzling purple flash of light erupted from the muzzle!

The essence of the flash is an electromagnetic gun. It was originally supposed to use the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to launch metal cannonballs. However, the Seven Thunders of Purification do not require metal cannonballs - the lightning they emit is itself a cannonball. .

And the firing speed of this electromagnetic gun is about three kilometers per second!

Within this distance, the moment the shot is fired, it is actually equivalent to a hit. There is absolutely no possibility of being avoided or defended. The power of the Herrscher of Thunder is enough to decompose everything. Crush!

"Chi la————————!"

The flash of thunder that penetrated the space passed through the girl's body in an instant!Under Ixia's marksmanship, the electromagnetic gun did not touch any part of the girl's body. It flew directly past her waist and accurately hit the dark sphere!


"No damage?"

Looking at the sphere that directly swallowed the electromagnetic gun, Ixia couldn't help but frowned - the power of the Herrscher of Thunder could not go wrong. In other words, wasn't it an actual substance?Similar to a collection of energy?

[Tsk, do it again, see how I shoot through it this time! 】

The Herrscher of Thunder urged unyieldingly.

(No, I think a few more shots would be the same - maybe a zeroth power rating could be tried?)

(please wait for a moment.)

Shatiao Aige suddenly dissuaded him.

(Perceived multiple magical reactions, two of which have been confirmed... Later, Mr. Prince.)


Stomping on the ground hard to stop her pursuit, Alexia quickly turned sideways and looked behind her!

Due to the rapid pursuit of each other, Ixia and the girl had already left the downtown area and arrived at a sparsely populated port area, surrounded by containers and warehouses.

On the roof of the warehouse behind Ixia, three figures appeared at some point.

Alexia knew two of them.

One was a girl wearing size ⅸ clothes who he met once on the first day he came to Genkami Island, and exuded an aura like a weapon.The other was a short-haired girl wearing platinum armor whom I had just seen at the gate of Caihai Academy not long ago.

The third figure was a petite girl wearing a heavy armor, with more than half of her beautiful face covered by a helmet.

The three people look almost identical!

"I think this is..."

Glancing at the three people behind her, and then at the girl who had stopped in front of her, Alexia couldn't help but laugh: "——Surrounded by you, right?"

22.You can be the incarnation of the beasts

This is a trap.

Exia realized this belatedly. I am afraid that when he chased him out of the restaurant, these girls were already ready to lure him here.

Condensing the giant sword of ice in her left hand, Ixia looked at the four girls who had gathered together with a smile: "You brought me here specially... Do you have anything to discuss with me? Ladies. .”

"...the breath of a dragon."

Without answering Alexia's question directly, after staring at Alexia for a while, the girl in platinum armor said something like this for no reason: "You have the breath of a dragon... No, it's not just that. , and has an aura that is completely unfamiliar to us.”

"But, there is no magic power." The girl wearing heavy armor continued: "There was a feeling similar to magic power before, but it is not exactly the same as our magic power, which is very strange."

"And the magic tool in his hand... seems to be a little stronger than you? [No. [-] (Daptos)]"

The girl with weapons said this to the girl with armor.

Standing there and listening to their conversation, Alexia couldn't help but be filled with doubts and began to think deeply.

(What are they talking about? The dragon's breath... does it refer to Ddraig? But what is the [strange breath]? Also - No. [-] (Daptus)? What is so special about this? name?)

Just a few words from the girls aroused a lot of curiosity and doubt in Alexia.

What are the origins of these four girls who look almost identical?

"Can you please say something I can understand?"

Exia pointed the gun of the Seven Thunders of Purification at the three girls, and at the same time, she condensed a giant sword of ice in her other hand and pointed it in the direction of the black ball girl.

"You've been saying something incomprehensible to me since just now... Do you feel something from my body?"

"...I see, it seems you don't have any consciousness at all."

Seeing the puzzled look on Exia's face, the armored girl - No. [-] (Daptus) - took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Put away your weapons, we have no intention of fighting with you here. , you are not the [Emperor Chosen], and the [Banquet] has not started yet, so now is not the time to go to war."

(Emperor elector? Banquet?)

Again, Exia couldn’t understand the meaning of the words.

"What are you talking about? Speak clearly."

"For you, an outsider, knowing this level is enough. Originally, I only met you to confirm who you are. After all, the moment you appeared, all of us felt as if we were being targeted. Normally. Now it seems that it was an illusion."

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